So i just came off the Game infamous. and i decided i had enough of getting my ass whoped by

some reaperz and was like lemme hop on home for a nice peaceful envirornment....NO! never gona happen EVER. so me and my Friend blue ninja. and this weird sad little freak or a man named Dapucaslayer1. i told this FOOL i was 13 after he gave me a long speech about how come SBE people are giving away 1000$ for a picture of some breast for some type of stupid shit. My friend ninja recalled hearing it but not the way the guy was explainin it. Dapucaslayer1 basically was telling me to send him a picture of my 13 year old boobies and he would mail me my money. that sounds funny hmmmm. First lemme tell you how he approached me. He walked up and wrote me a message. Normaly when im on home im either playing a online psp game or texting on the SiiDE KiicK 09 or maybe not in the room. he says Hello Raz may i ask you something. i said Sure then he said check your message. and WHOA!!! i was like WTF what chu mean. N he explained how he does this all the time and he sends people their money. now what kinda ass you think i am. Send you a picture of my tits as my diva MM always says "PFFFT!!!" now the funny thing is i kept telling him about the sose project and even ninja warned him i guess he took it as a joke. i told him he is blogable. and hes a perv. as seen in my pictures. now this was the funniest thing of my life i must say. Toodles kitties until next time. :)
Raz over and out.