A He calls himself a menace to home...
http://www.playstationhometoday.com/profile/jaywalker <---- ownz me
WHAT THE FUCK? dude This should be a LESSON LEARNED TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE ON THE SOSE PROJECT. Like Rome SAID. IF I DONT GIVE A FUCK!? WHY SHOULD U? Yes Jaywalker is the source (or so told by others) He's the 1 who says ikkz was sabotaging the sose project. THATS FUCKING FUNNY! LOL... now all i have to say is. IT WORKED. Everyone sitting around fighting not getting anything done because you're so worried about A sabotage. The only person who can Sabotage the sose project IS CRIMSINFIRE5. HE HAS 10x MORE LOVE than I DO! So people IM gone, No more sose for over 3 weeks. I was going to close the sose project but you guys wanted to continue... So if you're going to continue then be serious... You think that was bad, HA u guys got more AHEAD OF YOU.
Shout outs to my fav pals @ the bench mob and to you Adonia, Peuswahboy and especially you Jaywalker for WAKING UP THE TEAM.... -wears Dunce hat-
I'm announcing public ally Crims is in charge PLEASE ... Guys stop the inside fighting its not worth it...
For others... Please visit the forums if you would like to talk to me...
FAN/HATE MAIL.... SoSeDuCtivelisa@gmail.com <--- Send all Feedback to that email address...
The SoSe Project is here to stay for The Casual gamers and female Gamers(mainly the female gamers)... thanx all much love..
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lamez lames.....n more lames

this bitch kown as "Noahrh1"played with me in the plaza,. i was talking to some N-W-A Kidz and this punk ass lil boy walks up, and says " bet your a man like me" ( i woulda took a pic up tunz of ppl typing) so the whole argument was this kid debating that im a man. and i said ok. walked over to all my bench mob ppl Shout out to yall ( dani Dio and Swa66y boo, candy, and PP boi and deja) so the whole time im arguin. im telling this kid he a lil boy asking to see some dick in the plaza saying lemme sniff it i can tell u a boy. and saying stupid stuff and random nasty things. and i was like yea ok u a tranny so stop. he kept talking hard and i told him shut up even walked away. He told me to grow some balls and i told him i dont need any. and i said why dont u gorw sum balls and he said he got big ones LoLz. and then he kept bugging me. and i gave him the Good Raz cussin out and he said sorry. and i told him im blogging his ass kuz he tought it was a joke. But check out my bad bitch pose. that shit is BoSS LMAO... im out.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Oh WOOOOOOOW Michael Jackson 09

Ok obviously if your gonna make a name that gets peoples attention ESPECIALY if that persons name is associated with a famous pop icon who died very recently, you really got nuthin better to do on home. He would get in the middle of a croud and spam the fuck out of the chatbox, that shit is not funny when your trying to actually have a converstion with someone and it pisses people off. Most people finally ignored him but wait he wasnt done yet.....
He would then spam peoples screen with a game that NOBODY plays online or even bought for that matter. Everyone was tellin him to stop bu the would just go to the next person and spam them. Razy and I poped ina game an did the same shit to him so he could see how annoying it is to get spammed lol. He ended up joining my RE5 game but i canceled the launch immediately haha.....Beat It kid!
I dont even know why people send random invites to join a game on home anyways, usually the people on home just stay on home and socalise, if you wanna play a game with someone ASK first and see if they actually want to play a game or even have the game for that matter! Usually guys just come up to girls and send random game invites which is down right rude if you ask me, its annoying enough already females dealing with guys hittin on them all the damn time on home and sending unwanted private messages. Alot of shit people do on home is over rated
-----RIP Michael Jackson KING OF POP 6/25/09-----
Ok obviously if your gonna make a name that gets peoples attention ESPECIALY if that persons name is associated with a famous pop icon who died very recently, you really got nuthin better to do on home. He would get in the middle of a croud and spam the fuck out of the chatbox, that shit is not funny when your trying to actually have a converstion with someone and it pisses people off. Most people finally ignored him but wait he wasnt done yet.....
He would then spam peoples screen with a game that NOBODY plays online or even bought for that matter. Everyone was tellin him to stop bu the would just go to the next person and spam them. Razy and I poped ina game an did the same shit to him so he could see how annoying it is to get spammed lol. He ended up joining my RE5 game but i canceled the launch immediately haha.....Beat It kid!
