The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Shit Just Got Real
No But really why the fuck is everyone still on Home dating, gettin married, gettin so depressed that they feel life isnt worth goin would think after some time you all would realize that this gay ass PsHome application on the Ps3 is such bullshit and just another way sont takes and uses the exploit of takin your money- oh wait nvm LOL I DID THE lol nvm fk what I just said I'M BACK , and I will be takin yall money again soo- NO1 IS FKIN SAFE NOW ...ya SHIT JUST GOT REAL....... M&M's
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
People teach you valueable lessons by just doing and reacting to things. The shit that people do to you makes you wonder if one is selfish... I lookbin the mirror often and wonder what could i have done to make people want to treat you the way they do... i cant spaz on this blog as much as i would like too. I could give myself a break and get away from people... for a while. Im starting to believe noone gives a shit about noone but themselves and the tiny people in their circle. Im in so much pain right now but nobody cares... sure noone is reading this etheir.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Wow Stupid home bitches
Thursday, September 20, 2012
so it starts...
everything feels different as i have totally givin peace to the playstation 3. i dont know rathet i will be doing second life.... xbox or any other rants, blogs, exposures or opinions. this blkg usta not give a fuck who it talks about. now theres some gay ass censoreship bullshit where we havta watch what we say and to about who. thanx to sony calling the police 2 years ago and threatening our freedom. that no longer matters. what matters to me at this very moment is fucking gaming. resident evil 6 in 1 week. assassins creed 3 following the american revolution. wwe 13 and its infamous attitude era theme. finally halo 4... i lm not going to be worried abojt pervs... losers... idiots or wankstas for a while. happy gaming folks...
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Its about time i blog.
<p><p>hello people. its your favorite miss spelling bitch sose. haha its about that time where i find something to do with psn. i figured i shall depart. pack my bags... gets my shit together and move on. but before i go.... i just got 1 little bitch ass nigga i need to share with the world. now those of u who know that i stoped getting on home. i started running with a clan.... hold on let me fix my auto capitalization real fast on this phone. Ok... Lol so that was annoying not seeing my sentences not being capitalized. Now where was i? Yes oh and fuck u im not capitalizing my i's... Ok... Now i have not been gaming because i have been in a clan gaming. Recently i have no access to the internet thous the reason... I really have not been blogging or putting up videos. Ha like i blog anyway or even update my website for that matter. Well so i come on the ps3 from time to time tethering my phones internet to the ps3 to say hello to my people. Cause my account has a block i cant really join others games cause i have a strict nat. (network transmission address) ha so in my fav pool of clans mates i am who i am i dont back down from being told off. Fellow fuck of a clansmen decides he wants to test this theory as he always does but this time was no way i would give in to his period as i see him whinning like a bitch about everything.... From threatining to leave psn cause he lost his mic. Cmon now really dude? Now im not the one to really give a shit however this same guy praised me... Talked highly about how im his clan. Im such a good friend and how i have the right mind set that im a bad chick and thar rob is lucky to be by my side. Says he doesnt like when rob ignores me that he would treat me right. Even goes to say robs a pussy bitch sometimes for simpin out and not handling the clan right that hes leaving because of it. Then comes back in the next hour. Ha this same fuckball did all and said all and thats a quarter pounder with out the cheese that this dickhead has said to me. After all that we get into conversation as i was saying before i summed up his prior ass kissing... That borderlands 2 is pointless... Which is my opinion i played part 1. He says otherwise but has to tell me to shut up in the form of im a fuck up in life... Lol really i thought i was the best nigga lol now im a fuck up... Ha... Then it went from ima fuck up to.... I dont exist to u. Yea really bitch haha the thing is becauze im font whoopin yo ass i gotta act like ur in kindergarten and say i dont exist to u? After all the nights i stayed up listenin to yo bitch ass whine about life and told u it was ok to express ur feelins and u responding with im the best chic u evr met . Listenin to how u mad yo brother cant get his money and u broke n shit strugglin whinnin about it? i swear bitch ass niggas bit they self n the ass when they talk about themself. Rule number 1 never talk about what hurts u to someone then tell them they dont exist to u. Funny thing is... Lisa doesnt even care u deleted her. Fact is dont havta feel guilty about listening to u whine like a 4 year old girl and then act hard later... U phony nigga.... And sose fucking told u. Im tired of being this bitch but im also not gonna.let hos try to spread they stds to me.... Keep ya bitchassness on that side of the world. Nothing more to say... Besides i wont miss u psn... But as i wrote this blog i felt the need to stay and possibly keep writing blogs like this... Feels good. :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Time to set things straight
Thing is I really don't care if you are a man or not. But what i don't like is how you try to play with people. If you are a man with a female avi let it be known. You have now done to of my closest friends wrong. What female tells her "man" to get on the ground because she has to pee? I mean really more and more i thought about things you say which is "manly things" and everything else. My true conclusion is you are a fucking DUDE!
