Where are you from?
What is your name?
How old are you?
What do you do for fun?
If i get lucky i mite get a "hey how are you doing" even maybe a lil "hey ma" or "whats good wit it" I even saw an idiot say "was hapinin", rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright...
My all time favorites have got to be the Hispanics. Because the go into my profile and see "boricua princesa" they gotta seem all erotic with it by flirting in spanish. So i Shut them down in English.
What is it with these lames. Its the same Dry boring Home. Where are the interesting Guys that thing they got "swag" or "talent". Maybe its just me, Maybe i keep flashing on people before they get 2 sentences out? Yea BECAUSE IM TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING MY "HELLO, WHERE ARE U FROM!" OMFG it ANNOYS ME!!!
For the next couple of Days Im going to try something new. Try not to flash on people answer all their stupid questions and get on with it. But i swear to god. i Get 1 idiot who wants to go in private and mic chat or cam chat. I'm going off on them.
Inside problems.
Rated U on the Ps3 side has too many issues. I've decided to find more dedicated folk who have less time BS'n on Home with their personal problems...If you take this sentence hard. Then I'M TALKING TO YOU! YOU'RE GUILTY!
I've met some pretty cool chica's out there who look like they could help me out:
Who is thoro at her speech. She will let you know in a heart beat how she feels about you. I like that. for the simple fact that She's loyal to me and a good loyal friend. She'll let me know she don't like someone and that they are a threat to her and me.
Skeptical about her but she's pretty much a Spectator. I believe because she doesn't have a keyboard but she played some parts for me and she came threw. She's pretty cool. Tho im still wondering if dmoney has something with her being around me. I have no idea but its all good.
Ice princess,
Another female figure who has some cool qaulities. Same thing applies like tiana, she will speak he mind and will not fail to put a lame on blast when prompt. She see's the losers as they come and go. Pretty popular chick i mite add. I mean as popular as i used to be before i cussed out everyone and got rid of my old friends...
Crims hangs out with her. don't know much about he but he keeps saying she's cool. I heard some joke about her flirting with guys inviting them to the apartment but closing then entrance to the stairs. Droping arcades on their heads and they can't really get no where besides run in a circle. THATS YOUTUBEABLE!!! LOL!
Young Cave....
nuff typed...
Keep it up you fat piece of ----. And i will Own you not only verbally, but Visually just like i did .... (you know what im not going to even say his name because he thinks i think about him, you KNOW WHO U ARE! you and you're lame --- Cousin!) Tony is the most lamiest person with a playstation 3 i've ever met. He sent me a message asking me if i had a bf, then saying if i didn't have a Bf that he would love me for the rest of my life if i let him. When i told him yes. He said "you bf is a lucky man i would do anything to have you" (dies laughing) Tony went from that to,
"Lets play burnout to tekken and smackdown if i win you got to give me pics". Then from there i win in smackdown, he goes saying "Get on the mic" "im not playing till you use mic" so i got on home cursed him out on the mic. He then begs for more pix. I sent him more. From there on in, it went to hell. I heard countless people saying that tony was telling people my pics where fake, blah blah blah. CJ came and told me. Kelli, and Crims. I got fed up. I Deleted Fat boy. It didnt stop from there. Fatty reads my blog (i know you see this post loser!) he came at me about Young Cave being noted. I told him off. Prior to all this, Right when i deleted him. He sent me 2 messages FULL charactors Used. The basics of it was "i'm going to miss you lisa its something about you i just love and i enjoyed knowing you. etc etc etc" you get the point... I take it TonyDaGr8 is a Stalker. Sad because he has nothing better to do with himself but to worry about what im doing. I mean, he reads my blog (not on a fan basis but on wondering whats going on with me) He finds me on Home constantly and worst yet tells people about me and passes my pics around. It was fine untill he started passing my pic around saying i was fake. i had NO ISSUES what so ever with him. "Something isn't right with lisa" shouldn't of never have made that mistake maybe we could of still been friends.
I NEED A TARGET!! I stoped playing video games recently. Its been homework and my Neph.
Going out and doing random stuff for my brother and my house hold.
Speaking of Games I need a new game. Or im stuck playing little big planet. I have resistance retribution for psp but i haven't started it yet. 360 our newiest game is still resident evil 5. i really don't want a new 360 game, i Don't enjoy playing with my brothers friends on xbox live. I wan't to play with some of my ps3 friends in some games. Witch i really should get RE5 for ps3 but wendy says its only 720p. Besides wendy is back and she said she's playing xbox 360 alot more now. Sigh, i guess im only excited for littlebigplanet portable and it comes out in December (boooooooooooo)
The game line up for the summer is ugly. The games we are getting or maybe:
Fight night round 4 (xbox)
Guitar hero metalica (we MITE!, Xbox)
InFamous (just saw it looks good!, Ps3)
UT3 (have it for xbox, gettin it for ps3)
RE5 (have it for xbox, gettin it for ps3)
Punch out (wii )
UFC (maybe xbox or ps3)