Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Haha! well! I thought i seen it all, no i haven't... this dude named... (its doesn't matter) would hit me up constantly on a daily basis begging for my attention... begging to get with me... begging for sex etc. Even when my chick hit him up and told em I don't want him. He still did it but lol... then he sends me a tp to this club right... and i swear to you. This was the most n00biest shit I've ever seen in my life... the floor was missing cuz of the texture that was hosting the image was missing. Nigga had Pillsbury doe boy biscuit bottles as ... i dont know what... i mean damn. Everyone there was ghetto fabulous and it was a bunch of dry ass n00bs everywhere

This has got to be the most embarrassing shit I've ever witnessed. But hey its their world.... let them live in their not found world...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The 50 Yard line

You know.... My bloggs dont come as often as they should. Maybe because i stay out of peoples dumb ass bullshit. Like trolls. I dont feed them... whats a troll you ask? a Internet troll... whats and internet troll? Oh well sorry... A Internet troll is a person who signs online and talks a lot of shit just to amuse their self. They have no real reason or purpose of doing it. They nit pick at you and run their font or worse yet get infront of a camra and talk shit via voice chat knowing damn well they aint gonna do nothing from the other side of that computer or playstation or xbox or whatever. I just dont feed trolls. I dont fall for it i dont condone it i dont even acknowledge it. My 1st line of defense is shut the fuck up.... K? thanx

Like a certain situation with some white kid (not being racist im just stating that he's white) was going around putting emphasis on the words "black dude" or "black people" and wondered why people where getting upset. Yet at the same time people where feeding into it only feeding his entertainment and lasting longer than 4 hours to argue about barack obama and other political nonsense to entertain this fucking troll. You know what.... fuck a troll if you need to troll on the internet then i think their should be a website where the computer talks shit to you for hours untill the fuckin troll gives up. Its like sometimes these mother fuckers dont even say anything logical at all... they just rant and make my brain fart.... I actually feel bad for myself for listening to it... Oh yea! its that badddddddd... Like seriously Why are u wondering why people are getting upset when ur being lowkey racist??? Or should u expect that?? GAH! best part about it... he says he gets chicks in real life but sat for about an hour and a half to try to get with me... lol... fail, troll

Whats above? I've been adopted by the SFL team owner of the patriots :D So I'm showing my spirits to their team.

Meet me on the 50 yard line if u got beef :D

I have a little rant, CJ314's video... The redone version didnt get credit that it should have gotten. Fact is, Cj recorded himself on a Cell phone and icey took 5 scenes and created a music video with just 5 cell phone clips... which in my book is amazing.... I'm going to repost it and hope that anyone who reads this enjoys it....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Most Ghetto Virtual wedding OF ALL TIME (Kenya voice)

So!! I told people i was going to blogg this. Well here it goes... 1st i would like to say Treyah... I love you... and i wont say anything in this blogg that will harm you... how ever this will get hilarious..

Upon arrival I can't lie (im 50 tyson) They had the set up so beautiful (cough that was gay sose) They told us to set surroundings to midnight... So when i did u notice they were gettin married under the stars and moon. Beautiful right? Not tell Anthuny ran his font... in front of everyone. I seen fam... love u all... to, fefe, to missy, ele, brissy, jah, etc etc... all there. But ant was goin ham. You right even on this nigga wedding day he gives a fuck less and less fuck. Nigga was tellin the brides maids to hurry the fuck up..., talkin about he gonna juggle balls n shit waiting. Had me laughin my ass off. I couldn't help but make small comments while he was standing there waiting for treyah to come down the isle... This was my all time moment... I'm never going to let this go...this nigga ant said and i quote while Luther Vandross was playing "man luther make a thug cry" aaaahahhahahahahahahahahaha ANT WAS CRYING!!!

ok i got a couple questions...

1. What wedding reception plays... hip hop instrumentals while brides maids are walkin down the isle?? better yet when the bride is??

2. What groom wont shut the fuc up? (ant)

3. Why they let a forever pregnant bitch be a brides made??? does the baby count as an extra brides maid?

4. Think u where short 1 man of the wedding... there was a best man... ur father and some other guy... and 4 brides maids...


Why this nigga ant say brb while saying his vows... this nigga ghetto... smh lol...

The Reception...

Now i have least to say about it cause it consisted of just me dia and ant running our mouths back and forth all night. treyah u aint throw no bouquet... so i guesss non of u bitches gettin married... ant didnt take no wedding garter of her leg... nothing.. just shit talking and ranting... ghetto ass PEOPLE! lol not to mention how u gonna get on hotsie for dancin wit treyah's dad??? laughin sayin let her have her moment.. niggaz outtie be ashamed of urselves... mayne i seen a worse wedding on playstation home tho...so dont feel bad...

They let the animals out this cage on this wedding day!!! w00t! i had fun :D

I love you treyah and ant... and no u wont catch me getting married in a virtual world! SoSe is gh00000000000000sT

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lost blogs

Look at this shit... I've lost sole interest in posting shit. Would u like to kno why? im losing interest in life. Call me fucking emo.. i don't care. Fuck your life... I post less and less i was the worst candidate to take on the sose legacy. I know this is not that old but still. The old shit was rather hilarious. I just never found the heart to take a shit on someone... however... i've met a couple dick beaters on second life.. (coughcartercough) (coughacecough) but i didn't post them because 1 of them whined about it.

I love this pic it says me on it... its who i am now... is that sose? yes that is i...

i just wanted to share that... i like the artist who did it. He's a real nice person :) anyway... i need to find the will to get to my evil shit again...speakin of evil shit. I aint seen j or talked to j in a fuckin min...oh well fuck it.

I need to rant. Ok i have a question? If you live with your significant other... what would poses you to want to stay online allday or even worse, play with yourself with other people online?? ok i have an answer for 1, Maybe they are miserable and can't get out of their so called love situation. Only stayin to live there or afraid of transition. Maybe their a piece of shit with no morals and like to cheat or talk to others online... If you claim ur happy why ignore ur other ?
Why lie...? keep it real say u doin it cause u dont like their ass. if u continuously try to work it out then dont lie to urself...