bitch please
seriously? mell you just blatenly wrote a blog about the owner of the blogg about how i so called blew u off? are you sick in the fucking head? yes i said your name because not only did i tell u my situation about me not having the internet... getting into legal trouble... and my phone not staying connected to the internet you said "oh" like u didnt even give a shit. right now... girl im using my damn phone to blog because i still dont have the net. my aunt cut it off so we cant use it. bitch bought her a mifi so she can use internet and the rest of us cant. i sat up and told u about my rl problems and this is how u do me? u go on my fuckin blog and air me out about how i blew u off when the fact of the matter is bitch... my sentence started off with im sorry. now its fuck you... fuck ur life... fuck ur existance ...fuck the bitch that had u. i have no remorse for this bull shit u jus pulled. for the simple factt that i told you sorry before hand. u can stay on this blog if u want idc... but i know for fact ur going to bitch out and never wanna talk to me again and trust me im prepared. you need to appologize to me as i appologized to u before hand...then after not only did u pull a selfish act by seemingly not giving a fuck... u came to my blog and assured u didnt give a fuck about my "excuses" be true about ur shit mell. ur mad selfish. end of rant...
sose is bloggin on a phone with a ps3 keypad bitches... im out.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
A Rambling
Example: Someone I was getting cool with decided to not say anything to me for about 3 weeks, I'd say hi and try to start a convo, I wouldn't get a response OR I'd get one several hours later. But recently, the friend wants to start talking to me again like everything's cool and when I get upset, friend gives me excuses as to why they didn't talk and not a single apology. That's not cool, and we're not cool, least for now.
Am I one to hold a grudge? No. I can forgive, but I don't forget. That's a big reason why I haven't been talking to anybody lately. That's all for now.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
adventures of gaming
Friday, July 27, 2012
Not fucking Sweet.
I Signed on Home and looked for a girl.
I jackpoted about 3 of these social nightmares. The 1st chick was about 19 from New York. She was on my SACK! According to her tho she had a bf. He lived in Canada and they dated for less than a month while she's "madly in love with him" But in the same instance she's on my sack following me around and whatnot. I got rid of that situation Quickly! On to the next i met this new black chick. She was very timid. We hung out and shit, Took her to the crib @ hollywood hills then psn decide they wanna hate and go in maintenance. Thats COOL. So we go into text chat n'Shit rIhhh. Choppin it up, she talkin about kickin it wit me and what-not but i noticed she was mad timid about everything. I could go quiet for 2 mins and she freaking out talkin bout "bye" Lol... she was freakin out about voice chatin and also freakin out about sendin pix but wanted to see mine. Like man WTF yo. This morning i sign on after takin the ps3 from sos' i See this bitch on so i go where she at. I rememeber she wanted a "open relationship" from a prior conversation about wantin to be wit me but not sure. So i gave her space when i saw her talkin to another dude... I signed off cause sos wanted to play ps3. Uncharted and shit which i still havent got to try -_- meh Come back online after she was done. I got the most stupidest fuckin messages everrrrrrr
^ with that being Said. I can't fuck wit u PLAYSTATION NETWORK BIRDS.... somethign wrong wit ya'll
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
being around people that say or do one thing but do the total opposite is kind of weird... i mean I love my friends i do but some seem to be doing and saying things that aren't necessary.
How do you deal with a person who isn't being truthful and you know they are doing it but everytime you say something or do something it gets turned around and twisted 180 Degrees. This is sort of Deja Vu. I used this above pic before in a previous blog and I don't know what i blogged about then but its happening again with different people. This time I don't want whats in the middle. I asked not to be involved. I won't explain the situation whatso-ever but i'll leave it where it stands.
To Mr Magik Ninja. I'm happy for you I'm happy you found what you're truely looking for. This blog is nothing more but food for thought. Think about what you are doing and say to people everyday (I
m not talking to you magik you're fine) Matter fact to the reader i don't want you nitpicking what you did or done. What has happened happen. Let it go and leave it alone. Leave yourself cluseless about what I'm going threw case as the victom i don't care so why should u?
I do wanna say anything else sept... i enjoy you "try hards" on home you try to PLEASE a pixel chick and try to get with them. So how about i write a quick guide on how to approach a female on PShome
-Check her trophies... see what games she like or ask. If she's a level 1 and looks like she spent money on her avatar its more than likely that she is not a gamer at all but a socialist or home loser. (not saying those who have or use different accounts are home losers just sayin most of u use 1 account just to live a playstation home Life on that particular account)
- Don't use the Default ... "Hello" or "Where are you from" When we sign on Home... we want to get away from our real lives most of the time and socialize with other gamers about games. (or she's a home loser lol that bitch)
- Please for the love of god we see the TEXT chat. Don't move your avatar in front of us just to talk to us. I see your text. You can stand 3 feet. I don't need u pushin on my avatar so i can be "facing u" on ur screen cause on my screen u look like a retard floating around me.
