The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Thursday, December 17, 2009
FAT Santa
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Retarded Retards
"Well let's think about this logically for a second. Women cannot be grunts in the Armed Forces, why would they be in a video game?"
WHAT????? Logic in a video game???? No video game in the history of video games has ever been built on a foundation of logic. If they were, after you died once you would have to throw the game away because the character would be dead. That's logical. And why we're talking about assholes and logic, I have a few point to address;
1."All girls that play video games are ugly, fat, and single"
We may be fat and ugly, but most of us are in fact taken. For many of us it was our spouses/brothers/fathers/boyfriends/guy you fucked in college that night when you did the beer bong thingy that got us into gaming. Most guys get into games because they couldn't get some little lady to touch them in the bad parts and needed a way to keep there hands busy while mommy was still awake in the den drink her Jim Bean cursing the day your ass was born. And don't even get me started on looks. If only ugly girls play games we must only date guys that play games. Out of all the guys I've met in the year I've had a ps3 only about 20 or so would be considered cute and and 2 sexy enough to have real life sex with(I'm looking at you Cashtastic ^_-)
2."I hate when people beat me in any play style that causes me to be beaten by people that don't play using my play style!!!" Huh?? So If I play the way you do it's fine but if I adopt my own play style you feel the need to call me all kinda stupid bitches and junk?? SWEET!!! I'm happy I could put a damper in your internet life. I have a kill/death ratio of .88. I've died 874 more times than I've killed. So what? I've lost 84 more matches than I've won. So what? In the end it's still only a video game. Once I turn it off its off. I don't think about how bad I played. I only think about how much fun I had playing. But sometimes when somebody gets really out of line it does stick to me. Which brings me to....
3."I'm gonna verbally assault you because you can't get to me in real life." That shit hurts guys. I know boys do that shit to each other because your stupid ass-hats but to attack me personally is really low. I'm sorry I stole your kill. The guy was flailing around on the ground shooting at me, what was I suppose to do? I'm sorry I died 40 times and made us lose the match. I was doing the best I could. The other guys were just better than me :(. And the worst part is that none of the guys in the room come to my aid. They all just add their own little comment or laugh about it like they don't have mothers. I would have said girlfriends but chances are they don't have one. Oh....and the have the BALLS to send me a friend request after wards saying they were just playing around. Don't crack jokes at my expense like we're friends. You can suck jelly out my asshole for all I care.
Those things are all logical. It would be great if everybody was just a little nicer to all people, not just women. Gamers are all picked on by the outside world so you'd think that they would be a little more friendly to another gamer, be it male or female.
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacrest out!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
oh Fuck M&M's!
i wanted to note that ice made a video on behalf of the sose project cause of things being said about what we do. Its more than 1 of us on this account... calling My avatar a tranny gets u no where but a pissed off bitch behind the controller. i don't even wanna mention names... so im not. enjoy what was brought...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
its SoSe! miss Lisaaaa
However i do have a positive story for the 1st time.... lol (like thats sose)
like to hear it? here it goes...
I'm sittin n the plaze and i notice the turkeys...grrrrrr did i wanna kick them.... yes! you know im violent. Thats not the story. Story is a human turkey is walking around and he is giving out a beta code for battlefield bad company. Dude was advertising it so Crims said something to him. Then he said lets play a game for it. Crims backed out and stated that he rather play Assassins creed 2 anyways. Me being me, i step up and he told me the same thing. I previously didn't see that so i backed out as well. Then he goes "c'mon... please.." so i said fine w.e.... i took my Guess at his number for his lil guessing game. I guessed 76.... the number pops up as 90. Crims then thinks he wants to try it. He says his number and it ended up being 91.... So i tried it again... i said 45.... bingo. Second try It pops up as 45....I'm Indian what can i say i got some psy powers at times...
2 spaces up my name says 45.... SoSe is the best.... So now before i downloaded the game i was being harassed by 3 losers but i choose not to blog them. Its the same o'l with home so i feel its never going to stop its allways gonna be some poor sap being at his ps3 lonely wanting to talk to some psn girl. Hey thats them.... not the girl...
So here is battlefield after i downloaded it... i should record it and Youtube it later...
blogs over... lisa out.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
I got teabagged……..
So I’m really really trying hard to play AND like CALL OF DUTY:MODERN WARFARE 2. I really am. But you know what?? Men have a really excellent way of fucking up a good thing. Just look at America and visits to the gynecologist. I’m in the pregame lobby and this is what I hear:
-Oh shit!! a girl playing!!!
-Oh hell yeah!!! after I kill her Imma teabag her!!
This is the very reason I play every game sans musical ones with the sound off. So as I figured they would, they attempt to hunt me down. Little do they know I run with a grenade launch named Sasha and me and the bitch are surgical together. I was playing in the rooftop level, so I just waited for them to come. And when they got there Sasha was waiting on them. I got both the assholes and one of their buddys. Then I climbed down and TEABAGGED THE SHIT outta them til one of their teammates shot me. I still got pwn’d for the round tho, seeing as those were my only kills. But 3 kills to 28 deaths is about my average so I wasn’t upset at all. The after lobby chat was slightly different:
-Man, that bitch got all of us. Stupid bitch should be washing dishes or something.
-Yeah….I came around the corner and she was teabagging you guys for like 20 seconds. I just walked up and stabbed her she was so in to it.
-Pfft…probably a guy.
Yeah that’s right you virgins, treat me like one of the guys and PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!!!!!
