Madness? Out of hand? Uncontrollable? I see none of this. Every bodies all pissy about........well, about everything it seems. Even PSHT has been affected. "I'm gonna ruin your internet experience!!!!". Oh yeah? Good luck with that kiddo. As much as I've tried to shield my personal life I couldn't. Friends do that shit to you. They get u talking about your day/night/week/month whatever, they expose their feeling and shit. Then in return, you do the same thing until your full-blown e-bff's!!! Little by little you revel more about yourself til they know damn near anything. And I know some are saying having a e-bff is lame. Yeah.......well I never claimed i wasn't so eat me. I've been married to a wonderful, awesome man since I was 18. I didn't do the clubs and parties then so why start now?? Yes, I go out every other week maybe(well, not in a while lol) to catch up with my RL friends but truth is......we're getting old. Kids, jobs, husbands, life is just in the fucking way. People always say "U bloggers need to get a life" or "Go out with real people". To that I say..............WHAT THE FUCK IS A 27YO PREGNANT MARRIED WOMAN SUPPOSED TO BE DOING AT 11 AT FUCKING NIGHT?????
Lies, Lies, and more LIES..............
That's all I hear/see lately. So-n-so is lying about this, so-n-so is lying about that, "I'm tired of all the backstabbing and lying". Well shit, do something about it!!! I'm hella-pissed at one of my friends right now. So you know what I did. I told him. He knew were I stood. He know's I still love him but I'm not happy and he accepts it. THAT'S FRIENDSHIP. Internet or real life, friends fight. Friends argue. Friends have disagreements. Its all good tho, not like I'm gonna not be your friend because we have a fight. When its done it's done. If you ever think that I've wrong you in some way call me on it. Comment at the bottom of this post. But don't hide your name or make up some bullshit name, use the name I wrong you on. Lax, if you feel i wrong'd you, put Lax, Yosho you feel I wrong'd you put Yosho. But don't just do it with me, do it with everybody. Stand up, say what you gotta.
Me and Dio.....
Yeah Yeah Yeah. We always talking about people behind their back. I get it, your out of the loop and think we're making fun of people behind their back. Truth be told we save our best jokes for our intended target. Why waste a good zing on somebody when their not there to get butt-hurt over it?? What fun is that????Theres a BIG difference between cracking a joke and talking behind somebodies back. Backstabbing is airing feeling about somebody that they don't know you have. Examples::
Backstabbing: You know, I really thing Sose is gay.
Cracking a joke: Nah....Sose is just gay is all.
See? Different. Now spreading gossip is totally different from backstabbing. We gossip because we wanna know.And everybody gossips(except Ed, Pink, and Lik3) so don't act like we don't because we al do. Its one reason why we come on home. "How was you day?" "U ok?" "Whats wrong?"....we wanna know. If you asked me how my day was and i said I got in a fist fight with RockerQ 20 other people would know that me and Q got in a fight before I say something. AND NOT ONE WOULD BRING IT UP FIRST!
So what? Its the internet. Get over your self because your really not that important. All you were was a topic. Nothing more. Think of it as your 15 mins of fame. Maybe you should stop doing what your doing. Walking up to people and acting a ass is retarded. Not every girl wants to see your dick. Not every girl wants to cyber. Some of us just wanna meet people that have the same interest and maybe play a couple of songs on Rockband2 ^_^. Trying to "ruin" me is just gonna make me look more awesome. Because you are officially a hater!!! That's how I know I'm still in your thoughts lol. You wanna bounce from server to server and talk to the bench because your on my block list? Fine. You wanna make a fake account and try to infiltrate my friends list? Go for it!! All my everything is out there. I'm tired of trying to hide stuff because it doesn't work. I lied about being married when HOME first came out because nobody wanted to play games with a girl they couldn't fuck. After I found a good stable of friends told them. By then it was no turning back lol, I was their friend and they didn't wanna sleep with me anyway lol. Then I didn't tell anybody I was pregnant because I didn't what anybody to see me as being vulnerable and emotional. Then I lied about HOW pregnant I was because I didn't want any lectures on me going out and drinking while I was pregnant(Note I can get drunk just by smelling vodka usually so having a drink or 2 3 months ago ain't hurt this kid trying to kick his self out my belly button). So there you go, call me a liar or whatever but remember this: My lies only affected me and at the time I felt the need to protect my self. Whats your lie gonna be?
Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast Out!!!