Why do black people get serious on sl??? i met 2 fucks on there tryna seriously mack some chicks and gettin upset because i was speaking reality to them. Told them... "hey ur never going to meet her in real life, ur only gonna play with urself in front of that computer... u mite as well cut it out" they got upset... why get upset? its true.... unless u plan on buyin a plan ticket to got get in that ass... more power too you... but dont get mad at me Dick beater.. its not a good look. Im sorry to single "black people" out but its because other races keep it fantasy while black people seriously sit and argue over the mic about prim dicks and shit. Specially the females... and ive noticed that on SL. The ratio of chicks on sl is 10 to 1... its more pussy on sl than it is niggaz... and the bitches bring more drama than anything... so let me get this straight... Playstation home has perverts... and SL has drama filled bitches... then how come the home pervs wont go to sl?? i rather chill wit the people who keep it fantasy. I dont wanna share my real life...

koombya azz niggaz behind campfires n shit sharing house stories... fuckin losers...

Soo i called mario galaxy 2 as gettin game of the year and it didnt even get nominated. Fuck spike tv... and their bullshit awards... I've been playin DC universe yes! DC universe! for the Playstation 3 and the PC. I'm bored with it. there is no fucking way they will get anyone to play 15 dollars for the same they better lower the god damn price... this is how the game is... kill 15 of these.. collect 20 of these... transform 10 of these... destroy 20 of those... do that 3 times... then boss fight.. over and over and over... Sigh. I'm a villain the only satisfaction we gain is killin human player superhero's "SUPERHERO! GET THAT NIGGA!"

Monday, December 6, 2010

PlayStation Home

What can i say about this place... do i miss it? NO! lol, i will only come back to kick it wit J. Thats pretty much it. I like that I no longer have to talk in public. I don't like that people can pm me. Now people are thirsty for mics sense sony added it. Oh and for the record. I would like to give a warm fuck you to a certain sony employee for help banning some of my people and adding a MAJOR decline of interest of what we do on home. Also would like to add that i want compensation for sony watching my old videos and taking notes. Adding the feature to now report people and send the messages directly to sony... Now with that said. PSN is free. However if you put money on your account and think you're a badass and talk some shit to someone... SONY WILL BAN UR ASS! thats just me warning you...if you want to talk some shit to people... make an account you don't care about. Cause the accounts you do care about... even if you are playstation plus... If you do not follow their terms of service they will... i repeat...will! pull the plug on your account. Sort of the reasons why i will not run my font on home. I've been suspended 3 times. 1 more time and my account is gone. I refuse to let that happen. You don't even havta do anything. You can make like 10 people mad and they report you all at once... bam account is GONE!... thats what happen to CJ's account.

Bragging Rights...

Braggin' whats is bragging. Showing off something that you have. In any case please actually have what you're bragging about. Ok i've had my share of computer nerds who tend to come to my site and tell me about how free my site is. Well guess what, Its free for a reason. I will not pay for a website that doesn't make me any money. People who like to web surf and come here. They enjoy it, if they aint bitchin about it being free then why are u???

Now lets get back to the situation at hand. Bragging... Why do some people brag about shit they do or have but seem to always be logged into a messenger or some sort of online social loop. C'mon sose you and i need to think logic here for these peoples... ok?...ok... lets think about it sha'll we.... sure. ( lol i like talkin to myself sometimes)

Now...If you have servers. Know how to code, know how to create chat rooms over the internet and run scripts. Etc... Then why must you sit on the computer everyday? Can't you utilize ur skills and make something of them? I'm sure you can... and if you're established ya know... sitting online all day and making money. Then wait, why are u online if you're making money from creating codes. I mean dont get me wrong u gotta be online to sell ur product. But what are u doin every night on a social network, a ps3, or any vitural world bragging about how much u got???? like shouldn't u be in the club, the REAL club, not the virtual club. In that bitch bouncin like Kevin Hart? ( uh uh, gettin money, uh uh gettin money) ohhhhhhhh i got it, ur 1 of those ug mug... hutt hutt in the butt ass niggas that gets no chicks. Something like that nerd in the Mariah touch my body video... its etheir that or ur lying all together?... why front on ur bragging rights? How about earn ur bragging rights.... So when you do bragg you have something to back it up with. Otherwise, don't come at me with bullshit...

Oh and another thing... Second life... its not sexy when ur married on sl and flirtin wit other bitches n the club trying to floss what prims u have... anyone can make a boat or buy 1....if u ballin on sl... u own land and rent it out to other people who think they ballin but rent ur shit out....

Thursday, November 25, 2010


This is inner pain... what is pain? Its a deep dark feeling noone can describe. Its causes grief. It causes discomfort. Its like life is so empty, you feel alone. Noone is there for you but its not the proper feeling because everyone is there for you. you seem to close who your real friends are and shut your self out of every social loop. You feel alone but you're honestly not alone. Then what is your complex? whats your issue? you have no answer or no idea, Wtf is going on... People ask and you just shut them out. Pain is a horrible feeling noone should endure. Pain is my worst enemy and i cannot get passed it. How long have i been under this rock? I've lost track of time. I cannot find myself to vent to anyone with people bitching. I cannot talk about anything or anyone because my opinion is of a realist. I think different than people. For instance, people who have true feelings will act out on things before they do it. I can't find myself to enjoy anything in life. I have everything possible. Nice cloths... car... places-es to go, roof over my head. Food.. plenty to eat... video games, Music, movies you name it i pretty much have it. Yet i feel so empty. I havent been myself in months.... whats wrong with me? Am i losing the will to live?? I think that conclusion will come soon when I'm found dead. I pray to god that doesn't happen but i hope for the best to get threw this...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Perme Ban

So, After month and months of hiatus and stayin away from home. Well my prim's cam true. I knew we where a target of Sony. They banned CJ's account for good because he was reported over a few times....when we set up a lil staged story. Thats lame as fuc! Its ok... im not going to get banned again cause im officially staying off home to mess with people. I'm on home to play video games...

I love games and im going to continue to only play games. I'm drifting off into the gamer reviewing more than dissing someone on here. I find dissing people to be fun at times untill they get butt hurt and take it serious.


I hav enothing to blogg about sept. I have access to DC Universe online Beta. Icey will be giving reviews on it soon. Look for it...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Super Mario...