- Say hello normally without the default. Ask how are we doin and what are we upto... that usually sparks a conversation nicely.
-You goal is to strike a interesting gaming conversation. Trying to pursue chicks to voice chats is kinda lame. If you want to voice chat simply ask in the middle of your conversation. Not soon as you get there... converse first ask later.
I mean i think i gave a normal noob good enough advice. I always see noobs "You have a headset" or... hey baby wanna date? And you know its kinda redundant to compliment a females avatar "you look nice" but then asking about their real life... rather funny as well.
-SoSe... out.
Monday, July 16, 2012
i...have NOT been on top of this blog. sorry 'bout that, folks!
so, i'm looking at my friends' trophy levels today. we got level 12s, 13s, the whole lot. then i look at mine...a measly level 5. i understand, new ps3 and all that jizz, but really. i'm still putting off platting SKYRIM. how the hell can i hope to get anywhere like this? sure, i'm pretty high up on another console, but something about the ps3 makes sluggish. 'i'll do it tomorrow"? that was weeks ago, ace. weeks. ago.
i dunno, i think i'm in a rut. rent, play, lose, return. lather, rinse, repeat. i guess i haven't found THE GAME for me. oh well. i wonder if i can fit my response in here too...? what the hell. let's do it, bitches!
what i hate on home? dudes who just randomly walk up to you and either immediately call you a bitch or ho, or dance on you. i mean really, is that how you act in real? did your mom teach you NOTHING? that's why i take great pleasure in what i do: chase morons around with my rainbow joystick.
ace out
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Whats Love?
is not Luv
Love is pain... Love is honor... love is Guilt... love is a feeling an expression.
A Unconditional feeling without forgetting or doubting someone.
LOVE is being able to remember the time...(that I met you and the way you looked at me before i said hi)
Love is being able to accept someone for who they are and not what they can do for you.
Love is being able to allow someone to Do for u if you can't always get the task done..(no its not a contradiction!)
Love is not a sport, its not a game. Its not something you play... love is a responsibility, a accommodation a compromise.
Love is a journey, a accomplishment cause once you get there its hard to shake it off of you. Its just like a championship because once you become champion, you will be forever known as a champion. Instead that championship is called being "in love"
Theres a million feelings i can write about love and how people can understand it.. understanding love is simple. Just being able to accept someone as if they where you ur self. You must love yourself before you can love someone else because if you don't love yourself you wont know how to treat someone else. Treat someone special how you would treat yourself... if you like extra cheese on your taco... get extra cheese for that other person. Lets that person become the same thought you have about you...Thats What love is... Love is accepting someone as if they are yourself.... You can't love someone like you love your mom or your dad because those are loves that like different things. If a person loves something, and they are that special someone. Find something about that something that you can love to so you both can enjoy that same passion.
and SoSe... Loves you...
What it is...
I would like to be opinionated today. I know I put noobs on blast here and there but today i dont want to do that. Today i would like to walk threw my mind and explore it. Jot some things here so some of you can understand how i think. I don't think its very hard to blog at all as blogging is just random thoughts. Exposing is a whole lot different because you havta make jokes with relevance to the situation. Sometimes i think people ether dont like when i expose and think its too messy and uncalled for but contradict themselves by gettin up set by some dude harassing them on home that they could of avoided when they seen that same person on my website... I mean im just saying. I Make this a guide to stay away from certain people. Rather they had intentions of following threw or not... they still did it. Thats a fact, nor did i make them do anything that they sent me.
Being a woman on home does have its perks tho. Some of us can use our "money maker" to do exactly that. Make money... That could be them triflyn whores... or the other whores who do it because their lonely. Whatever the case. Its kinda entertaining to show the world what they do. There are a lot of desperate guys out there and dont get me wrong theres desperate women too. Fact of the matter is... Why do we sign online to pretend to feel accepted. Why do we even need to be accepted by someone? Thats a study i would like to understand. About 90% of playstation home users seem to be undesirables. And by this I'm talking about the 1s who use home ona regular basis and actual consider there popularity as a prime factor of their personal life. I'm not saying thats sad... NO NO NO. I'm saying there is something wrong with it and it cane be dangerous to the wrong person who may snap and do something irrational in real life. I think some of us need to enjoy our Virtual lives as IS and not involve them PERIOD into who we really are. As stated before on this Website...You are givin' a USER name and or Playstation network name to disclose ur true Identity. Why must some of us share our real identities with people who we bearily meet. I can understand you've known someone online for a while and u share each others experiences... and such. You know... sit down and have that "Talk". Some of us seem to want to do that "talk" with Everyone and dont realize the danger Zones they are putting themselves into. I should become a little more like deja at times and just say fuck everything and be sarcastic all the time online. Maybe i may have more to blog about but then again all ic an do is talk about someone else on here.... which is probably not good on my part... Lol
This blog was written totally from the top of my HEADD in 5 mins and i think once i feel like this again im going to continue to think and JOT.... blogs like this. Amen. SoSe... OUT!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
A Ramble
Sunday, July 8, 2012
What I Hate About Home Response
5 in the MORRRNINNNNNNNNNIinnininin!!! (iEncounter)
At 5 am i received this randomly... LOL I thought i mite share... ladies stay away from this meat stick abuser.
i didnt answer i just said die and laughed at him....
