Funny, Well Lol I came across this lame... on home. He's being worked on by someone else. I pretty much want to introduce him
lame alert:
The Bench Crew are some cool people. you got
ice princess
the french guy
Those i forgot.... The bench crew know who they are...
They are just the kids who sit on the bench,or stand on it and hang around all day in central plaza. Well long story short, Crims hangs out with them and some lame named Ghettokeller just sits there and talks crap to them for no reason because he's not excepted into hanging out with them. Apparently he's from the UK because he keeps talking about politics and how america is a weak country (my first thought is, if thats so go back to your own server???) what i don't understand is how are you going to sit for 2 hours and tell people you're better than them... when, you are alone, by yourself... ranting.... noone is listening. How are you better?? explain this lameness to me? you're better than everyone but you're standing there just talking and hating on kids who sit on a bench on HOME. LOL why because you can't sit with them? lol.
When nerds want revenge....
lol, Well i don't know who he is. Well didnt recognize him he said he knew me and Avii... well Avii shows up on home and she see's him. It took her 15 mins then she said "ohhhh yeaaaa this that lame we made CRY!!" "Crying emo Ass" CEA! woowwwwww i don't remember and still don't o well. This guy bugged me to join his club and be nice. We owned him again and sent him packing his lame bags. I dissapeared on him and when i came back he was gone.... good ridence... LOL
i know my blogs are gettin dry. Theirs a Reason, Lol im bored with it. i Want to WATCH NOW. kelli, Crims, nikki are comming to save the day untill i bring some funny shit back to this blog. Lisa is resting her funny bones.