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacrest Out!!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
It's called a pussy
LATEST UPDATE ON M&M'S MOVIE STATUS: taking a break from the action film scene M&Ms is seen here enjoying himself on a nice sunny california day by going out and skating with the homies

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
5 Minutes.. its all it Took (JNG)
5 Mins of me loggin into PShome today. I have been followed and harrassed by some 17 yr old kid who wanted to talk to me. I nicely dismissed him more than once. But i found it cute he just kept coming to me.
This Kid named Jng... he says his PSN stands for his initials. Whatever. The thing is i just signed on and he kept followin me i asked him what he wanted and he said "you". Black had to come and ask him how old he was prior i even asked the same question. He's 17. blacks next question was. You think sose really likes you? lol.
Right after he came right back talkin to me when QB left... lol this guy has no chance... no life... no reason to be on home besides the fact that he wants to look for chicks. Not only was he boring but his lines where corny...
JNG... u fail .... and it only took 5 mins for me to realize that....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Unblockable Holloween
ok, so i try to sign in, i was told that i coudlnt sign in, ok fine, i call sony and got thru, to a "specialist" and he (with an rude attitude) said that i was banned for innapropriate language
and that i was banned till the 11th, well, that didnt make any sense to me and i told him to tell me of what had transpired that led to a banning of my account, that it took place on
the 25th of october and that it had to deal with foul language on a game thats rated E (home)
I remember that day, and it was a guy who appoached us, that every home dweller referrs to as a default, he was making rude and innapropriate language to us, and i decided to stick up
against them, im sick and tired of the way they harrass females on here, with their sexist, racist, foul language, and up right rude gestures that they do,
like i said, i made a stand and i cant beleive IM the one that gets banned yet these people run free everyday continuing their Terrorism, and the people who spend money and are on home regularly, are the ones that get The Banning,
why are we subjected to this harrasment everyday yet the people who decides to fight against them, ARE THE ONES WHO GET BANNED
i remember someone making a post about the innapropiate behaviour and they expressed they are sick of it
and i agree, yet the MODS nor anyone at sony seems to take any sort of action towards it, yet they ban people who spend money and countless hours on Home
well, ill say this in conclusion, i asked the "specialist" of what i can do to combat these Home Terroists and their lude and sexually innapropriate messages that i recieve, and he said in a scoffing manner, Report him or tell a MOD and just delete the messages
People of Home, we are a Loyal and Proud group to call Playstation's Home our second home, but if some stranger that comes into your second home and has the intent of Verbally Assulting you....wouldnt you want to do something to stand up against it??
like i said in the title
Give me Justice or Give me a Refund on all the money on virtual items i have spent for its not right for me or anyone i know to get subjected to this Home Terroism

Monday, November 2, 2009
rpgwith a few twist. You play as 3 characters: wizard, thief and
knight.All stuck in one body trying to get thier own bodies back by a
magicalartifact. Each have thier own unique skills and abilities to
offer tothe party. Thief is fast and agile and able to fly thru the
level withher bow and grappling hook. The wizard is the more stragetic
of the 3,he can summon objects and use telekenisis. The knight is the
tank,walks around in his full plate and and a huge weapn. Its a
excelentpuzzle game that makes you use all 3 characters to thier
fullestpotential. Although the game has 15 levels the game will take
hoursupon hours to beat, and suports 33 trophies including a
platinum,Trine seems to get repeaditive but lacks the glitches that
annoy youin most games, It also doesnt allow online play but lets you
useoffline multiplay for up to 3 players. Final say Trine is a must
havefor only 19.99, i give it a 4 out of 5
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October I hardly knew ya.........
October was a very eventful Month. I had some fun, has some sad, and had a period(YAY). Now you get to read all about it. I must warn you tho, dear reader. This will be long. After all, October did have 31 days. So now I'll give you the chance to stop reading.
Still here?? Let's do this then sweetie ^_^
Boy am I a bitch..........
You ever knew you were wrong about something and you continued to do it anyway?? Like that time you threw up in the sink and di..........wait, that was me. the time you got that skinny guy to pay you way into the club, then you got him to buy you drinks, then after his money got you drunk you told him you were married and out of his league and you watch is soul die and you didn't care because you were drunk but you did all this anyw.....wait, that was me too. Damnit I am a bitch. Any way, me and my big baby were remodeling our basement. He was painting and I was doing what I do, supervising. Out of know where I get the idea "Hey!!! Why don't I bitch about his painting knowing damn well I don't even think he's doing it wrong but I want to yell at him for no reason because I'm a retard?". Sound's like a plan Deja. After pissing him off enough to leave the house for 2 days I decide to show the world why my Queen Bitches Of America's Card is colored platinum by taking it out on all my friends on home!! Hazah to me. I don't know what I've proved other than the fact that I have problems I recognize but am to arrogant to do anything about and if your sitting at home judging me you can go fuck yourself with a rusty Mr.Marcus brand dildo covered in broken bits of discarded Britney Spears "In The Zone" cd's.
****I was gonna publish this blog when I got back home but couldn't remember in which folder I saved the word file so I waited until the end of the month to publish with the rest****
Miami Bitches!!! How I love this yearly getaway from real life. Even more so this year because it's sans husbands and boyfriends. No.....I didn't give a stranger a handjob, silly bears. I did get a local guy and his friends to think I was tho. But I'll get back to that later. Shortly after touching down we rush to the hotel so we can change in to our swimsuits and grab some tickets to the Banana Hammock Extravaganza. It was lack-luster to say the least. I guess I lost the enthusiasm for looking at fine ass guys on teh beach I once had. Part of getting old I guess. But my slut bucket friend does manage to meet a semi-decent looking guy with a gaggle of not-as-good-looking-as-him-friends, which is probably why he hangs with them. They smell like beer baking in the florida sun but for some reason the only thing I can smell is the free lobster dinner I'm getting one of them to buy me later that night. They seem to be friendly enough to server as our escorts this weekend. Not overly horny and not touching me, just the way I like my run-to guys to be. I ask the one that seems to be the alpha male to come with me and play in the water. I know that if I hang with him the others will follow. After about 1 hour of that my slut bucket friend is tongue deep in some guys eat hole. I knew it was coming but wasn't expecting it til at least the next day....chicka moves fast. Some times goes by, we had fun. We decide to shower and get changed for some night life and good eats. Dancing drinking dancing drinking eating drinking dancing dancing. As we prepare to turn in for the night we notice something......where's slut bucket??? How did we lose her?? Meh....she's a big girl. I'm sure she'll be fine.