I dont even know why people send random invites to join a game on home anyways, usually the people on home just stay on home and socalise, if you wanna play a game with someone ASK first and see if they actually want to play a game or even have the game for that matter! Usually guys just come up to girls and send random game invites which is down right rude if you ask me, its annoying enough already females dealing with guys hittin on them all the damn time on home and sending unwanted private messages. Alot of shit people do on home is over rated
-----RIP Michael Jackson KING OF POP 6/25/09-----
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Lame "Shet" Vs SoSe
I get followed around by 3 lames....
DA-LAW-184 and Loc_The_Smokedog.
The lame fucks wouldnt stop following me around trying to say "hello", Dancing on me. Disrespecting me. I mean damn if i was a real girl, i'd probably Punch the fuckin PS3 after this shit... Girl's can't say they dont want to talk to you on home can they? without you just bringing ur stankin azz avatars on people... sorrounding chics... this was not only done to my avatar...
Besides the point thats not my business dude was a lame and im sticking to the fact that he Harrassed me after i told em to leave. Even when i said i wasnt a girl. He still Stayed... dancing on me...
I said it was 3 Jerk off's but this was before i came downstairs to the other tv... this was prior to all of this. Let me give this guys his 2 seconds of avatar fame. He danced on me... he followed me around.... meet...
Mr No name... i'll just show his ugly azz avatar... LOL
Prime Example What the SOSE PROJECT IS AGAINTS!
Now, I do NOT condone this kind of behavior. I KNEW it was a guy behind this avatar when i saw that text. Don't know women go on ps3 and offer vJJ pix...
And i Wasn't bullshiting etheir...
Make sure you pay attention to CbriBri's Gaming News Weekly SPECIAL SOSE PROJECT EDITION LIVE THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!! 10 Central, 8 pST, 11 EST... make SURE U CHECK us all out @ www.psthreemafia.com!!
She announces it @ 8:25 on this video... SoSe Project + Sanitarium network = ELITE SHIT!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ohhhhh I got in trooooouubllllllleee...............
So this past Sunday my sweet baby was playing Burnout on my dejastar2000 account when Sose sent out a mass chat invite. Well that didnt go over well at all with ze old man. I had a hell of a time explaining to him that I dont chat on the mic and junk but he wasnt really feeling my excuse. "If you thought I was on the internet chatting with bitches you'd be trying to hit me with something!!!". Well he has a point there. I would be pissed. THEN he saw that I had pix posted and was REALLY pissed off. Now this one I dont get. People see me all the time in real life so why is the interwebz any different? Not like Im gonna date somebody or cheat. I only cheat with people I meet in dimly-lit night clubs lolololol. But forrealz...I just think send pics humanizes things on the web, thats why I do it.
I ate a bag of Twizzler pull-n-peels today and GOD was it good!! I mean like really good. Wanna know things that that candy was better than???
Putting a saddle on my husbands head and riding him incoherent
Shanking a nun
Buying shoes
Having a drink of Vodka straight from Jesus liquor cabinet
A reach-around
Kicking a hob with kittens in his pockets
Winning $78 in a spitting contest
.........yeah, it was that good.
Im happy this PSHT/SOSE thing is dying down. I much rather get called a bitch by people I dont know. I personally think it was taken waaaay out of context. Im mean suing and all is just dragging the real world into the internet one. Its not like any of you are gonna fight IRL or anything. All tho if you did, i would surely wish for it to be posted on youtube. That good watchin' fodder right there!!!! As for the pig project 16 of its 53 members are BenchModians so saying that the BM is trouble is a moot point indeed. The BM has members that are Homelings, work on this site, we have a hand in everything it seems. We gets all the cookies lolol.
Im sleepy.
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast Out!!!!
I ate a bag of Twizzler pull-n-peels today and GOD was it good!! I mean like really good. Wanna know things that that candy was better than???
Putting a saddle on my husbands head and riding him incoherent
Shanking a nun
Buying shoes
Having a drink of Vodka straight from Jesus liquor cabinet
A reach-around
Kicking a hob with kittens in his pockets
Winning $78 in a spitting contest
.........yeah, it was that good.