Last blog i was asking, looking for what game will take game over the year... yea well i forgot about Super Mario Galaxy 2. One of the games that shocked me. It received a 10 out of 10... Not many games get a perfect score. Last game that received a perfect score like that was GTA4 and that game ended up being gamer of the year 2008. I think mario is going to take it for the final year in this decade. Thats saying a lot for a Nintendo Wii game thats not even next gen graphics. Lets you know that graphics don't always make a great game....

So... I have been ignoring playstation home and playstation all together. However the guy who added me had sent me a message that started "Hi sose i hope your day is going as good as you look."

My response was = "ROFL" word of advice guys... I don't like compliments. They to me seem as another way of trying to get closer to me. I'm never going to get flattered off of them. Please don't feed me corny ass lines. I'm not a bird, so I'm never going to eat the seeds you try to give me. You're better off planting them...

Short blogg? eh but thats just what i have to say for now... now off too life... see ya'

PS: I'll be on PlayStation hopefully this week

Friday, October 22, 2010

so I shall bloggg

Ya know... I hate mother fuckin bitchazz people these days. For instance, If you dont like me... i would respect you more if you can come spit in my face. Then i can smile at you. I feel more humiliated when people hate behind my back. You wanna know why??? Because i feel they are to afraid for me to give them my opinion. Yea bitch i will hurt your mother fuckin feelings... like i said tho if u spit in my face. I will RESPECT u MORE!

end of Rant 1....

So.... I've been talkin about the games.

What fuckin game will take game of the year????
GOD of War 3....
Force Unleashed 2
Halo Reach
Red Dead Redemption
Dead Rising 2
Fallout New vegas...

is there any other great games i forgot? let me know....

Whats on my mind tho... seriously. People around me and my friends who call themselves friends to me but show lack of support untill someone get shit on. That makes no sense. I havta pull a stunt to get some attention? Im not doing that. Im not a bottem feeder....

Thats exactly how i feel about that. Epic fucking Fail.... doing Shit on second life... Pshome or whatever... fighting... arguing.... making an ass out of urself and pulling stunts just to get attention is epic fucking fail. Its like .... Running the special olympics a wise man once said.... even if you WIN.... You're still retarded... You still drool, you still have a crooked eye... etc etc... but in argument sake. U'r still that douch bag everyone says u fucking are at the end of the day lookin for attention. You're still that kid who hates everything...distant yourself... always bored and lookin for people to fuck wit...

in that case.... that brings me to J...He came at me today with a proposition. Which... I'm not calling him a moron or nothing but he pretty much explained to me that he wants to "expose fams" on pshome. Now... i've been there and done that. The problem i have with that is my prestige. I'm too well known to be sitting here letting some clown's retailiate off me and get their name know cause they had sose beef.... look at the frosties. They been there sense day 1. Noone really cared about the frosties untill we put them on the map. 1 of them even BEGGEd to be blogged or done a video about so he can have "fans" lol. My thing is this. I rather make clans or fams fight themselves and implode. Annoying teams will eventually disband themselves... their largest fear is... for someone to humiliate them....When i sit back n write this shit now. I think to myself... "sose... why post a psn name or a person's name now? all they gonna do is BITCH about how they didnt do a certain thing" well let me tell you something. Before i post i have evidence that you did it. A lot of you fucks try to say i set you up when u know damn well you did it on your own and that i allowed you to and didnt stop you. Or say anything to condone ur actions. If you think i set u up... well Fuck you...

Pix, video and print screen does not lie.... now im sleepy and im done writing... hope u enjoyed this bullshit cause didnt enjoy writing it... fuckballs... gnite.

The am hours...

Hmmmm its 9:54 am... on a friday. I woke up early and decided to touch Playstation home. I've gathered all around interactions this morn. 1st going to the uncharted space i ended up being asked to join a clan.... whats with "clans" on playstation home anyway... what do you guys do besides dress up and stand together? Do you guys launch into games and play them? I mean seriously... why dress up as a mafia boss and stand around???
Then The Funny... yes i call it the funny. I go to sully's bar. Some guy was talking to some girl. He was supposed to be downloading something. Then he lowkey added me when she walked away. I sent him a message "why are you adding me? answer wisely" this nigga told me he wanna talk to me and get to know me like "grown adults" PFFFFT... i know where that lead to... so me being as devious as i am... i added him but i told him i dont sit n chat over the ps3.... I like to play video games....

lucky me i ended up talking to some guy who wants to know what games i going to be game of the year.. so yes my experience is not so bad. I wanna see what this lil peon dude gonna bring to my blog later on...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So im going to Post Just beCAUSE

Oooops sorry caps. O well.

Lets me see here i have been gaming more than getting on home. I've also been on sl a lot more. SL is a place where u can mellow out and not havta worry about perverts. However dont bring your real life drama to sl. For some unknown reason those people like to start drama and pass notecards like they are in highschool. The appeal to SL is people are middle aged. Ya know? people who dont go out much... 25 - 50. I dont get why so old but be so childish, guess they was punked in their 1st life wheree they gotta come and make a name for themselves in a second.. one... low self esteem much? lol

Another thing i noticed is how im not very holiday orientated. Here it is october about to be holloween. I never requested my site to get a make over or nothing.... i may do it for christmas. It all depends.

In other news. I take gaming seriously... if your trying to holla at me just to get into a chat or anything like that. Its not going to work. Unless you wanna play a game, I will not talk to you.

So I've been playing a lot of Uncharted 2 multi... i love this game more than anything.... i should have been playing this a long time ago. Well its seems as if preditors don't come to me anymore. Is it because im known? Probably... I also notice that when J is around he gets over protective and scares people off before they start talkin shet. I thought that was CJ's job? and CJ dont even fk wit people untill i say "go" and i never really say go... so Is J n love??? lol

The answer can be concluded another time..

if you think this blog is boring? well.... Who cares... Fuc you.... i will have another blogg soon to. Im just going to keep bloggin. Like they All USED to.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


uhm Thats the troubled face i had last night when i was sitting on home by myself and some guy came talking to me. I was sitting online on sl and i noticed some guy on ps3 was sitting next to me while i was idle. Talking to himself, explaining to me on his own conversation that i caught when M's showd up that the gorlocks are coming and they devourer whole planets. They eat your parents, your pets and suck the bones out and leave the skin. Ok wait... i thought they eat whole planets what the hell??? This guy lost me before he started. Then he kept fallowing me as i moved. Not that it bugged me, just found that it was funny.