We get up the next morning and low and behold.....slut bucket's in her room. Only problem is she has thrown up in............everywhere!!!! I'll just leave her a note telling her were we'll be. We hang out with the homeboys for the better part of the day, just having fun, acting free of worry. Slut Bucket's vacabuddy ask about her, then goes to "check" on her. We find it funny. She's goes on vacation to have sex with strangers when she could have done the same thing at home. I would have at least had a 3some or something. Who goes on vacation to do shit they can do at home???
Well its time to leave :(. Suck but we gotta go. Me and slut bucket's sidekick decide to get some lunch before we leave. Alpha male decides he would like to join us. Awww what the hellz, I'll pay this time. It's the least I could do. Our final conversation is as follows:
AM: So did you enjoy your self?
Me: Very much so!!! Thanks for hanging with me and my friends.
AM: It was our pleasure. You girls are fun to be around.
Me: Yeah, we had fun too. Some more than others lol
AM:(Laughing) Yeah, I think she had the most fun. I was kinda jealous actually.
Me: Jealous of what? You wanted to have sex with your friend all weekend long?
AM: Ummm no......with a special girl I met this weekend.
Me:Awwwww......why didn't you say something sweetie?? I could have found somebody else to hang with.
AM: Now why you gone do me like that??? I could have been with a busta(I have no idea what a busta is, but I assume its a female human of low sexual standard, much like my friend slut bucket)
Me: Sorry, would you like a handjob?
AM:HELL NAW!!! I want that good good!!!(I don't know what good good is either, I'm guessing it's human female vagina)
Me: Sorry, I was joking. I'm not giving you a handjob.
AM: I'm not talking bout no handjob!!! I'm Talking bout that pussy!!!!!(Yeah...good good is what I thought it was)
.............Why is he talking so ghetto all of a sudden?
Me:Oh...... I'm not giving you that either.
AM: So you can spend my money but you can't let me hit huh? You think you to good for me or something?
AM: What???You think you betta than this??
AM: Girl I got that arab money!! Let me keep you another week. I need you on my team. Your family can spare another few days.
Me: I'm sure they could but I miss them and don't really like you that much any more. You seemed like a cool guy and all but my good good is on reserve.
AM: Mane....that nigga probbaly fucking mad hoes while you down here.
Me: Probably.
AM: So you should get back at him ma.
Me: You know....that's not a bad idea.
AM:See ma??? You just gotta get a nigga that on your level.
Me: Yeah....I think I'll fine a guy on the plane to do it with. I can't do it with you because your not attractive.
AM: Why you gotta be so blunt and play with a nigga feeling?
Me: Cause it's funny. Only thing I asked you to do is play in the water at the beach.
...........He receives a imaginary phone call from some girl offering him sex and feels he needs to tell me about it.
AM:See? I got hoe's all over this dick. You missing out shawty.
Me: I'll live. Sounds like you should wear a condom.
AM:Pfft, what ever. Go home to that lame ass life you lead trick.
Me: Will do kiddo.
Me:Oh.....and nice meeting you ^_^
Man I hate kids........
Not my dookie monster of course. I love him to death. But I hate other kids badly. I have no patients what so ever. A friend of mine had a birthday party for her daughter and invited us. I'm not sure why you would invite a 3 1/2 month old baby to a birthday party but whatever. I guess it's something I should get use to. GOD WHAT DID I COMMIT TO????It was pure and utter horror. 40 something kids running around in a fucking skating rink is madness. The only joy I got was watching them bust their little asses and come screaming back to the table as if they just saw Santa in the bathroom taking it gloryhole-style. Shit was pretty funny. But my husband is running around like a little kid too!!! Playing games, getting quarters......he's so gay but I love him. Oh.......and I'm not going to another child's party til my baby is old enough to be dropped off.
Peace^,A-Town Down, Seacrest Out!!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Un - block - able.. Oh and brown paperbags.... nice fuckin bloggs.... XD!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
kill bill changed my life
anyways so i finally sat down the other day and committed like 6 hours of my day to watch kill bill volumes 1 and 2 and omg it changed the way i look at life ohhhh emmmm geeee like i practically shit my pants it was like silly mixed in with epic mixed with sad mixed with more epic omg seriously why did nobody tell me a movie could make me want to laugh cry and punch somebody in the balls all at the same time.
the main character is this hot blonde girl (shocker) who is a killer for hire and she wanted to settle down and have a baby so her crazy ex boyfriend and a gang of nasties come and kill everyone at the wedding recidal and then shoot her in the head...yea right in the dome...and she wakes up to a guy trying to screw her while she's in a coma and BLAMM bites his fuckin' tongue off and proceeds to be a total badass throughout the whole remainder of the movie.
like holy crap i highly suggest this movie to anyone who likes blood boobs ninja swords sweaty white girls angry gun toting rednecks poisonous snakes old men who can punch a hole in someone from 3 inches away and dramatic camera angles.basically it's one of the best movies i ever saw and i think it's definitely worth checkin' out. yea this has nothing to do with anything except that it's totally awesome.