This is what im going to start doing Tho.... Not really expose u but "iEncounter" and blog about it. iEncounters will be lightweight funny moments i have on home like this 1.
Want to Join my gang???
Lol so some scout walks up to me and says "want to join a gang" im like Uh no.. he's like "come on it will be fun and we do Jobs" JOBS!??? LOL. intrigued by this "job" I told him to take me to his leader and thats when it got funny.... he or she asked "want to join my gang:?" My response.... IM too gangsta for u... then he says this... lol
Look at Swifty's text
"I Started when i was 6 and im high af, I'm 15 now" Lol reallly? start e-bangin at the age of 6 huh? u gangsta... lol
What I hate about home...
WHEN PEOPLe WALK UP ON ME LIKE THEY CAN TOUCH U. on their screen ur turning toward them on ur screen... their revolving around u... don't they understand that? Right... Kids... stupid kids...
What do you other bloggers hate about home???? someone continue that... GO!
10 things You hate about playstation Home??
Saturday, July 7, 2012
idefk right now
thank you sose, for that...unique video. *ahem* well, it's said and done, alright? i'm gonna be hiding my face for the next few days.
anyway, things turned out great, and yadda yadda, i don't know what else to say. ahh...yeah. i've really got nothing here. no, really. bye.
Ace out. for now.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Blogging Virginity!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Before I go on Subject I...
Heres where I messed up. on the LAST VIDEO at 5:25 a guy by the name of "claud-speed89" comes into frame. I turned off the video because i was done with it. I noticed his was something special by the PSN cause thats Grand theft Auto 3's main protagonist. As a GTA fan i noticed it quick. I said "nice name" to him and we engaged in a normal conversation... I should of recorded this but take my word for it. My girl Ryuhime Jumped in the conversation because he was boasting about Max Payne 3 and bullet Time. She explained that bullet time rather relied on quite often and a little to often as if you don't use it the game becomes harder. Claude insinuated that she was a "fucking noob" cause she thinks the game is too hard... Then the conversation goes from 1 place to another where she was being called racist because he had no trophies... He explained his account was new and he had no "euros" (i already noticed his British accent within his text) to put on his account. Because he was new... and needed euro's she explained to go back to his region on his own European account. Thats where she was called racist... LOL funny.. here's the fucking twist tho... Haha... This muffucca Lol looked at my profile and saw that i spoke spanished. So he pulls out some spanish explaining to me that she was a fucking idiot racist and everyone around us needs to stfu and don't judge him because his account is new but he is able to get on her... Well sir thats not how it works. You dish some insults you better expect to get it right back boy...Lol the best part about it... is everyone around me ALSO SPOKE SPANISH so we where sittin there laughing at how bad his spanish was. I explained that his translator was horrible. When i was Que'd to record it. He dipped so fast with this sentence "fuck you Ryuhim you idiot noob i dont have time" and bounced!...
Don't forget to follow me on twitter.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
hi people!
erh, hi, and a happy 4th of july everyone! i'm ace, but most noobs know me as "dat hot bi--WHAT THE FUCK" haha. i don't have much to say atm (or ever...ask anyone) but i figured i'd sit here and whine.
so i'm crushing pretty hard on this one girl. i mean, she's perfect in my eyes and can't help smiling when she logs on. only thing is, i'm competing with some dude. don't get me wrong, he's cooler than a motherfucking ice cube. thing is, i don't think i have what it takes to admit my feelings.
i take rejection pretty well, was born turned down. but this one is just so...
err, yeah.
i guess i'm done for now. not too bad for a first post.
ace, over and out.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Liberation (And i Thought i Didnt have a blog)
Hi im Sose and I ran into some guy on second life as I pretty much cannot come up with a decent conversation on playstation home. Guy dropped me an instant message while i was AFK. As u can see on the time stamp it took me about 30 mins to see it. I gave a sarcastic remark and i got insinuated to be a bitch afterwards. So yes I let him have it.