Sigh... that dude is fkin weird... lol

i spent 30 mins on home and thats why this blog is short.

Friday, October 15, 2010

So im annoyed... intellect much?

So thats my piece of paradise on SL.

Yea i have a heli, you may ask... "WAT thA fuK u need a heli for?". I have a heli cause i like to show off i guess i don't know.

Intellect much?
Ok so im sitting on playstation home with my baby b0o right? Prior to J showing up this dude comes talking to me with the psn that has something to do with smoking. 1st he threw a line at me

"smokin" : hi how are you?
"me" : im fine
"smokin" : I know u are...

like seriously? thats the best you got? Then get goes on with where are you from? Then i ask the dreaded question all perverts hate. I asked him "why?" he said "im sorry" and walked away. Then J shows up. He comes back and speaks more gibberish bullshit... like ok??? then ask me if i smoke and if im on something cause im not talkin to him. I needed to give him some because he wanted to be as "high as me" like dude... shut the fuc what we call up?
He comes back and keeps asking me stupid shit over and over? What is it with people online behind avatars? Do they just get intimidated because you ask questions of their inferior inquiries?? I mean seriously? Why do people ask where are u from unless they have a motive of gathering information about "swag"? I mean thats the reason i ask people where they are from... and how old they are so i can understand their personality, ethnicity and their religions. What the fuc... Then on SL....

Lol i saw Jarome from Martin...

i swear that was him.... lollol specially how he was dancin... he had that james brown that Jerome haz haha!!


I've had conversations on SL where its like "omg why are u iming me?" non of them are worthy of posting. I've learned that if im going to blogg about my experience's. Keep these butt hurt ass people's PSN and SL names off my blogg... they act like bitches and cry when they get blogged. Its not that serious at all!!

SoSe... is like Deja, Seacresting Out!

Sunday, October 10, 2010



I failed to get pix and a PSN name... but lord o lord. I witness a "Female" on playstation home who claimed to be a female on a guy psn. I wasn't being very polite this day. Well She asked me where was i from. I responded with "my momma's Vajaja" and she instantly called me a dumb bitch. Then asked herself why she has to pick up the dumb bitches... Responded with "well u mite want to try to use a PSN tag with a sensible name. I mean calling yourself with you are is not really good to approach a girl with." she goes... "well im on my husbands Psn" ok... what the f---? seriously? Thats what she could come up with? -scratches head- PSN is still free. She could of made her own. in which i told her that. She responds with "I'm just checkin out who would go lesbo and wants a lick" ....


anyway i just wanted to quickly share that....

have a good night....

Monday, September 20, 2010

200th Post -all about SoSe and change-

Where do i start?

Today I want to discuss SoSe. I don't care for many of others opinions anymore. I'm going to write about what I like and what I desire. From day 1 when this all started it was about what i have come to encounter. What dude tried to get with me over a PlayStation. What stupid shit that happened in between. Lots of funny virtual stuff. Yes this was grand and it was amazing to have this website. Then 1 day someone took the fun out of everything and began to disrespect on a non-virtual level. Started dissing with personal lives and such. You know what, Fuck that. I'm not feeding into all that bullshit. After this post there will no longer be crap like that here. It was our mistake as a team here @ The SoSe Project to feed into it. We gained so much momentum and then lost a lot more. Lost many friends along the road, lost many sponsors, contributors, fans, people who just enjoyed SoSe as a character in a whole. Listening to people about taking away the swearing was not a good idea. Yes i swear, I say "fuck" a lot. But i do it with color and i do it with passion. I tend to say fuck because a lot of people have fucked up lives and do fucking retarded things. Fuckery is an new form of life to some of these "fuck ups" in the world so fuck it. Why not embrace the word fuck? You're all fucking up anyway so why sugar coat the fucking shit. sigh... It was down to the great days of playing people on PlayStation home and bringing great stories. Let me inform you of what never happened. I have never received or anyone else who has played "SoSe" has never received any donations, gifts, PSN cards, etc in a form of deception. Being deceptive has never been a SoSe trait. I've and the players of the past where instructed to keep it real with yourself. Never let SoSe become un-pure. The reason being is because SoSe always needs to keep herself pure with her own evidence as their are many sociopathic people who use PlayStation Home just because they can get away with the bullshit they try to pull. SoSe is 10 steps ahead of those types by recording their asses and taking pictures and notes of people. Their many liars, cheaters, deceives all in 1 spot called PSH. The 1 and only console based virtual world. Reason being is because of their regret for their real lives. People have doubts and doubt themselves. Studying all that bullshit has been fun. Exposing others is not always a great idea. See however many of you make think. SoSe or the SoSe Project has never just exposed someone just because they want to make fun of them no.... We've always considered ya'know maybe some of these people aren't socializing enough to understand the yes' and no's to normal social behavior. The 1s who are aware of their griefs, and deceptive behaviors on a evil intention are the 1s who get the exposure. That being said is the reason a certain group "NHO" was never attacked because watching them. They where there for helping people online to have something to do. Events, clubs, gaming, etc... We need to focus on whats entertaining. Thats not peoples mishaps. I mean its part of it because they do it and its funny. Things that shouldn't be on home should still be exposed but only when the person is aware and continuously pushing. They INSIST on (keyword: insist!) on continuing to hit on an avatar after being told to go away. "Thats the lame shit we are looking for" the people who are told to quit bugging us. I don't want to see your dick on cam. No, why did i get in the chat and record that person. Because they kept asking and begging. So by me taking it for everyone else to show so they can avoid that person. I do what i have to do. This shit has gone from entertainment, to "lets fix home" to nonsense. I want it back to the beginning where it looked like it was fun. Diss my second life and my PlayStation home life all you want...I'm not who you think i am. All you need to know is my name is SoSe... and i like to say fuck you...

SoSe is outt..... :D see you in the future with more bloggs...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My (SL)brother is a Dick beater

The SoSe Project End of an Era 199 Post! Second Life Vs PlayStation Home



in other news...
Certa made these Free Pooch Tshirts that Say "These salads wont toss themselves" hmmm looks like im not the only 1 who dislike pooch...
But then Certa did a WHOLE SESSION with a SALAD bowl on his azz... askin pooch is he like jelly or syrup. Apparently pooch is now with someone My real life brother (cousin) g0dly usta fuck with from playstation. Im not going to reveal her name. Just know she sucks any did that she THINKS has popularity.... thats non of my business anyway...