i mean i'm probably the only person who never watched it but if i'm not alone ohhhh man watch it.I DARE's aweeeesommmeeeeee.
anyways home totally licks sack right now psn is still psn the world is not round but in fact hexagonal and i'm so hungry i could eat a....something large and ummm covered in hot sauce yeahhhhhhhh.ok i'm sorry for wasting your time but whatever KILL BILL OWNNNNSSSSSSSSS.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I <4 you guys
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Way You Make Me Feel
I'm sure I've told you this already, but I want everyone to know about it because I'm too fucking proud of you to keep it just between the two of us. Jen, I think we're all aware of what you've been through and the situation you're in by now, and I find it truly amazing that no matter what, you're still a great person to this day. I honestly don't think I could handle half the shit you have to put up with, and the fact that you can and STILL be who you are says a lot about you. I'm not gonna lie, I remember the first time you told me you loved me I was so happy I cried tears of joy. That's something that has never happened to me before. Nobody has ever made me feel this way until you came along.
Before we ever really started talking, I used to give my niece (by marriage) a hard time. Why I did it I don't know (maybe it was a bit of jealousy on my part that she was getting all this attention while it seemed like I wasn't getting any anymore), but after hearing about your daughter and just how good of a mother you are to her, it made me realize I would never want to treat her that way and made me feel so bad for ever treating my niece how I did that I apologized to her and gave her a hug. I never even really used to pray at all, but I have so much to be thankful for now that you've come into my life I pray every night before I go to bed. You've turned me into such a better person and I just want to thank you for everything you've ever done for me and I feel like I owe you the world because that's exactly what you are to me.
Yeah, it may be true we haven't seen each other in person just yet, but I just can't help the way I feel about you. I've gotten to know you so well over the last few months and I absolutely love everything about you. You're honest, loyal, trustworthy, funny, and just so fucking beautiful in more ways than one. You're simply the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want everyone to know about it because I'm just so honored to be a part of your life and don't want to ever be taken out of it. And I know you're not used to being treated this way, but you better get used to it because it's the only way I'm ever gonna be treating you. You truly deserve it.
In closing, I'm gonna leave you with this: Jen, I love you. So much, in fact, that I refuse to ever give up on you. This is something I want to last forever, and if you feel the same way, then that's exactly how long we'll be together. Thank you once again for giving me a chance when it seemed like you wouldn't ever date again. I promise you I won't treat you like the other two did because I know just how good I've got it and wouldn't know what I'd do without it. It's one of the main things I can look at when I'm feeling down about something and cheer me up the same time I start thinking about it. Maybe that's why I'm in such a good mood all the time because I always am.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
New SoSe New Season part 2
well, I have given up the SoSe thing and past the torch to blue. i moved on to Second life (she has too) and IMVU with smexxi.... We made an official video stating she now owns the sose account. I Honestly think she enjoys it. She tells me im F'n funny and she laughs at the videos and the stuff we do. I'm just gonna show blue the ropes and how to handle it....
me and blue just made this video.... i love it cause its classic sose.... i fixed the recorder so its always hooked up at all times...
but here's the official Meet blue video....
the BRAND NEW season of the sose project is gonna get good... i guarantee it. No more slander and no more FLAMMING!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Today is the day
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II and yes im reppin The SoSe Project BITCHES!!!!!!!
I got a call from UPS stating that my package will arrive today between 8am and 7pm, apparently it seems like i havent really missed much of any new stuff other than new games in the PSN store and Homes new update. Im already finding out there are some problems with the new stuff and im not supprised that there is always stupid ass problems with new content that comes out for Home, WTF is up with that????? When I get my PS3 I have to switch out the Hard Drive and Put in my 500GB Hard Drive, hopefully i dont strip the damn screws on this one because its a bitch to take off. Then i have to copy all the saved shit i put on my PSP including game saves, music and pics so hopefully that wont take too long.
I finished a new fresh exclusive Rated U logo today and in my opinion id say it turned out really good, worked on the design for a few days an im satisfied with the look so here it is.....

This is just a simple template to show off my work I will talk to g0dly_ice on future logos for Rated U The SoSe Project.
so it's like yea
Actually I'm gonna rant a little about this 1.3 business, i really don't like it that much they took away the bench glitch in the plaza and such everything is running slow it's just sort of a mess...but there are some positives i suppose.I enjoy the poses that avatars can hold it adds a little bit of realism to it but i don't like the menu's (when you hit R1) it took me like five minutes to find "point" and now when you change clothes you must press X or you won't get to wear the clothes you just keep what you have on the little loading bubble things are just dumb i don't really understand the new stuff in the plaza.There is what appears to be a large metal gear or gundam or something by the video screen theres a map in the spot that used to be an empty circle which really doesn't bug me there is a ridiculous saucer pop scoreboard placed smack dab in the middle of the spot where most people tend to hang out which is especially bothersome now that you can't stand on the bench, there isn't enough room i really haven't checked out any other spaces so I'm not sure what's new.I used the game launching feature they added sucks i launched rock band 2 and lost the person i was playing with instantly although launching games from home is convenient it's not put together good enough for my tastes i had to add the guy as a friend to play and send an invite just like regularly so really all the game launching did for me was start my game which i could have done off of home.And WTF i still can't listen to my music!!!!! I'm furious i want to jam to my tunes while performing the incredibly stupid new ska dance that looks alot like a fat kid drowning in a bath tub.But if you do the ska dance in a circle it appears that your a bunch of people high on PCP playing hacky sack...yay? There are a couple ways to sit that have been added frankly the one they added for girls is just dumb but i like the ability as a male avatar to squat down to one knee that is a plus for me rather then sitting cross legged as always...why can't girls sit cross legged?Or lay down or something cool at least.The poses are okay some are dumb but the "get ready" pose is pretty cool and lead to some fun conversations i like that pose at least but most of the male poses are kind of stupid while females can do the "model" pose which makes them look like a mannequin at JC penny's ready to fall over. Well yeah that's basically all i have to say about that.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Season - New SoSe (Goonie-BOYz)
Hello, I am theee new sose. -bows- i am more sweet, and understanding then the past sose. I will not blog randomize Bs, just what i experience when i sign onto playstation home or any other game that i play...