[17:33] JIMCAT Jinx: ooks over my shoulder, Dam Ur Beautiful
[17:34] JIMCAT Jinx: looks*
[17:59] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: good to know, thanks
[17:59] JIMCAT Jinx: Laughs
[18:17] JIMCAT Jinx: seems the inside isnt as Beautiful as the outside....pity
[18:17] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: O i am
[18:17] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: im just devoted to 1 man
[18:17] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: and dont allowe other men to give me compliments
[18:17] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: allow*
[18:18] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: my good sir
[18:18] JIMCAT Jinx: ok so someone cant tell u tht u look beautiful without u sounding like a mean ass bitch?
[18:18] JIMCAT Jinx: pfffffft
[18:19] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: Haha! someone butt hurt
[18:19] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: Thanx being a bitch is the best
[18:19] JIMCAT Jinx: never tht
[18:19] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: i won it bitch of the year awared every year
[18:19] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: ay u the 1 resorted to callin me a bitch
[18:19] JIMCAT Jinx: just i hardly ever tell someone tht they look good and u say tht shit
[18:19] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: after a sarcastic remark
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: u could of stayed pleseant
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: but i guess ur used to weak bitches
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: who give u play all the time
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: right
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: ?
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: sike
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: nigga step ya game up
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: come at me wit corny ass lines
[18:20] JIMCAT Jinx: i didnt call u a Bitch i said t u sounding like a mean ass bitch?
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: then get mad cuz i aint accept it
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: stfu
[18:20] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: now im being a mean ass bitch
[18:21] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: i gave u a sarcastic remark
[18:21] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: now im a bitch a bitch who sayin fuck u slit ya wrist
[18:21] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: die slow
[18:21] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: kthanxbye ho
[18:22] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: oh wait wait wait
[18:22] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: im spose to feel special u rarely tell people that?
[18:22] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: news flash....
[18:22] SoSeDuCtive Leissa: i get told that all the time
After all this I feel as I was kinda in the wrong for jumping at his throat. Because during i really didn't read "seeming to be a mean ass bitch" i just read "mean as bitch" then it sparked a bitch in me where I became a troll.
Looking at this I really looked back and thought to myself why was i so defensive? In a since if i tell you thank you you should be cool with it instead of trying to knock on wood and hope for the best with your next question or statement. Especially if it has some assumptions thrown in there. Instead this guy could of stayed pleasant and disregard my sarcastic speech and carried on with a conversation. There is only 2 scenarios that could of happened.
1. I would of just continued to be sarcastic and eventually conversed like a normal human being and catered to his conversation and continued to carry it. Only to leave it at a friendship conversation
2. Told him Thank you but no thank you and have a nice day.
But no, this Fuckball wanted to figure out and correct why i was being sarcastic... Don't question my fucking intentions bitch...That's where he fucked up...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
So a new voice has been heard
Which leads to the Questions...
Since I've already been down these scenario's that the below poster brought up should i continue? I mean it feels rather old school. Then Tack it on to a blog about an actual person. Like the Other day... I came online to see a friend. Stupid me i didnt grab my phone or the HDPVR to record. (Bare with me with this story lol its very Unblockable). There was 2 Guys... 2 different outcomes... Same conclusions. 1st guy was some... I actually do not know what race he was but he came up to me and SashaDemagio... one of my besties. He flat out said "BJ please?" so yes... i did what I usually do. I spazed on his ass and told him about himself. 1 of my male friends let him know also. Then he started gettin racist with my male homie using Black racist jokes againts him... Rather hilarious.. didn't get the PSN, i Should of because it was blog able... soon after the racist shit started flying cuz u know i had to throw some of my arabian 7 11 carpet riding jokes at his ass... some other guy came up with that OLD ass 80s smedium bboy jacket when home 1st came out back in 2008... lol. He said "hi you ladies looking good how ya'll doing" my retort = "oh we chillan but ur jacket looks like its choking ur ass". From there he started acting like a bitch calling me out of my name as such. LOl seriously? Whats wrong wit people on home? can they just not be serious and Joke back... he got reall UPSET and this allow the racist guy in the same instance to jump back into the fight. OK... lets not worry about the scenarios anymore. Lets look at the crims... 1st guy .... YOU CAME UP ASKING FOR A BLOW JOB... YOU WERE FOUL 1st!... NO REASON to get upset and be RACIST cause a male friend is taking up for his 2 female friends. You where disrespectful 1st...... 2nd guy... Sir... I was only kidding. I could be a Hypocrite here and say i was in the wrong like the 1st guy but lets be serious. All i said was ur jacket was choking you and now im some boo boo head fat bitch who stays on home all day all because i said ur jacket was tight.... At the end of the day... Both guys where a little to over board with being butt-hurt. ... got an issue?? heres a tissue...
Go go Gadget SoSe!! and I'm OUT!