CERTA ur a Fool for this...

My 200th Post will be about PlayStation again see'ing i lost intrest because it will NEVER CHANGE! but the SoSe Crew is going recruiting and we have surprises for you this fall.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


yea so... guess what. I'm blogging again. This is called "flame yo bitch azz" for the simple fact that i don't care anymore. Last year we had someone tell us that we were only doing this to make fun of people. Well, we basically denied that. Stated we wanted to make home a better place. But WHY!? fuck HOME! Sony never did shit for me, Why help them gay azz mother fuckers? So heres what im implying. I'm Flamming every mother fucker like a "slam book" so this white bitch once called it in the past. Yea bitch thats RIGHT. Im clowning mother fuckers just because i fuckin Can! FUCK THAT! Being Nice gets you nowhere. Helping people gets you no Fucking where... being evil gets you unwanted attention. Fuck the unwanted part... i ignore it and keep doing me..


So who am i Flaming?? 1's a guy the other is a girl. This mother fucker named Justix. Lets just say i saw him in the fight night space today (which i did) and this is what a call one of those mother fuckers who got nothing better to do but rag on avatar cloths and what people got on. Ok so what people are n00bs. Thats fine, If i see a n00b im not going to talk shit to him cause he has on brown pants and a blue home shirt. Or not a chick cuz she got on the regular jeans the normal hair and red feet cloths. Nope... but this dude with the corny lines like

"step ya swag up" - Lol why do people use the word Swag? like its a real word. Its a LAZY way of saying "carry yourself a little better"

"get your cake up" on playstation 3????? dude... in this pic u look like the fuckin brawny guy and MR clean had gay sex and had your monkey azz.... Tf outtie here.

Who REALLY likes to ball on ps3 like seriously??? oh yeaaa this 1 kid i argued with. He had a female friend her psn was "NickiMinaj" something. I don't i just throw out the bitch has that psn. Like who really wants to be nicki?? anyway... My rant is why ball on the PS3????????????? who u trying to impress with your 49cent kicks and you 2 dollar outfit. ITS FUCKIN VIRTUAL. U can ball for less on secondlife... the fuc is with these playstation niggaz man....sony got them thinking they empowered with their chump change they find under they momma couch they can spend on virtual shit....

And this Capt-n Save a home-O Nickiluv, with her DSL's.... (for those who dont know DICK SUCKING LIPS) look at this bitch lips. Looks like a pink crayola slaped this bitch in the mouth and then a paint brush with purple paint slaped both sides of her face.... and said "FUCK IT there u go... new look". All she could type to me was "gay bitch, lezbo bitch" like LOL??? yes... like Lol?? yes!! LOL!!! lol!! tf was with this tramp? she was on "dont talk to justix like that blah blah blah" i was over the other side of my PS3 DYIN!!! lol!! i passed the FUC OUTTT ohhhhh shit....wow. mam u got it bad bad bad bad bad....

since when did sony allow these Marcus PSP wannabes come on home?? thats what ima call them "STEP YA GAME UP! MARCUS PSP!"

lol.... i mean damn Playstation life has become an actual existence. Thats horrible...

SoSe signin out... waves@ Deja... im bloggin again SEACREAST!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Life without SoSe

So, I have Noticed That anything i do is not right. Well, Fuck You! I have noticed i cannot speak my mind or have proper friends without someone having to question my god damn actions. Is it that i care to much? Yes i Care a little too fucking much. Here is my solution to all this bullshit caring. After being played twice on Second life i am done. No more, I will no longer be SoSe the nice Bitch. I will be just a devious as i was when all this first started.

So whats it like without me?

- you laugh just as little
- you're less likely to get offended but you still laugh
- you're friends will less bitch at you
- you will get invited to parties
- you wont have any rumors attached to you
- you will have a virtual life
- you will be able to virtually date
- you're favorite games will not consist of killing , swearing and high uses of drugs
- you'll actually win in some video games
- your grandma will not beat you over the head for running her electricity bill by you staying up all night
- you will not get text jumped
- you'll most likely become head of a nerd club
- you'll virtual world life will be pretty existent but you will never make any money unless you become a reporter or journalist
- I will not be able to clown you and make you're self esteem go down. Even tho its called Self-esteem bitch i don't know how i can effect that.
- You can prim all that you desire (have avatar sex)
- You can enjoy your shitty Modern Warfare games Just don't let me catch you on GTA or Red Dead, I'll fuck you up on site.
- Madden NFL football will be enjoyable again
- Sony Fanboy can enjoy his shitty system without being ripped a new asshole by what the hell i have to say
- Deja will be here to make you think about weird shit anyway...
- You'll be able to hang on to your lunch money
- I will not be able to Punch you in the Skull and pop your eyeballs out
- You will no longer receive death threats.
- You will be able to care about your friends who are completely bitch-made and not your friends in the first damn place
- You WILL have to watch if you get blogged.
- You WILL havta watch if i decide to fuck you up

If thats not funny. Than fuck you anyway... All i havta say is this is year 2. Im changing everything, Shaking shit up and i am no longer going to kick it with the same people anymore. If you're not down u're just not down. You can eat a duck or dick for all i care...

SoSe says... im loggin... pz bitch.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bet Nobody Saw This Coming................

So I switched jobs to one that would let me be at home every night. Honestly I hated being away from my baby. I kinda missed my husband too sometimes. I make less money but more mommy time and thats just fine by me. Plus sex with strange men just looses its appeal after like the 12th one. Anyhoo........more time at home has strangely transformed into less time online. Contrary to popular belief I am in fact still alive. Crazy huh? Not on the web and still breathing??? How unhuman of me!!! Yeah........eat me. I do miss somethings about online tho...and those things have transferred in to my real life. When I was on a plane going to New Jersey I remember thinking "I sure hope we don't get hit by a stinger"........or sometimes if I'm in a conversation thats boring the ovaries out of my vagina I'll look for the mute option. Rarely is it visible. Hell......sometimes I'll be listening to the radio and I think about how the song would look in Rockband, finger motions and all. God I miss sitting at home not doing anything. Ain't nothing better than free money until the free money sits down next to you and develops its own PS3 addition because the stupid free money's job laid him o..........errr....I mean the free money wasn't so free. The free money wants day time sex and cooked food at weird hours like 6pm and wants to go out with you and your friends because it has nothing better to do. Stupid free money. Then I start working again so the free money decides he doesn't feel like a man so it goes out and gets a job better than me so now the free money wears the pants!!!!! HOW DARE HE!!......... I mean it!! If I'm gonna give up mid-evening sex I rather do it sans the day at work. /Rant

Peace Up, A-Town Down, Seacreast OUT!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cams and Mics

Cams and Mics

So What i don't Understand about playstation home... is why do Guys sign on and get defensive when you ask what their reasoning for asking a girl if she has a cam and a mic?? For instance today i was on home standin on the bench watchin a movie on xbox. Ya kno just chillan and i get this message...