If you have soseductive_icey on your friendslist you will see that i play a lot of grand theft auto 4. Yes i do use the mic. Feel free to join and play.
Well its fine i guess at least we get 1 but you still have to create the game once you launch everyone. Well i was standing there and i must ask guy GAMERS!. What is with you Dancing in front of female avatars and posing????
Saturday, September 26, 2009
How come men:
Pee on the seat in uni-sex bathrooms?
Pee on the wall in uni-sex bathrooms?
Pee on the floor in uni-sex bathrooms?
Flip a t-shirt inside out and consider it clean again?
All buy magnum-size condoms?
Scratch their nuts then pick their nose?
Won't ask for directions?
Even when they can't do something act like they can?
Won't buy new under garments because the old ones are considered " lucky"?
Walk around outside barefoot but wear shoes in the house?
All have ugly feet?
Make everything a competition?
Want any kind of attention from women, be it good or bad?
Fail at something and act like it was the thing they failed at fault?
Pretended they don't watch soaps?
Act like everything they know is common knowledge and all women should know what it is?
Cheer for sports teams in a extreme way like their on the fucking team?
Stand behind you and tell you how beautiful you are as if they could see your face?
Act like you even have a face??
Put your feet up on anything?
Want to add you as a friend so they can "get to know you"?
Feel intimidated by strong women?
Eat like a a food gremlin is gonna steal their plate from them?
Never spray after taking a poop?
Wash and detail the car but won't iron their clothes?
Wear crocs?? Those are sooo gay on guys!
Speed to get to a stop light?
Grope the fruit in the produce section like its gonna blow them later?
Wanna be "friends" until they find out your dating/married?
Then how come soon after your insulted because your dating/married?
Sniff women's underwear???
Smell their hand after sex?
Now if your not one of these please don't respond. I don't need any "im not one of those guys" replies. Now, that being said I am aware that these are some of the traits that make a man a man, unless he's gay. I'm just wondering why is all.
Men -vs- Women.........
Now I know that video gaming has been a male dominated past time for quite some time but in the spirit of "anything you can do I can do better"........errr.......anything you can do I can do better. Becoming a mom and a housewife has given me a assload of something I never had before. No not extra weight you jerk....time. I have a lot of time on my hands these days. And like many other women have noticed some video games are a pretty good way to pass time. In this "case study" of sorts I'll list 3 games covering 3 different types of gameplay and why women are as good as men at them.
Call Of Duty 4---FPS
Female Traits Involved---Situational Awareness
When we play a game of this type the first thing we do is check out the map that is gonna be played. Then we adjust our weapon load out/ perks as needed. Most guys run with the same set up and wonder why the suck so bad compared to the girl their playing with. Well that's why. The real life equivalent to this could be packing a suit case for vacation. Even if going on a vacation to a nice, tropical place we're not that much of a dumb ass to not pack a jacket/pants/sweater/raincoat incase the weather changes. Now this can apply to any game were nothing is a constant, such as RE5, Killzone2, or even a plat-former like Batman.
Burnout Paradise---Racing
Female Traits Involved---Attention to Detail
In this type of game there are 2 crucial elements at play: street names and obstacle interaction. Clipping the computer controlled car on the back bumper will cause it to spin out and run into the dickhead chasing after us. Driving the lighter stunt car lets us actually DO THE FUCKING STUNTS instead of the giant tank van your driving so you can take us out at every fucking corner. When racing these things come in even more handy. Looking for a street name and not a land mark gives us the freedom of making our own routes, we have no need to follow the turning promts at the top of the screen. These work even better at games like GT5 were the grade of the road and speed entering turns come into play.
Female Traits Involved---Focus, Just Being Awesome ^_^
This is one gaming area that could actually transfer over into real life. Maybe not the plastic guitar part but the drums and singing can. The drumming can help with timing and the singing can help with pitch/voice control. When notes come down the track guys tend to group them together, ie: "well if that one girl is a bitch her friends must be too". We seperate the notes in to individuals ie:" that one guy's a asshat but I'll still dance with his friend". Plus you have to look at whats infront of you, not whats coming down the road.
So the next time you get beat by a girl don't get all mad and quit. Just remember we're more "equiped" to play games lol.
Just lie to me baby!!!!...................
Today I was in the Singstar space with some friends and a guy approached me. Blah blah blah...."do u wanna c my pic?". I say know Im not interested so he ask why. So I reply "ok fine, ill lie to u....sure!!! I would love to see ur pic!!!" Do you know this e-tard agreed? You really rather I lie to you than take rejection? Fine. I'm more than happy to oblige you. I'll start lying to get guys to leave me alone. You think I'm a guy? Ok cool, Ill work on sprouting a penis but this might take a while. You think I'm fat? I just ate a stick of deep fried butter with a side of stuff I found behind the fridge. I'm mean because I'm lonely? I'm lonely because mean you jerkface!! Thanks for reminding me of how sad my life is!! Now I'm gonna go jump off the balcony of my summer house.
