Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The SoSe Project gets Owned


A He calls himself a menace to home...

http://www.playstationhometoday.com/profile/jaywalker <---- ownz me

WHAT THE FUCK? dude This should be a LESSON LEARNED TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE ON THE SOSE PROJECT. Like Rome SAID. IF I DONT GIVE A FUCK!? WHY SHOULD U? Yes Jaywalker is the source (or so told by others) He's the 1 who says ikkz was sabotaging the sose project. THATS FUCKING FUNNY! LOL... now all i have to say is. IT WORKED. Everyone sitting around fighting not getting anything done because you're so worried about A sabotage. The only person who can Sabotage the sose project IS CRIMSINFIRE5. HE HAS 10x MORE LOVE than I DO! So people IM gone, No more sose for over 3 weeks. I was going to close the sose project but you guys wanted to continue... So if you're going to continue then be serious... You think that was bad, HA u guys got more AHEAD OF YOU.

Shout outs to my fav pals @ the bench mob and to you Adonia, Peuswahboy and especially you Jaywalker for WAKING UP THE TEAM.... -wears Dunce hat-


I'm announcing public ally Crims is in charge PLEASE ... Guys stop the inside fighting its not worth it...

For others... Please visit the forums if you would like to talk to me...

FAN/HATE MAIL.... SoSeDuCtivelisa@gmail.com <--- Send all Feedback to that email address...

The SoSe Project is here to stay for The Casual gamers and female Gamers(mainly the female gamers)... thanx all much love..