It's me Kellz again. My boyz are a little upset, but apparently they don't least that's what they are claiming.... you be the judge......

Hmmm, seems you care enough to change your comment....seems like you do care just a little bit. Can't seem to get us off ur mind. Was it that good for you?

You WISH you could fk these bytches!! Remember, you TRIED and if I remember correctly, ah yes, YOU FAILED!!!

Hmm, seems like your checking the site. You were even checking it a few times while we were all in chat. Talked about it al the time. Even considered your self a ROCK STAR outta it all. Hmm, I think some is worrying a little to much.

WOW Sose, you hear that? Fuk us! We both lame and have a wack website...Hmm. Two faced....hmmmm... let me define two face for you...... YOU WERE HITTING ON YOUR CUZZINS girls!! Can't get your own? Need some seconds? Or does he warm em up for you? And which of you is the one who wears the pants in the relationship? I think if you want to pursue that type of relationship, you may want to move to West Virginia. They accept imbreeding there.