Im happy this PSHT/SOSE thing is dying down. I much rather get called a bitch by people I dont know. I personally think it was taken waaaay out of context. Im mean suing and all is just dragging the real world into the internet one. Its not like any of you are gonna fight IRL or anything. All tho if you did, i would surely wish for it to be posted on youtube. That good watchin' fodder right there!!!! As for the pig project 16 of its 53 members are BenchModians so saying that the BM is trouble is a moot point indeed. The BM has members that are Homelings, work on this site, we have a hand in everything it seems. We gets all the cookies lolol.
Im sleepy.
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast Out!!!!
Lame excuse to see some Breast..

So i just came off the Game infamous. and i decided i had enough of getting my ass whoped by

Raz over and out.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Another case of a PSFlamer

Before i start things off yes his avatar is gettin punched in the face by a hampster named noobslayer haha
I was chillin with my good friend named Swinggrrl and some of her friends when this guy shows up, nobody wanted to talk to him really but he didnt get it, we told him to leave but he didnt get it, i told him to fuck off so i guess he took offenseon that lol. I guess he doesnt take rejection very well. I started talkin shit about him stating facts about how much of a dumb fuck he was and trying so hard to tell jokes, funny thing is he kept saying you keep repeating yourself, and he would say that to everyone who talked shit to him or called him a lame or an idiot.

i told him his avatar looked like a gay crackhead who gives head to ppl for coke, dark circles around the eyes pale skin this guy really needs to give some e-head to get high lol. He kept callin me an old lezbo bec im using my SweetVallery account, my main account got banned so im using Vallery in the meantime. He kept tellin me i was thick headed and dont get what he is saying and then tells the same stupid fuckin jokes lol. The things is, was talkin shit about him and ppl around me were laughin at, when he told a joke he basically was laughin at himself. He was stating he would bring his friends to laugh at us, nobody he knew showed up. He was tellin me that i have no life and no friends an his friends arnt on 24/7 an shit. I sent him a friend request jus for the hell of it and he added me XD. He told me i was desperate for friends and had none. And after he added me that was the start of the hatemail XD

For the record YISMA i told you.....you dont know what your up against, im not even a girl i use that account bec it was a account i used for the project, seems like i still do use it for the project bec u believe ima old hag XD. I can care less if i have a fucking girl name in the meantime an look like one on home, you can look like what ever the fuck you want to on home. Ive had that account since January i put money on that account and i have clothes to wear that arnt default clothes like the gay lookin home shirt you had on. The evidence i posed above clearly states how fucking stupid you are. Welcome to one day of PSFame as a fucking LAME!!!
My main account ID is CrimsinFire5, get on my level bitch and nobody is fucking safe!!
Before i start things off yes his avatar is gettin punched in the face by a hampster named noobslayer haha
I was chillin with my good friend named Swinggrrl and some of her friends when this guy shows up, nobody wanted to talk to him really but he didnt get it, we told him to leave but he didnt get it, i told him to fuck off so i guess he took offenseon that lol. I guess he doesnt take rejection very well. I started talkin shit about him stating facts about how much of a dumb fuck he was and trying so hard to tell jokes, funny thing is he kept saying you keep repeating yourself, and he would say that to everyone who talked shit to him or called him a lame or an idiot.
i told him his avatar looked like a gay crackhead who gives head to ppl for coke, dark circles around the eyes pale skin this guy really needs to give some e-head to get high lol. He kept callin me an old lezbo bec im using my SweetVallery account, my main account got banned so im using Vallery in the meantime. He kept tellin me i was thick headed and dont get what he is saying and then tells the same stupid fuckin jokes lol. The things is, was talkin shit about him and ppl around me were laughin at, when he told a joke he basically was laughin at himself. He was stating he would bring his friends to laugh at us, nobody he knew showed up. He was tellin me that i have no life and no friends an his friends arnt on 24/7 an shit. I sent him a friend request jus for the hell of it and he added me XD. He told me i was desperate for friends and had none. And after he added me that was the start of the hatemail XD
For the record YISMA i told you.....you dont know what your up against, im not even a girl i use that account bec it was a account i used for the project, seems like i still do use it for the project bec u believe ima old hag XD. I can care less if i have a fucking girl name in the meantime an look like one on home, you can look like what ever the fuck you want to on home. Ive had that account since January i put money on that account and i have clothes to wear that arnt default clothes like the gay lookin home shirt you had on. The evidence i posed above clearly states how fucking stupid you are. Welcome to one day of PSFame as a fucking LAME!!!