Sorry this blog is so long. I took a break after the first part to play some GuitarHero and a guy kept........ahhhh Im not explaining myself. You dont wanna read it go fuck your self.
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacreast out!!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
WavyCrockette gettin punked!
4 The Record To You Pervs...
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dear Mrs glasswalls
Asshole number 1.
I sign on home... and i followed avian and i came across this child, well he acted like a child because i ignored him and he followed me around... not to mention he threaten to report me only because i would not speak to him. I walked away, he followed and called me dumb ho's only because i wouldn't talk to him... then When i told him who i was and that i would tell GW for the false report. he started to type "F*** You mod f*** You mod" orr....
i only got 1 thing to say about this avatar...
OXNARD CA!!! nuff said..
This Guy... sent me a message with the typical "wanna mic and cam?"
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
an UnNormal SoSe Day
well no you haven't cause none of you are sose... hmmm well Lets just say today i signed on home and it was, how can i explain it. Not normal???
i didn't get hit on... i didn't... not once... not... once...
i didn't even get L1 attacked. No hello... no where are you from.... no... nothing.
However. I did go into the mall. When i got there... i was Digitally asked out, upon arriving there. I guess my last blog someone read it and warned people. Guys were NICE on playstation home. What is really going on???
well maybe i spoke to soon, as im blogging this. some Nerd just walked up to me saying "nice back icey" wow... perv
Well this blog started off un-normal. Now since i went to the bowling alley it went right back. when i started i was in central plaza.
regaurdless... Im too lazy to get my azz up and put this money on this CC so i can buy this new website... as far as the New flash site... we are raising money... to purchase it.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Labor Free Weekend!!
Im going dancing!!!!!! I put on some pants that were too tight and a shirt that was too small and met up with my bitches at a club downtown. I missed the "Free drinks for ladies" hour but thats ok....Im feeling especially full of myself anyway ^_^. I get in, met up with my friends, catch up drink wise and hit the floor. Then KABLAM!!!! I got a monkey on my back. Errrrr...actually I got a monkey on my ass. A ass monkey if you will. The first song I just kept moving his hands back to my waistline. The second song I held his hands. The third song I slammed into him hard enough to make him double over and drop his cheap ass in house beer that smelled like rotten bread and poo water all over himself. Meh...all for the better I suppose. I like dancing with the lack of getting pregnant in front of a room full of people anyway.
Ahhhhh......nothing is quite as awesome as a warm Saturday morning. Sun shining, it still feels a bit like Summer. What a great day to get drunk!!!! All my real life friends are resting up so I turn to my E-friends, E-Cash to be exact. After debating on playing a game we decide to just drink. So what its 10am in the morning, he's usually at work and Im usually knee deep in rancid baby innards and dirty laundry. We "BRB" to go get supplies for the day and eat. While out picking up my poison of choice I get the notion that I should try something new. I get the most ridiculous cigar I can afford. Maybe I'll go "Bill Clinton" on myself if I get.....ummm....lonely??
Back at home I figure it would behoove me to eat something so I grab a loaf of white bread and a jar of peanut butter, YUMMY!!!!
The game we decide on is "what plaza bears say"....if a guys ask me where I'm from Cash takes a shot, if he ask my age I take one. Well at first things were definitely going my way.........."where are you from?" ing the shit out of me, but seeming to not care about my age. I had him on the ropes!!!! Then every scrub is all of a sudden interested in how old I am. Now when it comes to drinking Im not a sprinter, more of a marathon runner. Hell, it takes me 2 hours to drink a Mike's hard lemonade. After and 3 hours of this I........................................
Its 1am??? Damn I missed the whole damn day!!! And who the hell threw up in the kitchen sink on the dishes??? Oh wait, probably me. Well, Im still feeling pretty shitty so Ill just grab a 7up and go back to bed. Ill clean this shit up in the morning...well, more in the morning.
Its 6am!!! I feel like a million bu...........Who the hell threw up in the sink on the dirty dishes??? Oh right, I did that. Why didnt I just wash them when I got the 7up? Ahh well, at least Im feeling better. Sunday is spent doing boring stuff, cleaning, washing, frebreezing all the fabric in my house so it doesnt smell like a strip club, sniffing Desmond's oneies, his crib, his towel......god I miss my baby :(
Well its Sunday night and nobody has to work tomorrow so I think Ill step out again for a night on the town. I call my "backup" friends and see what their doing. I usually dont hang with them because they always wanna go to some shitty hole-in-the wall club. They tell me to meet them at........ a shitty hole-in-the wall club. I get there and THIS PLACE IS PACKED!!!! Its gotta be 200 over fire code its sooooo many people. It takes all most 20mins just to get a drink, which is watered down -_-, and about another 20 to find my friends. Their on the dance floor so now Im doing that weird "hold your drink" know the one where your trying to not spill your drink on somebody? Then it hits me like a swift kick to the vagina......"Did I put on deodorant???". I think I did but Im not a 100% sure. I sure hope I did. I did didnt I?? All well, I dont care what these people think anyway. I start dancing and get approached by a decent looking guy that ACTUALLY ASK can he dance with me. a club??? This is maddness. Hell yeah you can dance with me!! So we start dancing and this dude can dance!! Im highly impressed. I wonder how is he in bed? No not really *really* lolol. After a few songs Im hot and sweaty and make my way to a seat under a air duct. Im looking around, just checking out the people as they go. Good Dancing Guy comes over and I ask him if he wants a drink......he turns me down. DAMNIT!!! I KNEW I FORGOT TO WEAR DEODORANT!!! Im so stinky he doesnt even want me to get him drunk. Well this sucks. I just give him a smile and return to the dance floor with my arms down at my sides like a soldier at attention. And he follows me and we start dancing again. What the duce captain??? I know you like me cause you keep wanting to dance but you would let me buy you a drink?? Whatever. Im not trying to get him drunk, the drink is like a "thanx for asking me to dance, not assuming" kinda thing. But damnit if I dont wanna know why he turned me down. So I ask. His reply? "Well, my wife dont like going out dancing so I come alone. I hope i didnt offend you or anything. I just dont wanna give the impression Im here for anything more than dancing and company". WHAT?????WHAT????? Did I just meet a awesome guy in a shitty club??? Im gonna grind the shit outta this guy!!! I got my legs all wrapped around him and everything. Now Im having fun. I dont know if he was running game or not but it worked. We have sex with our clothes on for about 3 more hours talking about being married and kids and stuff. At the end of the night he says, "well, heres my number incase you wanna hang out again. Oh and this is my house number in giving you so dont feel weird if my wife answers, Im gonna tell her who you are." Awwwwwwwwww.AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Thats so damn sweet. At to think I thought he was gonna say I smelled or he was gay.