... Wtf... ok you have a mic and cam? now with my mood this morning i went off on this dude. I asked him nicely wtf he ask me that bullshit for? (contradiction) Boy did this wasted fuck make it worse by tellin me it was just a question and that he lives with his girl... ok hmmmm.... PEOPLE, PEOPLE!! come on....
Seriously lets all ask ourselves this question. If u were living with someone. Whats the reason to even consider using home as a reference to cam or mic someone of the opposite sex. Ok from a womans perspective. Lets think logical. If your boyfriend was sittin on his playstation or vise versa u were sitting on your ps3 ladies and you ask to cam other guys. Wouldn't that mean that you are a.... not satisfied with something that your man is not giving you so u are lookin for other options. fellas same thing... you guys do it to fill in that gap in your relationship. 2. you wannna feel all macho or big pimptress and just see what you can get on the side. 3. You really just have no respect. 4. You wanna fuck around while u're bored.....
Those options i can agree with tha final 1 and respect it. Hell if anyone was real i can respect all options as long as you're honest' But when ur a lyin piece of shit like this guy who lives with his girl and sits on his ps3 lookin for chicks to mic and cam. like i wonder if he pay the bills in the house and where was she on a saturday morning?? like i hope she aint takin care of this bum azz nigga while he doin this bulllshit. after all PSN is Free so he has free range to use Home as his playground as long as she is payin the cable or DSL bill right? what a mother fuckin loser!! case closed pussy!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Classic Day!

So!! you may ask am i going to Bash someone today. No i gotta Say today was a CLASSIC SoSe DAY! FINaLLY!!!!!

For my 1st Order of PLaystation Home WeirdNess... i declare MARRIAGE Counseling!!

well... engagement counseling... well... relationship. OH What EVER! ok heres what happens. I'm sitting on home minding me and you all kno me. I jump in someone conversation. This chick says her her "man" does she look good?? Ha! i jumped in and all i said was "no" and she Got OFFENDEDDDDDDDD LOL!

Not only That she just Jumped all over Me. Just talkin mad shit. Just "bitch shut yo lonely ass up you mad cuz you aint got a man and blah blah blah" im like ya!? this is playstation home bitch i didnt sign on here to PSdate noone. The Fuc u talkin about? She's goin off talkin about, "i know my man in real life and we got a baby...." K ho... TMI!? i dont care???? Well from there they start bickering talkin about how much i love them and what-not cause we are in central plaza claimin i was following them. I really wasnt...Free area i can go where i want.

Wow they kinda look retarded in this pic. Ok so after they go on with the bickering about me folllowin n shit they got to talkin about marriage and i just SO happen to catch the guy say he's not ready to get married on game or in Real life... (i died laughin at ON GAME) lol! thats when they started tellin everyone their business about how they live n 2 diff states they do have a child (i guess) and he's in the navy. Thats cool, I hope but the Fact of her attitude was god awful. i mean she stormed offffff when he said that. Then we tried talking to him reasoning with him. Saying he shouldn't of done that in public... well... She Came up to us seen me him and lins talking and she just said something like "oh you over here cakin these bitches but you cant make it up with me" something like that. Storms the fuck off... i laughed again!. ii ended up tellin her i was trying to help and that i just asked him whats wrong and she shouldnt of done that. Made it worse for her. Well she appologized to me and then all i know after that was i tried to reason with her but they both got emo and sat on diff sides of the Plaza LITERALLY! What i didnt get was at 1st i was the lonely bitch and the hater... then next thing i know i was being thanked for asking her man why he didnt wanna marry her.... hmmmmm Playstation home has plenty of drama! and you know what I LIKE IT!!


At the end of that big ol thing of laughter

This Guy.... MilkyMike. What can i say? at 1st i thought he was a fuckin loser just tryna mack chicks on home the way he was talkin to us. It was mad funny. He sayin "ask about me im mikey from Philly they call me Face!" like seriously? they call you face? like... ok?? thats intimidating... yea right. He begged for lins and i to see his myspace and i really didnt look for the sake of laughter but if i would of i probably would of put it on blast here. So thank god i didnt cause i would of humiliated this dude.

Turns out after i sent him away and being rude to him. I ended up talkn to him and he told me he has a gf and a baby girl and that he was just chillin while his daughter is asleep. That i could respect. Any father who Games while their child is sleeping to get a break. Hell any Father who takes care of their children for that matter. So Mikey big ups You're ok with me. just dont get out of line...

Theres my Normal blog again from the past... Classic SoSe... At its best. I love bloggin things like this and im going to do more...Stay tuned. The Bitch is out and i wont STOP TILL I GET MY STRONG HOLD BACK!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thats Free advertisement

bringin you moreeeee videos... ima take the note down. i'm havin fun we workin wit my own shit... lol. Sose be clownin niggaz on SL, while i be clownin niggaz on PSN. wow. Next we gon own some IMVU niggaz. Avatar worlds LOOK OUT FOR SP! The SoSe Project is Unblockable!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Its Gezo here We dissin niggaz and i can't take it no more.. FUck em!

Fuc the Frostys and Locust_star

Fuck Wavycrockett!!

Fuck em all!

Friday, April 23, 2010


How sweet it would be to be able to assault those scum, perverted, child molesting acting, cheap ass, virgin, leg humping punks. What tactics can I do alone, to do something to these imbeciles, yes that is the right word, here are the definitions;

a person of the second order in a former classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.

a dunce; blockhead; dolt.

mentally feeble.

showing mental feebleness or incapacity.

stupid; silly; absurd.

Archaic . weak or feeble.