My main account ID is CrimsinFire5, get on my level bitch and nobody is fucking safe!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
PSDater Vs PSLame
You know, people knew this day was coming...They knew i was going to try and justify it. Because of what the tittle says... "nobody is safe" im going to expose it all... PSdating is Lame, to a certain extant. I was told by peuswahboy that 1 day someone's going to find me and im going to change my thoughts about it. I didn't listen because it happend to peus... but then Razy found me. she told me how sexy i was and how much she liked me. We ended up being on the phone for 6 hours of the day just having SO much in common, I mean i can litterally just listen to her breath when she's quiet. We both enjoy the same things. She loves GTA4 as much as i do, She wants to buy an xbox 360 just to play the better version of it with me. We play GTA4 constantly, we also play alot of little big planet together and when we arent playing games we usually doing stupid shit like watching youtube together in sync on yahoo messanger. It quite Real, i feel it to the maxium that this girl is the exact opposite of me. i got huge deep feelings for her, but because this website is public im not gonna say my true feelings because i know some of u will tease me about it... and lol (blushes) i don't wanna hear it.... but ive been watching the sose project staff/bench mob and ive been noticing things
1st we have couple number uno.... benchmob leader Peus, he has deep feelings for PMISSING and vice versa... aw isnt that so cute...
2nd Amy and trevor... cuties lil couple on PShome... i like these two but i wanna kill trevor...
3rd is romeo... he's a womanizer... he psdates anything with 2 legs and a anolog stick.
4th Dani and Dio, weird couple....but dio is my bully. he picks on me often.... HI DANI!
5th...crims and rose , noone really knows about this 1 but rose is celeb... that i never gave her idenity out because she came on home just to chill. but she Hangs out with crims when she does get to get on pshome
6th... Jaywalker and Mizz Jaywalker... ok ADONIA... u can't front like theirs NOTHING OBVIOUS GOING ON WITH THAT... lol
7th ikkinami and Shayla89.... Ikkz is new... but that don't mean u safe nigga...
8th last but not least... myself and Razy... we taking this kind of far, don't matter i love it.
Finally, I have a new blogger her name is ..... well i wont say her name but i will say she did admite she's also psdating....
With that said.... whats a PSLame? then... well let me explain. I came on here to do what i do. When i started hanging out with these women and the benchmob. We grew feelings.... for 1 another and i watched it. A PSLame is something totally different. PSLames usually walk up, Add you, talk about "hey baby wanna see my dick?" or.... "u got a came?" For this fact i have to excuse the PSDater. the PSdater doesn't do it intentionally, it just happens...PSlames on the other hand come on here and cause sexually harrasment, sexual taunts, sexual preditors. all kinds of shet. I know i listed people as PSdaters but most of them where "hey baby im sexy wanna get with me?" or "You got myspace? whats your phone number?" you even had the 1s When i 1st started the sose project. When Lisa was in charector. They just would NOT STOP HITTING ON MY AVATAR. Thats where i came to the conclusion of a psdater... what i ment was a psLame.... Lisa would push and push, fuss, wouldnt show attention Nothing of the sort. The bullshit would just continue. I took the term psdater our of context cause of this cause they just HAD to HAVE My avatar....
International SoSe
Over n Japan i think the people there don't know anybetter. Just too friendly, Razy had "im horny yay" in her comment when she added this japanese girl. The girl saw it after the add and instantly got interested. She sent us a pic... and was excited to be friends with us... I took it as, The benifit of the doubt she was just being friendly (hopefully... lol)
in Hong Kong we didn't stay that long... pretty much no encounters there. I was told to do international sose... it looks like it could be fun. So I mite look into that... lol
The penthouse glitch.... SoSe Proj Exclusive hands on...
Ikkz my newbie got his hands on the New penthouse on his american account and its not released as of yet in america. Me personally sony can have this shit. I like the ghostbusters shit razy bought.... heres the pix
Told you Amy u'd be n that pic... lol.... but Look@ this shet... lol
No SoSe For 2 weeks,
After the Cbri Bri Show i booked for this weekend on Youtube. Im turning in my precious 80 gig Metal Gear solid 4 PS3 in for Repairs... i wish i can show you evidence but im not fast enough to catch the graphical glitching. Thank god sony has a 1 year warrenty... and i can provide proof of purchase...