Happy Labor Day everybody!!! Nothing really happened today. A weekend of drinking only gives me on thing...........Mud Butt. I couldnt stay out of the bathroom!!! My butt is sooooo sore from the constant wiping its crazy. What?? You dont wanna hear about this? Fine.
Well thats it. Hope you guys all enjoyed your weekend cause I sure enjoyed mine. Next Labor Day when they go out of town again Ill try to sleep with a girl or puke in the mouth of a stranger to have a better story.
Peace^, A-Town Down, Seacreast out!!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Vacation is over...
I haven't been bloggin for a reason. That reason is because i literally hate playstation home. Let me ask Women this question... You're in the plaza or the bowling alley. You're friends are there and you came to see them. All of a Sudden some piece of shit default avatar L1 attacks you with "hello, Where are you from?" and you ignore his lame fucking azz... then he tends to follow you. And continues because you don't answer... Then You tell him nicely. "hey please go away" and he responds with "you're probably fat in real life"... like OK if i was fat??? Why you try to talk to me and follow me around??...
All i have to say to you is. What Video Do i have on you called "Home girls gone wild?" I've searched all over my PC, I've searched on Home...i've asked people, I even asked my own brain. I thought and thought and thought. I looked at my recorder... i looked for the disc of video evidence. I haven't found anything. Im going to start my own Private investigation about this video called " home girls gone wild" I'm intrigued. i mean, Sose Works without actually doing it?? I recall August was break time for the sose project.. Matter of fact we were working on a brand new flash site, Unfortunately they want the whole chunk for the site. We are raising money to purchase it. For now We are Rebuilding Webs. So for me Or MM's or anyone else to make some video... we all haven't been on home in over a month doing any "jobs" or Recording, i've just been hanging out.. I think the Trumpet done went to far up your nose and tickled your brain. But for you im going to find the culprit who has done this horrible horrible thing to you and have video evidence on you. Cause it surely isn't i... or anyone else in my group for that matter
Trump you're not a pedophile, you're not a lame ass, you're nothing that i know of for me to even "blog" or make a video about... you're not on my radar you're not on mm's radar. Stop making up stories to get attention. Thats lame enough for me to IGNORE! so trumptite = IS IGNORED! officially. But i will investigate on this video...
The ten things i hate about playstation home. We were in the process of doing this, but you know what im just going to put together a LARGE parody video about this... i think it deserves it instead of a blog.
I don't pay attention to people who want on my Site or want a video about them. Mr Jimbo....
Jimbo jimbo... i will not mention you!!! Jimbo... you're not worth my time Jimbo...
and to that Mafia network... LOL i don't visit your site. Nor do i care. I have my things im venturing off too. And uhhhhhh reviewing video games is not me... because im a HARDCORE gammer. I will tell you the worst things about a video game... matter fact look at the master of shitting over video games....
I sose Leave this blog with you.... AVGN nerd on the WORST VIDEO GAME EVER CREATED.... Super man.... 64...
Monday, August 31, 2009
the twisted lies of prix
i feel its important that i tell you about a person who is a liar and a thief to the worst extent,i will tell you this story by experiences and events that happened through times to wehre things didnt add up
first off ill tell you how i met this person, i went to a party a friend inv me to on home, then i ran into someone named acvjunior, when i introduced my self, she said "call me prix", um okay sure i said, then from there on out we became friends, and we started to hang out with eachother, then we started to talk about we both just came from breaking up with the home other halves, i just broke up with my gf, and she broke up with her bf, so, we both decided to remain friends,
one day i get a msg saying that she changed her name to prix-, and no longer was using the acvjunior name. at first i thought it was odd that a girl would use the name acvjunior, and wanted to be called prix, but i didnt think much of it. so a few weeks later, prix sends me a picture of her and from the picture she was very pretty, but it still didnt matter we were friends, so i started to get to know this person, she said that her name is priscilla vasquez shes 19 from san ysidro (san diego) and is a full fledged nurse (Rn) and has one sister named "van" and is 21, she grew up poor in mexico and that she had a father that died when she was young and has a birthday on may 29th (the day we met) and for some reason really really likes the song daylight by matt and kim
as time goes by we started to hang out everyday, and out friends notice it, and prix asked me if i had an msn account, i did, and i added her , and we started to talk more on msn, well i finally got a chance to meet her sister van on msn, she seemed nice from what i known, one day i get a msg from van saying that "oh i got a new msn account name and i should delete that one, well i said sure, but i didnt delete the name i kept it, cause it was odd, for a few days earlier, prix gets a hold of me using another email msn name acvjunior1@yahoo.comand talks to me for a few days, but goes back to useing the, so this change in emails seemed very strange to me, but, unfortunantly im a trusting person, i take ppl for their word, ik, gullible lol
well, few weeks later "vans" old account turns into some guy name ARTURO and the old prix account changes in to Andres Vasquez,

this was fucking weird, but let me go back to home for a second,because with the name change, i end up meeting andres on home since prix had her "cousin Andres over at her house" we were hanging out at my ghostbusterhouse and prix tells me that andres wanted her to go to his graduation, i was like you should go, prix was on the fence about it but then decided to go, then i asked what was his name he said andres, well my name is real name is andres as well, so i go on to say "andres is the best name in the galaxy" and prix's reply was "thanx"......why would prix thank me for saying that, wouldnt prix say "andres says thank you"? i just kept it to my self and made a mental note
with all the name changes on msn i didnt say much of really anything,for one day i was talking to prix online and van showed up and said meet my "friend" arturo and that van just met him at a wal mart and didnt know how to set up a msn account and they gave vans old one, so we all talk, and such he said his name was arturo rodriguez, but i thought it was odd about the whole situation but said nothing.