Maybe they will just by their own stupidity die off in random simple mindedness ways? I can only hope.

Monday, April 19, 2010

While you Were sleeping...

So we found a Jackoff Artist. This fucking pervert was beatin his meat with people in the room! U SICK SON OF OF A BITCH!!!

Pooch is my Bitch! a Rated Unblockable Production....

Pooch is a lil bitch i found on second life. He talks shit, so i decided to make a lil story about his old ass.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

So you Cant be seen wit us!?

So I have this problem with, No fuck that! i have a bone to pick with you Mother Fuckers... So you can't bee seen with People who have an opinion about Playstation home?? AKA people who associate with the sose project?? Why!? is it because our opinion Fucking HURTS? that most of you social heads have no fucking Life??

Is it because its the only life you have?? i mean come on lets get to the bottem of this? The People who Don't Accept us are the people who want to keep PShome a fantasy. Don't GET ME WRONG NOW, Cause i know how most of you fucks jump to conclusions -cough- There is nothing wrong with Role playing on a playstation... Seriously as long as you keep it in that aspect.

But! as soon as you start lying about who you are to people, saying you are this and that, And you have this and people start to believe you and show feelings for you and then WORST OF ALL Fall in love with something or someone ur trying to be and you're LYING about it. You need fucking help like seriously. For those Type of people are those who DON't Want to be around us because they are afraid we will put you on blast! No, We wont actually Only when it becomes a problem where people have to know. Then you have the complete Fucking ignorant who just want to Slander us because their friends told them to stay away. A their friend has something to hide or B their friend is a complete ignorant as well.

To me... I think its a Fucking cop out to not hang with Us because we are REAL. Real gamers, real people with real fucking feelings. For you social netfucks to come fuck with us doesn't help you. Cause we arent going to put beef on blast... why? u just want the attention. What we do. We think about before we do it. Not just go wild. Back to the question at hand? Why can't you be seen with us??? Your friends cry like bitches??? huh is that what it is?? i think so, Most of the people on home are encouraged by their peers. I didn't think this was highschool for adults... but then again, I signed on to Second life and found out that is the truth. Its a social fucking nightmare
Not only that its retarded... I can't stand the Shit me personally. I can't say any names but for that matter i think i was being a good friend to most of you and for a lot of you to come at me fucked up because your friends dont agree with the sose project. Then fuck them and fuck you for not standing up for youself. Fuck you for choosing to be invited into a playstation home party with the music being played threw the a blu tooth mic with 10 animated dances. Like what fun is that?? i STILL DONT GET IT! i don't even do that on IMVU. least on Second life theirs unlimited amount of dances and chicks can dance in Sync. Wow at the playstation casual fuck heads.

wit that said... im done with bullshit. Im not payin attention to it... you got drama for complaining about what we do = FUCK YOU, :) with a smile and have a nice fuckin day...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just another day...OMG. U SERIOUS WTF

Ya so I'm walking in Home and this guy (not disclosing his name) comes up to me, and as usual I try to avoid him by telling him to fuck off "blah blah blah", and after an hour or so , I finally give, he says he some fan ass dude from Compton, California right. OK whatever he insist I get into a cam chat with him so he can show himself to me, so I agree, but not after he agrees to send some funds down my path. UGH I'm like seriously trying to explain to him that I'm broke and need something to help me continue my enjoyment on HOME and if he couldn't help me, I probably will never come on HOME again, and therefore he will never see me again. Ok so he sends me this psn card # I tell him that if it clears I will join his invite to the cam chat room. WOW it actually fuckin cleared, lol what a fool but you see you guys I feel bad now cause it was for $50 and so I join his chatroom.. and as you read this im writing this blog while in the chatroom wit the dude, now people OMFG..... Hold on taking a pic real quick for ya'll..... LMAO
Oh damn I forgot to turn my mic off, I started laughing so hard and he heard me and left the room, damn sorry sose I was about to send you a invite too. But omfg seriously guys I thought I was gonna take a pic from a black guy or Mexican, I mean wow, never thought I'd see A guy from Compton, in diapers wit a bottle of brandy, and not only that , but a white guy. OMFG. Anyways you guys this is the bout the funniest shit I've seen on the PS3 but ya this is the everyday life of M&M's and thesoseproject, and you wonder why we can't quit this shit, and continue wondering why ya'll want to slam us for exposing the shit the is happening behind the curtains of the playstation network. well if you still don't except it after this blog, THEN FUCK YOU ANYWAYS. m&m'S OUT.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

MirceaMonroe's Return---GO HARD

Yes first off every1, the B-I-T-C-H is back and yes has been on a very long vacation. In that time I've continued to take ya'll perverted asses money when you showed your weaknesses. I've stayed in touch with all my homies and home-girls, dated ugh Jennever but lets not even go that direction (back on track), but at the end of the day I get on my XBOX360 and kick it wit good old RATED UNBLOCKABLE. Now I had to let ya'll know M&M's is officially back, and regardless of what direction this site goes, mothafuckers you know damn better as to think that MirceaMonroe was gonna change for anyone. I will still continue to slam you bitches ,like a nasty ass tampon that needs to be flushed. We play more games than ya'll and still have time in our lives to raise and support our families, and you continue to call us the losers while you still sit there night after night in your parents house wishing you made a better decision for yourself back in High School. I'm always down for the entertainment part of the site, but for some reason you motherfukas with no sense of humor cant see, this is something to enjoy and not cry about, like this was your last date you got stood up on. We know how to have fun, if ya'll want to argue that, why not try us out and play a game wit us instead of crying bout it cause you know we will just mash you hard on any game you come at us with. CGM all the way bitch. Ok anyways on that note, give up looking for me if your looking for the blond hair blue eyed bitch on PsHome, Mircea is officially gone brunette and is more of a bitch than yall can ever imagine. So to all my haters plz, just plz hit me up on the ps3, DO NOT hit me up on the sose project website cause I will ignore you, unless you come at me on the ps3 "psn" is MirceaMonroe. I'm officially back so watch you back lol pffft.
And on that note peace out and fuck you anyways. Rated U and CGM. M&M's out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why Do we Ask???