I want to cry cause Its playstation 3... its not supposed to go down. When my Xbox 360 went out it was the 1st time since i had 360 that i did not care. This is my 4th xbox... But like i said when i bought my ps3 for 550, i was expecting no problems to go down. I was wrong. It seems that leaving it on to "Fold at home" is was killed my ps3's graphicall card. If you don't know what folding @ home is. Its when you donate CPU power to stanford university so they can find ways to use the molicule power to cure cancer. All i wanted to do was help and i get a fked up ps3.... -_- Thats STANFORD U!... hope u guys like my SITE! cause you FUCKED UP MY PS3!! /sarcasm...
For those WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND the SoSe Project. LISTEN UP. This Website was Made to expose what the average Female goes threw when she tries to be a casual gamer on the console that she choosed to buy. Xbox live has ways of getting around harrasment. PS3 has a 3d social network where even if you block someone they can still follow you and hump your avatar. We show the truth of what happens to a gamergirl... if you do not respect that. or call this a "hate site" because most of you Dumb azz men who come on here and seen that you've been blogged. yea HATE IT because you're the reason WOMEN HATE PLAYING GAMES WITH YOUR ASS!! SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT TO A LADIE! Keep the conversation on gamming stop asking for cams, pics, mics, ect. Its ok to ask age and location but when you start talk hit on a chick on the playstation. Thats when you become PSLAME. Why can't some of you just get a clue play the game and maybe the girl will like you for you gaming skillz and conversation. Girls arent impressed by the bullshit that you tell them. Actions speak a whole lot louder than any word ever said and See'ing IS BELIEVING! remember that my fellow dumb founded Men and maybe 1 day you can have a enjoyable experience with a female gamer instead of "add me ive never had a girl play games with me before" yea its because they Rather NOT LISTEN TO THE BULLSHIT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Thank you have a nice fucking day...
www.psthreemafia.com REPRESENT!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Haters Take this out of context
ok, There's a person who works with us. His name is James AKA M&M's. Thats my boi... he's cool as shit. But because of what he did that shocked everyone in the sose project... EXAMPLE. Men, Dumb azz men gave his female avatar PSN money... because of this... we have a lame Guy PM'n PEOPLE on the low saying "Don't talk to people from the sose project they are all guys... stealing money" ok.. LOL
Meet Micky mouse... No people Not Disney's put your pen and papers away, No autographs. Mickey Mouse the PSlame. Now... if you want a autograph now go ahead and do so...
Here's a video Of M&M's and Razy talking Since She's a fucking so called "dude" idiot... I hate gullible azz kids. Nothing i post is a lie. I have no REASON to lie or be a "hate site" what i do is PUT FUCKERS ON BLAST. FOr their own actions... NOT PROVOKE....
Why go listen to what some fuck tells you about the sose project.
1st off young Sir. we here at the sose project are not all guys. matter of fact lets pull out the roster...
g0dly_ice/SoSeDuCtive_icey - guy
Crimsinfire5 - guy
NYAttitude/oLarcenyx -guy
SimpliiDevine - women
K_Dizzle1016 - women
RetiredPirate - women
CJ314 - guy
DangerChyna - women
Sakuswords - guy
Mz_Adonia - women
Snowandbullets - guy
Theresa22 - women
MirceaMonroe (M&Ms) - guy
Ikkinami - guy
Razylx - women
Dejaster2000/vixenq - women
Wi_Romeo - guy
Houdrummer - guy
Down_azz_chick - women
With that Said IDIOT... that means that not everyone here is a Guy.. and for proof i own a phone number for Each member of the sose project to make sure they tell the truth about who they are. I seen them all on cam... etc etc (not deja.... deja' is married... i dont have a number on her...)
So that goes into conclusion that you can easily just Shut the fuck up. Nah actually fuck that. lets count the guys and girls.... 9 females and 9 guys... even Number. The only 3 that use girl avatars are myself, Ikk'z and NY, Maybe even Crims
Moreeeee PETO's!!!
ok This is gettin desturbing i didn't start the sose project to find peto's but since Razy been here she been telling people she's 16, Now ikk's is doing it. Look what mother fkers are saying....
ok... this guy is 22 asking Ikk's if his avatar has a bF... mind you ikk's Avatar poses as 16. Then he says this...
