Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Lame "Shet" Vs SoSe

This is pathetic people. I got on Tonight and I met the boss... yes the 1 and only Sanitarium after watching a good CBri Bri episode on Youtube (make sure you check that out) I go on home to see razy and a bunch of "lame Shets" keep following me. Because the word SHIT is censored on Home. I call it Shet... Thats Classic SoSe... the word "shet" Anyway... this was the WORST 30 mins ive had on home in a LONG LONG TIME.

I get followed around by 3 lames....

DA-LAW-184 and Loc_The_Smokedog.

The lame fucks wouldnt stop following me around trying to say "hello", Dancing on me. Disrespecting me. I mean damn if i was a real girl, i'd probably Punch the fuckin PS3 after this shit... Girl's can't say they dont want to talk to you on home can they? without you just bringing ur stankin azz avatars on people... sorrounding chics... this was not only done to my avatar...

Prime example above 2 more girl avatars show up and they surround them. Feels like Open beta DAY 1 again... december 12th 2008 AGAIN!.

The same Guy... and his lil booty buddy Eterniaboy dancin on a female avatar making silly stupid sexual jokes. I dont know about this Sarah chick tho she seemed too laid back. I think she ended up adding Law and went to private with him...

If she did tho... too bad, This nigga avatar looks like a fucked up Rick fox right after vennesa williams kicked his ass out the crib for humping male avatars...

Besides the point thats not my business dude was a lame and im sticking to the fact that he Harrassed me after i told em to leave. Even when i said i wasnt a girl. He still Stayed... dancing on me...

I said it was 3 Jerk off's but this was before i came downstairs to the other tv... this was prior to all of this. Let me give this guys his 2 seconds of avatar fame. He danced on me... he followed me around.... meet...

Mr No name... i'll just show his ugly azz avatar... LOL


Prime Example What the SOSE PROJECT IS AGAINTS!


Now, I do NOT condone this kind of behavior. I KNEW it was a guy behind this avatar when i saw that text. Don't know women go on ps3 and offer vJJ pix...

meet Muchen... Yea looks like a Guy psN doesn't it? Im sure its a guy. If its a girl... then Wow. LOW SELF RESPECT. She walks up and says she's going to take VJJ pix for guys and send them. This kinda shit we don't do here at the sose project. WE DONT FLIRT, OFFER, HIT ON. None of that. They girls may do it after they get hit on first but non of us behind female avatars... i just let people talk.
Thats whati wanted to know... if He was sure he was a women, You see below? "want to see my Vag?" thats just bullshit. Im just no girl would actually say no shit like that....

Ok people, Anyone can google a pic. Anyone can show pix. Pics are not Proof. Havent we learned from AOL 2.5 that people can be fake? aol 2.5 is like what??? 1994? come ONNNNNN sign off, take a pic then send it? please. I Said go on cam then, right in front of her and the guy... no responce. I lol'd and left i knew it was a Sad set up to "expose a guy" but thats not the Right way to expose someone. You gotta let them come to you. Not the otherway around. I don't sit there and condone that shit etheir. That kind of shit stays off my blog. I don't want the wrong idea about the sose project.

And i Wasn't bullshiting etheir...

Make sure you pay attention to CbriBri's Gaming News Weekly SPECIAL SOSE PROJECT EDITION LIVE THIS SATURDAY NIGHT!!! 10 Central, 8 pST, 11 EST... make SURE U CHECK us all out @!!

She announces it @ 8:25 on this video... SoSe Project + Sanitarium network = ELITE SHIT!