Friday, June 19, 2009

What the SoSe Project Really is

Ok, Before this beef started their was a time were we created a place that women or gamers can come to Express of feelings on the perverted men who Used playstation 3 or playstation home as a tool to "PSdate" or "PSMasturebate" we took the losers and seperated them from the real gamers by creating a list for all who did things

What i exposed where:


My rules were simple....

1. don't hunt
2. let them come to you
3. do not gossip
5. Only enable the guy to say the things he's going to say DO NOT FISH FOR IT.

Thats what i believed in. When i So called "PSdated" as SoSe back in the early days. It was because i would walk around and these people loved the charector so much they tried shit. I just let them.

i didn't get this fucking loser to say any of these things... he said it on his own. I'm trying to remind people what this is about. Personal shit keeps gettin put here. Personal vendetta's againts us. Such as M&M's last post about them wanting to put him n Jail because he played people for PSN cards...

I remember gettin called Sugar foots behind the SoSe avatar... it was the GAYIEST MOMENT in SoSe History... if you look behind you can see people laughin at me...

I was dared to do Certain shit by the crazy Women who be on here.... SMokedog255225. He was telling 1 girl he wanted to FK her untill my avatar came around then he wanted both avatars... I was dared to mess with him. Cause she wanted to prove a point + blog him. I did it.... i sent 2 messages and i still have them. It was god AWFUL... Do i feel bad or gay for doing it? Hell no cause in the end we found out this guy just got on PShome to jack off with girls... which brings me to this video...

because of Stuff like this. I and we needed a source for pics So yes. We take a source of pix and used them on the people on the playstation. We never publicly went about it which NO APZ complained about in a video.

I even recorded funny moments... like above. yea buy a new Shirt nigga...

we also exposed the kids who would sit and dance around you with ugly avatars

Our goal was to make fun of the lame people who tend to cause disruption on home, The thing is. You can say or justify whats lame and whats not. What i believe is lame is what certain people do when they get on from jump. For Example, if your only intentions for being on home is to find a girl... thats lame. Speaking for Peuswahboy,Shit happens, You can date on home im not sayings its 100% lame cause i knew a couple who met on halo 3 and got married and had kids. The point is.. if thats what you're there for... then its not llooking good. Then again if u are a PSdater... be a GOOD 1. stop thw lame 1s. im talk about the guy who plays many diff avatars...

Then go...around asking the same question to many diff avatars...

Udell being see with a Different avatar everyday. He was always around Rocky but, When she wouldnt sign on... he would go to many other avatars... and hang around them claiming to just be friends. Acording to a few couples that lived n the same house as each other. They reported udell would mack the girl and tell her he wanna take her from the guy...but be real cool with the guy like close friends...

Then you had plenty of stalkers and flamers who sat up and did nothing but talked about u. It was stupid. Ghettokiller claims that we are childmolestors cause of Amy is 16... amy is a friend of ours and we keep the creeps away from her...I mean.... i want to just say the sose project is a Avatar to Avoid type thing. If you see these avatars you already know whats going to happend because they been blogged before.

and in anyother case's there were times where we caught people stealing pix and being other people they claimed they where... AKA Jasmin angel

if you have someone you would like to be known about, Feel free to post it on our forums. We ar not here to beef, People get mad cause they get blogged. Then they start the personal shit because they got caught on video... or taking pix of. Thats the point. If you get blogged... then deal with it... learn to be a better person...over the playstation. Thats how beef gets started. I don't POST HERSEY. I DO NOT POST Gossip. I do not post fake shit. I post evidence. This is what you did. Deal with it. Don't justify it and get mad and call me gay because you were macking an avatar. I didn't tell you to walk up to me...i didnt tell u to type text to me.... i didnt tell u to do did it an i or we exposed it...

Thank you.

PS: for now own people be CIVIL...Womenizers don't like this blog cause its focased on protecting women gamers.