WTF DUDE!? "tried giving head" yo IM SURE ALOT OF 16 YEAR OLDS HAVE GIVEN HEAD... but! that doesn't mean u old ass dudes on playstation can try to come ask them stupid shit like this... Wtf is wrong with playstation home.... Seriously alot of people Are not aware of the SoSe project? i Guess not... -_-
Im sick of the petophiles WHERE ARE THE LAMES AT!? those are the 1's i LIKE to fuck with. The Desperate.... wait.... heres 1...
ROFL.... after i told him i was a guy and he was gonna get blogged he still said "so you wanna talk dirty then" LOL! hahahahaha oh god this is still funny to me...
Here's a video Of M&M's and Razy talking Since She's a fucking so called "dude" idiot... I hate gullible azz kids. Nothing i post is a lie. I have no REASON to lie or be a "hate site" what i do is PUT FUCKERS ON BLAST. FOr their own actions... NOT PROVOKE....
Why go listen to what some fuck tells you about the sose project.
1st off young Sir. we here at the sose project are not all guys. matter of fact lets pull out the roster...
The SoSe Project Originals:g0dly_ice/SoSeDuCtive_icey - guy
Crimsinfire5 - guy
NYAttitude/oLarcenyx -guy
SimpliiDevine - women
K_Dizzle1016 - women
RetiredPirate - women
CJ314 - guy
DangerChyna - women
Sakuswords - guy
Mz_Adonia - women
Snowandbullets - guy
Theresa22 - women
MirceaMonroe (M&Ms) - guy
Ikkinami - guy
Razylx - women
Dejaster2000/vixenq - women
Wi_Romeo - guy
Houdrummer - guy
Down_azz_chick - women
With that Said IDIOT... that means that not everyone here is a Guy.. and for proof i own a phone number for Each member of the sose project to make sure they tell the truth about who they are. I seen them all on cam... etc etc (not deja.... deja' is married... i dont have a number on her...)
So that goes into conclusion that you can easily just Shut the fuck up. Nah actually fuck that. lets count the guys and girls.... 9 females and 9 guys... even Number. The only 3 that use girl avatars are myself, Ikk'z and NY, Maybe even Crims
Moreeeee PETO's!!!
ok This is gettin desturbing i didn't start the sose project to find peto's but since Razy been here she been telling people she's 16, Now ikk's is doing it. Look what mother fkers are saying....

Im sick of the petophiles WHERE ARE THE LAMES AT!? those are the 1's i LIKE to fuck with. The Desperate.... wait.... heres 1...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
hangin on the bench razy and i found this lame... he wanted to "Show us something" in a chat we brought to the chat and hit record... thank GOD i had the text chat up cuz he only had a shirt on. Anyway she told him she was 15 before we got there and he still wanted to go... so we went and he gave her a interview... do all guys do this on Playstation 3?? this video shows nothing.. thank god but he was still half nakid n a chat with a "15 yr old". He wanted to jack off and sense she wasn't interested he got back on home and looked for another E-Bitch...
Oh reposted since we pushed it down... FoO FoO chronicles vol 1
Oh reposted since we pushed it down... FoO FoO chronicles vol 1
Friday, June 19, 2009
What the SoSe Project Really is
Ok, Before this beef started their was a time were we created a place that women or gamers can come to Express of feelings on the perverted men who Used playstation 3 or playstation home as a tool to "PSdate" or "PSMasturebate" we took the losers and seperated them from the real gamers by creating a list for all who did things
What i exposed where:
My rules were simple....

1. don't hunt
2. let them come to you
3. do not gossip
5. Only enable the guy to say the things he's going to say DO NOT FISH FOR IT.
Thats what i believed in. When i So called "PSdated" as SoSe back in the early days. It was because i would walk around and these people loved the charector so much they tried shit. I just let them.
i didn't get this fucking loser to say any of these things... he said it on his own. I'm trying to remind people what this is about. Personal shit keeps gettin put here. Personal vendetta's againts us. Such as M&M's last post about them wanting to put him n Jail because he played people for PSN cards...
I remember gettin called Sugar foots behind the SoSe avatar... it was the GAYIEST MOMENT in SoSe History... if you look behind you can see people laughin at me...

