Ok obviously if your gonna make a name that gets peoples attention ESPECIALY if that persons name is associated with a famous pop icon who died very recently, you really got nuthin better to do on home. He would get in the middle of a croud and spam the fuck out of the chatbox, that shit is not funny when your trying to actually have a converstion with someone and it pisses people off. Most people finally ignored him but wait he wasnt done yet.....
He would then spam peoples screen with a game that NOBODY plays online or even bought for that matter. Everyone was tellin him to stop bu the would just go to the next person and spam them. Razy and I poped ina game an did the same shit to him so he could see how annoying it is to get spammed lol. He ended up joining my RE5 game but i canceled the launch immediately haha.....Beat It kid!
I dont even know why people send random invites to join a game on home anyways, usually the people on home just stay on home and socalise, if you wanna play a game with someone ASK first and see if they actually want to play a game or even have the game for that matter! Usually guys just come up to girls and send random game invites which is down right rude if you ask me, its annoying enough already females dealing with guys hittin on them all the damn time on home and sending unwanted private messages. Alot of shit people do on home is over rated
-----RIP Michael Jackson KING OF POP 6/25/09-----