You know, people knew this day was coming...They knew i was going to try and justify it. Because of what the tittle says... "nobody is safe" im going to expose it all... PSdating is Lame, to a certain extant. I was told by peuswahboy that 1 day someone's going to find me and im going to change my thoughts about it. I didn't listen because it happend to peus... but then Razy found me. she told me how sexy i was and how much she liked me. We ended up being on the phone for 6 hours of the day just having SO much in common, I mean i can litterally just listen to her breath when she's quiet. We both enjoy the same things. She loves GTA4 as much as i do, She wants to buy an xbox 360 just to play the better version of it with me. We play GTA4 constantly, we also play alot of little big planet together and when we arent playing games we usually doing stupid shit like watching youtube together in sync on yahoo messanger. It quite Real, i feel it to the maxium that this girl is the exact opposite of me. i got huge deep feelings for her, but because this website is public im not gonna say my true feelings because i know some of u will tease me about it... and lol (blushes) i don't wanna hear it.... but ive been watching the sose project staff/bench mob and ive been noticing things
1st we have couple number uno.... benchmob leader Peus, he has deep feelings for PMISSING and vice versa... aw isnt that so cute...
2nd Amy and trevor... cuties lil couple on PShome... i like these two but i wanna kill trevor...
3rd is romeo... he's a womanizer... he psdates anything with 2 legs and a anolog stick.
4th Dani and Dio, weird couple....but dio is my bully. he picks on me often.... HI DANI!
5th...crims and rose , noone really knows about this 1 but rose is celeb... that i never gave her idenity out because she came on home just to chill. but she Hangs out with crims when she does get to get on pshome
6th... Jaywalker and Mizz Jaywalker... ok ADONIA... u can't front like theirs NOTHING OBVIOUS GOING ON WITH THAT... lol
7th ikkinami and Shayla89.... Ikkz is new... but that don't mean u safe nigga...
8th last but not least... myself and Razy... we taking this kind of far, don't matter i love it.
Finally, I have a new blogger her name is ..... well i wont say her name but i will say she did admite she's also psdating....
With that said.... whats a PSLame? then... well let me explain. I came on here to do what i do. When i started hanging out with these women and the benchmob. We grew feelings.... for 1 another and i watched it. A PSLame is something totally different. PSLames usually walk up, Add you, talk about "hey baby wanna see my dick?" or.... "u got a came?" For this fact i have to excuse the PSDater. the PSdater doesn't do it intentionally, it just happens...PSlames on the other hand come on here and cause sexually harrasment, sexual taunts, sexual preditors. all kinds of shet. I know i listed people as PSdaters but most of them where "hey baby im sexy wanna get with me?" or "You got myspace? whats your phone number?" you even had the 1s When i 1st started the sose project. When Lisa was in charector. They just would NOT STOP HITTING ON MY AVATAR. Thats where i came to the conclusion of a psdater... what i ment was a psLame.... Lisa would push and push, fuss, wouldnt show attention Nothing of the sort. The bullshit would just continue. I took the term psdater our of context cause of this cause they just HAD to HAVE My avatar....
International SoSe
Over n Japan i think the people there don't know anybetter. Just too friendly, Razy had "im horny yay" in her comment when she added this japanese girl. The girl saw it after the add and instantly got interested. She sent us a pic... and was excited to be friends with us... I took it as, The benifit of the doubt she was just being friendly (hopefully... lol)
in Hong Kong we didn't stay that long... pretty much no encounters there. I was told to do international sose... it looks like it could be fun. So I mite look into that... lol
The penthouse glitch.... SoSe Proj Exclusive hands on...
Ikkz my newbie got his hands on the New penthouse on his american account and its not released as of yet in america. Me personally sony can have this shit. I like the ghostbusters shit razy bought.... heres the pix
Told you Amy u'd be n that pic... lol.... but Look@ this shet... lol
No SoSe For 2 weeks,
After the Cbri Bri Show i booked for this weekend on Youtube. Im turning in my precious 80 gig Metal Gear solid 4 PS3 in for Repairs... i wish i can show you evidence but im not fast enough to catch the graphical glitching. Thank god sony has a 1 year warrenty... and i can provide proof of purchase...
I want to cry cause Its playstation 3... its not supposed to go down. When my Xbox 360 went out it was the 1st time since i had 360 that i did not care. This is my 4th xbox... But like i said when i bought my ps3 for 550, i was expecting no problems to go down. I was wrong. It seems that leaving it on to "Fold at home" is was killed my ps3's graphicall card. If you don't know what folding @ home is. Its when you donate CPU power to stanford university so they can find ways to use the molicule power to cure cancer. All i wanted to do was help and i get a fked up ps3.... -_- Thats STANFORD U!... hope u guys like my SITE! cause you FUCKED UP MY PS3!! /sarcasm...
For those WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND the SoSe Project. LISTEN UP. This Website was Made to expose what the average Female goes threw when she tries to be a casual gamer on the console that she choosed to buy. Xbox live has ways of getting around harrasment. PS3 has a 3d social network where even if you block someone they can still follow you and hump your avatar. We show the truth of what happens to a gamergirl... if you do not respect that. or call this a "hate site" because most of you Dumb azz men who come on here and seen that you've been blogged. yea HATE IT because you're the reason WOMEN HATE PLAYING GAMES WITH YOUR ASS!! SHOW SOME FUCKING RESPECT TO A LADIE! Keep the conversation on gamming stop asking for cams, pics, mics, ect. Its ok to ask age and location but when you start talk hit on a chick on the playstation. Thats when you become PSLAME. Why can't some of you just get a clue play the game and maybe the girl will like you for you gaming skillz and conversation. Girls arent impressed by the bullshit that you tell them. Actions speak a whole lot louder than any word ever said and See'ing IS BELIEVING! remember that my fellow dumb founded Men and maybe 1 day you can have a enjoyable experience with a female gamer instead of "add me ive never had a girl play games with me before" yea its because they Rather NOT LISTEN TO THE BULLSHIT YOU HAVE TO SAY. Thank you have a nice fucking day... REPRESENT!