I have been on my new account since monday. I get my account back in the afternoon. His name is concepts...we meet em in central plaza he was flirtin with kelli'z while she was a ugly avatar. He was really flirting hard. She changed back into her regular sexi avatar and he says "see i knew u were sexy" lol... well he asked kellz to take us to his crib... so we go... and ... yea...
Pretend to smoke weed much!?
anyway i payed attention he was supposed to be talking to kelli. But he started sending me messages.... Plus hitting on me. I was drunk last night he came to talk to me he saw me with my friends and he instantly started to drift off to find a diff chick... lol THIS SHOULD BE FUN!!!
yea this is me and kelli at this apartment... more weed (it is 4:20... happy 4:20)
anyway i got more for the blog, Later later on this guy let me get my account back and finish em up.
Nicole officially named us RUB (rated unblockable bitches)
We are now known as RUB the females of Rated U yay!
Ice princess
im proud to be a RUB! thanx nikki!