Saturday, June 13, 2009

i said it was the 99th and it was 98th! lol

Well Im just Updating that The SoSe Project IS on break for a month. People are dealing with their personal lives... it is Summer time meaning more time with the children less time on the playstations. HOWEVER we are getting it Popin on the SoSe project Forums... ----->>>>>>

And adonia is now another affiliate to me so im passing her website around as a Featured member of the sose project visit... <<<<----- go go go for those who want to buy graphics and designs

Deja and M&M can continue to post however i still have 27 days for my bomb is being Droped... from the looks of it it working out swell. I kind of want to take more time. But who knows what i'll have by Day 14... hehe....ANYWAY If You know NOTHING ABOUT THE SOSE PROJECT VISIT THE ARCHIVES ON THE RIGHT ---> and CLICK A TOPIC plenty of VIDEOS, PICS, and GREAT EXPOSALS FEEL FREE to EXPLORE THE SOSE PROJECT AND LETS NOT FORGET OUR FORUMS! THANX