Before i start things off yes his avatar is gettin punched in the face by a hampster named noobslayer haha
I was chillin with my good friend named Swinggrrl and some of her friends when this guy shows up, nobody wanted to talk to him really but he didnt get it, we told him to leave but he didnt get it, i told him to fuck off so i guess he took offenseon that lol. I guess he doesnt take rejection very well. I started talkin shit about him stating facts about how much of a dumb fuck he was and trying so hard to tell jokes, funny thing is he kept saying you keep repeating yourself, and he would say that to everyone who talked shit to him or called him a lame or an idiot.
i told him his avatar looked like a gay crackhead who gives head to ppl for coke, dark circles around the eyes pale skin this guy really needs to give some e-head to get high lol. He kept callin me an old lezbo bec im using my SweetVallery account, my main account got banned so im using Vallery in the meantime. He kept tellin me i was thick headed and dont get what he is saying and then tells the same stupid fuckin jokes lol. The things is, was talkin shit about him and ppl around me were laughin at, when he told a joke he basically was laughin at himself. He was stating he would bring his friends to laugh at us, nobody he knew showed up. He was tellin me that i have no life and no friends an his friends arnt on 24/7 an shit. I sent him a friend request jus for the hell of it and he added me XD. He told me i was desperate for friends and had none. And after he added me that was the start of the hatemail XD
For the record YISMA i told dont know what your up against, im not even a girl i use that account bec it was a account i used for the project, seems like i still do use it for the project bec u believe ima old hag XD. I can care less if i have a fucking girl name in the meantime an look like one on home, you can look like what ever the fuck you want to on home. Ive had that account since January i put money on that account and i have clothes to wear that arnt default clothes like the gay lookin home shirt you had on. The evidence i posed above clearly states how fucking stupid you are. Welcome to one day of PSFame as a fucking LAME!!!
My main account ID is CrimsinFire5, get on my level bitch and nobody is fucking safe!!