on home prix started to get to know everyone i knew and added them and would hang out with them, out of respect i will not name anynames for i know some ppl who visit this site knows this person.
then me and prix started to get serious about eachother, i wasnt looking for anything like that, but we hung out everyday and it just happened. so i asked her out and we were together and life was virtual peachy.later on, a friend of mine was able to get the penthouse and it was only available thru ppl who had the info via email. prix told me she had it and i told her to send it via email she did, but with the email account she sent me it said Priscilla M. i took a double take on it and i look up the link, well, it was priscilla, but for a person named priscilla
i thought her last name was vasquez!? i got pissed, i approached her about it cause there are soo many name changes and emails being switched around that none of this made any sense, she told me that she had to hide from some people who were stalking her so she and her "cousins" switched around accounts but heres the supposed priscilla vasquez account
still says priscilla M to my screen,
okay on home, well, this person has made some really wild stories regarding who she is ill go by what prix tells me and then what prix tells other people
me:i have an older sister named van whos 21
them:i have a younger sister named van about 17
me:im a full fledged nurse i need one more year to be a ER nurse
them:im going to school to become a nurse
then she told one of my friends, who is african american, that when she was at work one day that she saw two black dudes fighting outside the hospital on the street over a bucket of chicken,um...what!?
prix told me that her sister in law didnt Want to take care of her own kids anymore so, prix and van had to take care of them, one 11 and the other 3, and told me that she was the only one working, so money is very tight....but then they go to mexico a week later for a wedding, i thought they didnt have any money?
few days after they came back, prix posted a message in my clubhouse that she wouldnt be able to keep the house because they are taking care of them, well another flag came up, a 19 year old whos the only one working, living in a house, and always had the weekends off, because i asked if she could work the weekends for extra pay, she said no, then she tells two of my friends that she was going to have to file for bankruptcy because she needed $2200 for a new condo she was purchasing....19 years old and buying a new condo!?
well, she sent everyone pictures of her being the made of honor in the wedding, well i saw the pictures and...they look nothing like the girl in the pictures she sent me, her excuse was that her hair was longer and she was wearing no make up.
one day prix tells me that she has to take iris to the dr cause she was really sick and that ashley the 11 year old niece was gonna play home, and that she dosent know how to play so, show her the ropes, fine i said, i get on home and i wait for her to msg me to where she is, intead i get an invite, and i meet ash, suppsosedly for the first time, but instead of going directly to central plaza, she somehow knew how to post picture frames and switch pictures in each frame, and was asking me about everyone on home that i knew, basically trying to get information from me, well this goes on for 15 minutes with the picture swapping and such, then i ask her, "huh, how long have you been on home?" her replay"only five seconds" odd, only five seconds and knows how to put up frames swap pictures and send invites?
time goes by, and im falling for priscilla vasquez, hard, i would compliment her everyday, i would write her poetry every other weekend (any one wants to read one of them msg me :P)
i mean i was crazy for her, and i started to really care for this girl,
we were hangin out at my personal space and a friend came over and asked if we were ever gonna meet, then we both said, idk, then the next day i bring it up, "well weve been going out for an entire month, lets say we meet up in december? she said well see
well two days later a friend of mine sent me a msg via xmb, saying that she REALLY needs to talk to me, "its about prix..." she says
i get on msn, and my friend tells me that she gets on msn and talks to prix and says that she wanted to leave me, and regretted ever saying yes to going out with, and was scared that i wanted to meet her in person.
i was distraught, i was hurt, and i was actually depressed over her
well a few days ago, a friend of mine told me to get on myspace and see an old hs friend from 7 years ago, so i did, i forgot i had a myspace. when i was on myspace i glanced at my msn contacts, and i saw prix's email, a match showes up. it turned out that it was some guy named carlos, whos a racer, (hence the name prix) from mexico who grew up poor and his father died!
then i looked at prix's old email it showes up as this
Andres Vasquez, age 19 from san ysidro
his birthday, MAY 29th LOVES THE SONG DAYLIGHT BY MATT AND KIM and everyone who knows prix, knows that he typed exactly like this little fucker
and Arturo Rodriguez, "vans bf" well on acvjunior@live.coms myspace this person makes a comment on "prix's" account

Arturo Rodriguez 17 m from san ysidro and it turns out to be his neighbor and i had an interesting little chat with this person

this is prix's youtube account
reason im bringin this up is because prix