Saturday, June 13, 2009

100th Post Everyone exposed

PSDaters - Lames who turn on their playstation and look for women, often tries to be a PsPimp
PSlame - comes on playstation and pretends to be something they arent to gain friends
Flamer - people who like to come online and talk shit


TY144 - PsLame - PS-dater-
RealGunna - PS dater
WallaceGood - PS dater
SlimJim - PS dater
Kaliban-Mafia - PS dater
Udell - PSdater, Gossiper and a lame
Daesin - Flamer, jasmine angels cousin, Sent out Google pics
Smokedogg(forgot numbers) - PSMasturbator
No_Ap0logiez - Flamer, hater, PSdater. Plenty of videos on him visit the archive
Chow13 -Flamer
D_moneyx09 - PSdater, Flamer
Fyness - Psdater
JasmineAngel - the Beginning of finding out it was a Guy
Lazer3 - Flamer, Liar, Story teller...
AeonFlux - flamer
UptownMar - Flamer (exempt)


Fredsta - Flamer
Franzine - Fake fat black bitch who sends pix of skinny white chicks
Lancefamily73 - makes ugly avatars to bother people on home
Persian_beast_ - PSdater, Women abuser
KillaCrew - PSdater, two-timer
Pranker08 - Flamer
IVIooSeKnuckles - PSdater (he's married) , Flamer
Calilbabee - Flamer, Bothers people on home
Eauijhkuu - FLAMER!
Souljahstyle -Flamer!
Why7So7Serious - PSdater, PSmasturbator, Flamer!
Shady_one_Konobi - Flamer, stalker
Majikninja420 -flamer, stalker


hllanelle - young kid, flamer, psdater
Uzzi08 -Psdater
N0_ap0loGiez - Repeat PSdater (nothing but videos on him in april)
SikWiTtItt - PSdater, Flamer
Swift_Kid - Sikks other psn
Capo101 - We never put her on blast BUT!, she has some personal issues..
Dconcepts - PSdater, Rambling idiot
00der aka Jamesbond1972 - PSMasturbator, Rambling idiot
Supercrazy18 - Super OLD MAN PSDater MASTURBATOR!


The Bluecrew - the whole group is Flamers
GhettoKiller1981 - Flamer, liar, stalker, gossiper
The Sisqois - FLAMER
WavyCrockett20 - Flamer, PSDater
E--D--D--I--E - 87 PSdates, PSLAMER
PrinceJ28 - PSMasturbator
C_banga415 - PSmaturbator, Flamer
C-Me-Masturbate - This is is Self explainatory
DirtyBoy6969 - PSMasturbator
MapleStory - Flamer
Riot_Officer777 - Flamer
JasmineAngel - Repeat Was a Dude
Drknes_SuroundsU -PSMasturbator
Swager100 - Is Ty144
DJ-slowboy - Flamer
SigmaWarNinja - Flamer
OhYaBABy - PSdater (passed money), PSMasturbator
Sonaracasper - PSdater, PSMasturbator
JasmineAngel - Repeated Lamer..
EnZain - the real jasmineAngel
TonGueKing10 - PSdater
Maniack -Khmer - PSlame
LongBeachCity -PSLAME
DaDee_85 - PSdater (lives with his Girl!)
GKLKHAL -PSMasturbator


Schoolslayers777 - PSdater (gave up a credit card number)
SoulessDerog - switcher (plays as a girl to get girls)
ImFromNawlins - 80 PSMasturbator