Sitting back... listening to a Playstation home classic. I'm Calm. What Should i do?! What devious shit do i have planned now? Fuck it. (told u you i say Fuck a lot!) I can't think right now. Thinkin of turning on the Xbox... firing up some SvR. Make a Pooch CAW and go stupid with it. Make a Whole story about Pooch on SvR. Wait, Thats not the tittle of this fuckin blog (theres the fuck word again)

Now the song... look atcha is playing... Look atcha Pooch You look like a BITCH! lol! anyway... Why do we sign on playstation and ask these few questions? is it the extent of our brains? seriously,

"Hello, Where are you from?"

Ladies i know this is a L1 or a R1 preset on the controller but, How many times do we get this Question? even if its "wur u from ma?" its still annoying as Fuck. This is what i do now. They ask and my response is "does it matter?" and for some unknown fuckin reason... the guy BRAIN FARTS and walks away... like lol???? ok so now that i said or asked does it matter? they have nothing else to say... 1 guy responded with "just making conversation" i repsonded with... well why couldn't you ask something else?.... he walked away! lol!. Is it some type of dumbassness i dont know about? Fuck. Like do you have to know where im from? why? you coming to my house? if so bring me a fuckin cheese cake with a autograph from Diddy....

I really want an answer to this. i have yet to meet a guy to change up his game and try to ask something else. What they do is seriously just beyond fucking me. Sometimes i Rather just get a "hey baby wanna fuck!?" so i can be like no. and they can so ok then walk away. Why are you asking me where am i from? I know im ranting like i wouldnt ask the same question but i believe maybe you should get to know someone first before you get all inquisitive about where im from. Its what i do. I find out what you like ya know... what games you play then i ask maybe your age and where u from. Your age because i want to know how mature you are. And where you're from to determine ur mentality. Every city in america has its own spice of music/movies and entertainment Thats the only reason i ask. To see if im able to be compatible with your interest. Im from Cali. entertainment capitol... Los Angeles. Only other place is Florida... So were here are exposed to almost everything. Hmmmm well thats all i got for today. I'm going to sit back and wonder how im going to fuck up Pooch's Second life cause im empowered like that. Fuck you You haters... matter fact i love my haters cause without you. It wouldnt be Me. Muahz... sose is the fuck out...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fuck Your Second Life!

Well Before i get into this second life Bullshit... I just want to say, I am returning back to playstation home where i belong. I had so much Fun on Home cause SL felt like i was in highschool with a bunch of Grown ass children. Fuckin pussies...

Let me tell you about my amazin home experience. 1st Cj and i meet this chick she was weird... i mean just look
She looks very.... lol... i just laughed my azz off. Me and her started dissing each other... bickering, ya know... having a intellectual debate with insults...
She had on a Sun dress for criss sake with... Wrestling boots. Lol!! haha i couldnt help it!
look at them effin boots!!!

Anway... Me and her became real cool, started dissing other people. She thought CJ was serious when he was gettin on her. Got to know her a lil better and she became 1 of the coolest people i've ever met on home. They say... never judge a book by its cover and yea. God was right on this 1. Strife you are very down to earth, we can hang out all the time mija... you go stomp on them losers with ya boots girl! lol!

Did I mention. I saw Jexy for the 1st time on home in about 8 months!! I love you JEX!!!

Moving on i Meet this guy...named Swagg onpoint something like that. in CP, he began to hit on me. told me he wanted me to go to his place. I only added him and i told him well maybe we can hang out. When i get back on, By the looks of his PSN tho... lol i thought and i straight told him. "yoooo i know u made that psn just for home cuz mannnnnnn i can't see you playing modern warfare with that psn." i Mean really WHO really goes to war with their swag on?

look@ this banana in pajamma lookin azz dude...
he came up to us with comments about he the best and whatnot. pretty much a Social grief. Like funny thing is this nigga had on "ell o ell smilly face" shirt with some fuckin yellow bunny slippers... yea, most dumbiest.....not most hated pal. keep the wal-mart shirt to yaself on home.

So back to my Second life Rant.... BITCH ASS NESS. I love it, i embrace it, i charish that shit. Ya know why? cause Second life is full of OLD people. Not including the people that mean something to me. The people who are full of bitchassness. HOW THE FUCK are you over 30 years old, being a social fucking nightmare ??? i thought we was done with that shit since AOL. o wait... is that where the AOL lames went? second life? Haha, Poochy denzel... certified bitchass old man. He thinks im my brother. Again, we posted a video, i showed my face, i talked on it. Brother even admited he was on my account. So he feels the need to attack me or my brother, say my avii has a man behind it? even if it does... WE are still laughin at your OLD ASS claiming ur a music producer but you DJ on SL.... nigga please. Find a real life. No real life producer spends his time looking at pixelated tits on a Social avatar world, Cause its not a GAME folks. Most you old fucks are confused. A Game is a competition. Just like playstation home is not a Game. Its a 3d social gaming network... lets define the word game shall we....

A game is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out forremuneration, and from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art (such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong solitaire).

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform aneducational, simulational or psychological role. According to Chris Crawford, the requirement for player interaction puts activities such as jigsaw puzzles and solitaire "games" into the category of puzzles rather than games.[1]

Attested as early as 2600 BC,[2][3] games are a universal part of human experience and present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest known games.[4]

Now with that said. I don't see where Secondlife is considered a game. I Don't play games on SL, I use an avatar, an

avi is a representation of something else or even yourself. In this case SoSe is my Character, and That she is... I am

Character and so is she. Who am i? You've seen both ice and i on youtube? why must you fucks bring it beyond the

avii? well maybe because you feel we are a threat to you whole internet importance. LOL! it makes me smile when a

40+ old man whine and cry on second life. Put out SoSe's business out on DJ sessions because he obviously is A.

Butt hurt... B.. Cares..... C....lol C doesn't even matter because the fact is. Pooch you are wasting your time. Thank

you for the publicity! i needed it! shout me out some more on your lil DJ session LOL!

all you are doin is empowering me, My brother, my friends and my fans... you are a 40 plus year old wanna be DJ

pixel tittie

jacking off on a fucking Fantasy world cause your real life has nothing to offer, and all i can do for you is LAUGH

MY FUCKING ASS OFF! Mean time im young, in school and im making something of myself. Good luck with your

production deals in the future old man. If you even get 1...

Sose Project for FUCKING EVER! rated Fuckin U!

When I see an album with you as the producer then come talk my level. Till then...