Some approach with a simple "Hi. How are you?" Others will say "Hi, baby how old are you?" or ect. While the women will sometimes either ignore and move their avatar away from the guy in the INFAMOUS outfit, but nope he doesn't give up. You're a female and your avatar is cute, or alluring in someways he's stalking your ass. You move away he follows you as if you were prey, and he's hunting you. That's the type of shit that makes it bothersome for girls on PSH at times. There is also a reverse side, you have the bitches who will come into a sever/channel or whatever and strike a got damn model pose. So, everyone or at least enough for people to notice her. What happens? Lot's of males move towards her and surrounded her as if she was a goddess. Knowing damn well it's just some ugly bitch in real life, but right now they are focused all on her. The way a person act, or dresses on PSH may or may not be who they truely are, but if you know what you're doing or how you're acting don't be fucking suprised by the response. You know you're going to be hounded by guys when you come in don't act like you didn't know by how you dressed your avatar. Guys same thing. You know you're not getting anything by being a bitch and private messaging the girl saying you want to trade pictures or saying some dumb ass shit like "Will you marry me?"
PSH is supposed to be what? A social network where people can hang out, meet people, talk about games and ect, but now every little space I go I see the same hoe ass person dropping the same shit as the previous. You stand there and wait for conversation instead of going to make one, because you're afraid of rejection or worried about how they will accept you. Does it really matter? Can you honestly say you really want to be accepted by people on PSH? Quite possibly hell yeah, because you got on there in the first damn place to what? Make friends, to chat to get to know people. But the fact is even depending on how you approach the person, the group, the clique or whatever. This is the internet there are some assholes all around. You can be nice all day, and still be rejected. There are a few people who are tolerant, there are some who actually care about how you feel or will take a moment to say high back or whatever, but when you turn off your PS3, and you wake up the next day. Will it even matter? I myself have met some bomb ass people on PSH, and my friends list is nearly full (Wish Sony would allow more friends) and out of everyone that's on that friends list there aren't a shit load of people I would consider a PSN buddy or even a real friend, if you need one. But, hey don't worry about it just keep going, and maybe you'll find some real cool girl or the funniest guy on PSN. Enjoy it, and take life one day at a time.
This has got to prestige again
I haven't FUCKING BLOGGED! Well why the FUCK not SoSe??? Well, Well? I can't really give you a solid answer besides the fact that I'm trying to stray away from the bullshit bloggs and shit people do now. Not into puttin all people personal business out there like that like some people think it's necessary to do.
I could as a Question tho...? How do u people feel about x7? Why do people go there to troll Noobs and people who can't get in? Why do you feel special because you spent 15 dollars on a piece of mansion or a virtual suit? NEWS FLASH.... IF PSN were to go down (like it did) U wouldnt be able to access ur SHIT!? so why do u feel special? Well some of you know this but I just dont understand what makes people feel so elite about x7? I been, Wow u can controll what music you want to play in the club (something that should of been done in the 1st place!!) big whoop... You can waste more money on stuff that isn't out to the general public so you can feel cooler than everyone else... you know what? Lol fuck this rant . X7 is not relevant. Its another way for people to hook up on playstation home. Ohhh and on my playlist did u hear the song "Lets hook up" lol... Sony got it made for online dating but still no touching? Redundant.
If I had a certain person to blogg I would go ahead and make it. Matter fact I may have a lil second life coversation that mite be a lil relevant to this blog... hold on. Between my self and my SL mom...
[02:38] Astrius Jinx lol nice title
[02:38] soseductive leissa u can see it while im ghost?
[02:38] Astrius Jinx yeah
[02:39] Astrius Jinx says I'm Princess Sose Damnit
[02:39] soseductive leissa the neighboor
[02:39] soseductive leissa tried to smash
[02:39] soseductive leissa #HAHA!
[02:39] soseductive leissa then grandma
[02:39] Astrius Jinx lol
[02:39] soseductive leissa gave me a condom
[02:39] soseductive leissa i didnt go threw wit it
[02:39] Astrius Jinx smdh
[02:39] soseductive leissa pfft
[02:39] Astrius Jinx what's his name
[02:39] Astrius Jinx (Censored by Soap)
[02:40] soseductive leissa yes (Censored by Soap and pipa)
[02:40] soseductive leissa haha!
[02:40] Astrius Jinx going to shoot his dick off
[02:47] Astrius Jinx wyd
[02:50] soseductive leissa why
[02:50] soseductive leissa ?