I was dared to do Certain shit by the crazy Women who be on here.... SMokedog255225. He was telling 1 girl he wanted to FK her untill my avatar came around then he wanted both avatars... I was dared to mess with him. Cause she wanted to prove a point + blog him. I did it.... i sent 2 messages and i still have them. It was god AWFUL... Do i feel bad or gay for doing it? Hell no cause in the end we found out this guy just got on PShome to jack off with girls... which brings me to this video...
because of Stuff like this. I and we needed a source for pics So yes. We take a source of pix and used them on the people on the playstation. We never publicly went about it which NO APZ complained about in a video.
I even recorded funny moments... like above. yea buy a new Shirt nigga...
we also exposed the kids who would sit and dance around you with ugly avatars
Our goal was to make fun of the lame people who tend to cause disruption on home, The thing is. You can say or justify whats lame and whats not. What i believe is lame is what certain people do when they get on from jump. For Example, if your only intentions for being on home is to find a girl... thats lame. Speaking for Peuswahboy,Shit happens, You can date on home im not sayings its 100% lame cause i knew a couple who met on halo 3 and got married and had kids. The point is.. if thats what you're there for... then its not llooking good. Then again if u are a PSdater... be a GOOD 1. stop thw lame 1s. im talk about the guy who plays many diff avatars...
Then go...around asking the same question to many diff avatars...

Udell being see with a Different avatar everyday. He was always around Rocky but, When she wouldnt sign on... he would go to many other avatars... and hang around them claiming to just be friends. Acording to a few couples that lived n the same house as each other. They reported udell would mack the girl and tell her he wanna take her from the guy...but be real cool with the guy like close friends...
Then you had plenty of stalkers and flamers who sat up and did nothing but talked about u. It was stupid. Ghettokiller claims that we are childmolestors cause of Amy is 16... amy is a friend of ours and we keep the creeps away from her...
I mean.... i want to just say the sose project is a Avatar to Avoid type thing. If you see these avatars you already know whats going to happend because they been blogged before.
and in anyother case's there were times where we caught people stealing pix and being other people they claimed they where... AKA Jasmin angel
if you have someone you would like to be known about, Feel free to post it on our forums. We ar not here to beef, People get mad cause they get blogged. Then they start the personal shit because they got caught on video... or taking pix of. Thats the point. If you get blogged... then deal with it... learn to be a better person...over the playstation. Thats how beef gets started. I don't POST HERSEY. I DO NOT POST Gossip. I do not post fake shit. I post evidence. This is what you did. Deal with it. Don't justify it and get mad and call me gay because you were macking an avatar. I didn't tell you to walk up to me...i didnt tell u to type text to me.... i didnt tell u to do anything...you did it an i or we exposed it...
Thank you.
PS: for now own people be CIVIL...Womenizers don't like this blog cause its focased on protecting women gamers.
What i exposed where:
My rules were simple....
1. don't hunt
2. let them come to you
3. do not gossip
5. Only enable the guy to say the things he's going to say DO NOT FISH FOR IT.
Thats what i believed in. When i So called "PSdated" as SoSe back in the early days. It was because i would walk around and these people loved the charector so much they tried shit. I just let them.
we also exposed the kids who would sit and dance around you with ugly avatars
Then you had plenty of stalkers and flamers who sat up and did nothing but talked about u. It was stupid. Ghettokiller claims that we are childmolestors cause of Amy is 16... amy is a friend of ours and we keep the creeps away from her...
and in anyother case's there were times where we caught people stealing pix and being other people they claimed they where... AKA Jasmin angel
if you have someone you would like to be known about, Feel free to post it on our forums. We ar not here to beef, People get mad cause they get blogged. Then they start the personal shit because they got caught on video... or taking pix of. Thats the point. If you get blogged... then deal with it... learn to be a better person...over the playstation. Thats how beef gets started. I don't POST HERSEY. I DO NOT POST Gossip. I do not post fake shit. I post evidence. This is what you did. Deal with it. Don't justify it and get mad and call me gay because you were macking an avatar. I didn't tell you to walk up to me...i didnt tell u to type text to me.... i didnt tell u to do anything...you did it an i or we exposed it...
Thank you.
PS: for now own people be CIVIL...Womenizers don't like this blog cause its focased on protecting women gamers.
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