Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dear! Staff, Members, and everyone else. I g0dly ice will No longer show your website or its members anymore attention. If you got offended by my content, my videos or my text, I apologize. The reason for my apologies; i think that site suffers from a lot of ignorants who tend to take my website out of content because they A. Been bloged before, B. Their friends got blogged before, C. Just Dumb. I mean after all they have No_Ap0logiez as a member of their website. I proud member at that. The best thing i can do is keep my website clear of future PSHT post.

The purpose for my site was simply to expose what some people do when they get on PlayStation home. If you feel that my past content was wrong. I believe otherwise, PShome was ment to compete againts xbox live... the Loveable GAMING Network. I'm sorry that i refuse to hold my tongue. The fact is, Im a Gamer, I hate to see sony's products being used as tools for sexual preditors, Child molestors, Womenizers, etc... Alot of you took the Ramal video and gained the wrong idea. I bashed ramal for his beligerant anger, I made fun of him yes. I was aiming for Humor, truth or not. I'm sorry he had to be the ass of that joke. It was funny... The purpose of that video was because rome Posted 2 days PRIOR about the incident before that video was captured. He told him simply just to read his reason's because ramal was a rambling dumbass and wouldn't listen. I bashed him. I read romes post. I think the rest of you should read it too... you'll understand rome was under alot of stress and didnt know what to do. He wasnt thinking. I simple lashed out and took up for rome... nuff said. As far as my BOMB, I ment it. I'm not taking that back. That website is an enabler... it was Very easy to catch sexual preditors without even having to respond.

have a nice day...