[02:50] soseductive leissa and im bloggin
[02:50] soseductive leissa i changed my site
[02:50] Astrius Jinx damn can't ask a question
[02:50] soseductive leissa no u said
[02:50] soseductive leissa ur going to shoot his dick off
[02:50] soseductive leissa i asked why to that
[02:51] soseductive leissa then answered what i was doing
[02:51] Astrius Jinx oh
[02:51] Astrius Jinx you should have answered sooner lol
[02:51] Astrius Jinx cause he trying to bone my princess
[02:53] soseductive leissa lol
[02:53] soseductive leissa yea he wants it
[02:53] soseductive leissa bad
[02:53] soseductive leissa gave me a whole life story
[02:53] soseductive leissa n shit
[02:53] Astrius Jinx lol
[02:53] soseductive leissa showed me his rl dick
[02:53] soseductive leissa and all
The dude we are Refering to... is some 50 year old man who lives on Sl next door to my grandmother on SL. I met him and he was starin at my pixel tits hard. He flirted i flirted then he froze up and got to telling me about this girl he's going to marry in rl from the UK while he's in america... She's about 35 while he's n his 50's. Wowsers... The internet at its BEST people... secondlife... playstation home.... internet dating is amazing... HAHA!
Would you take your internet dating very serious?? or have u already have? Think about it...
Take Care, Spike YOUR HAIR! WOO WOO WOO.... U know it was SoSe... Thanx Zack!!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
as I was typing this i got this message...

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Its the return of Sos.... THE DICK BEATERS STILL EXIST!?
Not to capture everyone else text cause it mite be spreadin others business... u can see his psn is "Gautim911" askin me what I'm wearing...
As I ignore this fuckhead he proceeds to say "answer my questions and i'll pay you 20$ in PSN" which he made a typo "PSM"
I ask Why the fuck would anyone pay me to answer their damn nasty fucking questions... so i tried but...
I couldn't stop being sarcastic. Even when he asked how many fingers can i fit in my pussy. I told him "Only the middle finger that is pointed at your face flippin u off"
As time progressed I just couldn't do it and Then told him i didnt give a shit about him payin me and i didnt believe he would anyway. So this Mother fucker told me he would after he "8===D~~" which had me fucking Dying at that instant.I Laughed my ass off and told him dick beaters on playstation are fucking losers... LOL
^ U a sad dick beater Gautim911... and you just got SoSe'd Bitch...
Please for the love of god havent you fucks learned? I will CATCH you and expose yo lame ass....
GAUTIM99 = Pervert. SLASH DICK BEATER! HE probably will pay you ladies...
SoSe = OutSkie! w00tSie!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Tranny Hackers
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Acronym"TY" Thank YOU! Very Much, STUPID!
Fact, He's on other games You're on home
Fact, No matter what he does or says you're going to believe his half ass excuses about him loving you.
Fact, That nigga WEAK and even his close homie said he a thirsty ass nigga
Fact, He talks to every Female he feels in available to him on playstation claimin he just wanna be friends. Bullshit nigga..
Fact... im getting a new PS3...
False Love... Its the internet, You guys never touched each other... there for your love isnt REAL.
I've aired out my Daily... tune in next time when I'll actually blog someone and actually exposing their identity... till then. Fuck That nigga! - SoSe Out TheGame144!!
Friday, April 20, 2012
The weather Changed
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bitch boy!!!! Stalker in the making
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Don't need to Expose UMTO
Probably the reason to step back on the yard. Let me give my opinion. For ANYONE to throw up UMTO in any form or fashion is deliberately condoning the likes of a registered sex offender. Not only that you're following a 42 year old male who's life has nothing else going for him. His life is set. Playstation home is all he will ever conquer. I didn't even have to expose someone who's already exposed but I am giving my opinion of the matter. Fact is, for you to stand next to a guy like this makes you automatically a loser. I could understand if he was trying to make something of his mistakes and actually do a positive thing on playstation. But he's not, he has his own fam and he disrupting home with his nonsense and bullshit on playstation cams and mics as well as text abuse. Fact... if You are UMTO = you're a loser...and a lot more shit i would like to put on it but its all i can say... I don't think that dude will ever try something positive in life. He's 40+
So... 1 by 1 UMTO members are getting exposed.
UnblockaSoS... out
Monday, April 9, 2012
On To UMTO.... This is your Warning.... so, These two bitches got mad cause i made a small joke about what she had on. The bitch started runnin her mouth talkin about mic up. So i invited her cause it was a few Rated U niggas in my party waiting to laugh at these sluts. They go "nah join my group" im like iight... but i never got an invite. Then After that this bitch throws up UMTO at me. Yo, This is to UMTO... you can all suck my dick and eat the bottom crust of SoSe's Pussy yo... We are the innovators of exposin psHome... we leave and then u nig's act like ur the shit like this was transitions from Saints row 1... to saints row 2.... new "peeps" show up on home and think they got it on lock. Nuh uh. Back to the situation at hand. These birds went to caw-caw on the corner waitin for their next clients and you know me. I had to shoot jokes. Funny why do little kids on home worry about the fashion and the playstation home stuff. I refuse to buy the new shit. Its all skinny jeans im a grown ass man... i am not puttin nutt huggers on n real life or on playstation home. I got my resident evil shirt on and im ready to represent that im a gamer... UMTO chicks, Dudes who ever... ya'll need a reality check.... PLAYSTATION HOME AINT REAL! STUPID
The 2 birds:
BTW Face i know you are a Registered sex offender in Los Angeles California. For your own sake get off playstation preying off little boys and girls. Thank you... -gzero get the Footage ice!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Just go with it!! damnit!!
I renigg on what i said last blog. Said someone was going to follow up after me. I waited...and waited, and waited, FUCK IT!
I'm blogging....
Where do i begin? 1st of all I'm not doing second life anymore. Fuck that place. It's drama infested by old people and really on secondlife you havta verify your age. Obviously those people want to be old and drama-fied with their "family" anyway so let them do it. PlayStation home, I have returned officially... I don't know if i blogged this before but I'm going to Jot it down anyway so you're ready...??? Like to Read it!? Here it goes...
Upon my return i already knew home has changed. I was secretly invited to the beta last year... Don't ask me why i thought locust star hated us but we get in anyway. They Got rid of "central plaza" and invented "The Hub". So since 2011 from last summer....
CP has been dead. No more bench walking... booooooo howeverrrrrr sony think they fucking slick brining back a snowed version of CP back called "yettis vs hunters" stupidddd... but its not the CP like we like it so fuck that space. Off the top of the head Home hasn't changed from when i blogged about "fams" Fams are infested on home which almost caused Predators and lameshits to go "Low-ki" people are afraid or just to stupid (they dont kno how to hit triangle to type) to type in public so they send Private messages. For those who actually game and come on home. I feel deeply for you guys, Your friends who involve themselves around fams... Lol... Fams walk around throwing up gang signs via Text is so fucking retarded. Like who really sits and creates special characters to bang on playstation home?? Lol. As far as these predators go... I don't really see them as often as I don't be looking for them. My stupid ass goes to a few spaces that seem relevant to the casual person who wants to atleast just get away from reality and thats non game-related spaces such as Playground. Playground is a New York Themed space infested with dumbass people who want to be Hip or hip hoppish...AKA dumb ass fams... so yea sex dudes wont show up there because they will get their ego fucked in its ass by some "gangsta-like" slut avatar bitch with a Stick up her ass because behind that playstation is a trifling slut...So thats 1 way to Escape a sexual predator on HOME! LOL go to playground! IRONY BITCHES!
The Godfather space.... I refuse to go here because its another spot for fams... but its way worse
The Southern Island Hideaway... I've been... a few times and omg... This is where playstation home users get married... MARRIED!...Sose?? did u say married!? YES I SAID MARRIED!!!!!!!! as far as any other spaces i havent been in a LONGGGG time. Even the mall has changed into 2 stories, You may find some n00bs there trying to ask you for pics and what not. Even tho I've seen this chick named "child of god" She will add u, Send u a pic... say its her untill you ask to get on cam then she will not respond and delete you. Bitch you're WEIRD!!
Hmmm i got an idea off of this blog Maybe i should review the content of each space since i don't really explore playstation home Anymore. Looking around to the spaces I go to....Like i said. They are infested with playstation home "fams" which are gangs ran by ether some old dude or some little kid with no life. Even the bowling alley has them now. I just opened up mad doors for myself... (SoSe has Unlocked a Trophy - Lets get Ready to Fuck up PlayStation home again!). As a sit and look at my wall of text tho. I really don't think i got my point across sept for the fact that i don't see predators as much because of "fams" I had 1 instance where a guy was chased around the Space for sending me PM's by some cool cats in a fam...if i remembered their names i'd give them shout outs! Regardless I'm not really looking to "Catch a Predator" on playstation home anymore and it was never My idea to do so. Always my idea to log what i experience, who i come around and why people do weird shit. If you're a young female dumb enough to go in a chat room with a man with noob avatar cloths and all he says is "hey sweetie i have a cam want to chat?" Then you deserve to see what his Perverted ass intended to show you. You already knew what he wanted before you went in there...NO IM just kidding! lol if that happens... Give me a ring i'll take care of em. Record em and put em on blast for you. Untill then. Use ur block and ignore features. I don't know why Sony... gave Groups and Private messaging on Home... Gave another reason for old men to try to moan to you on the mic Like ooder usta do "ooooh nicole!!" - Fail!
-Peace out SoSe Raccs on Raccs on Raccs! OUT!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"Are You Gay?" Maybe? Maybe not... Ether way I'm back to Shit on you.
^ i started that Shit...
Thats Classic SoSe. But on to the REBOOT SoSe. I'm here today to blog about 2 things. Someone i want to expose cause i think its hilarious. 2... a newcomer looking to take back home like I am.
Again does it fucking Matter who she is?? eat a Dick... side by side untill we get more folks we will be kicking home's Ass ONCE AGAIN like I usta.
Are you Gay?
The Situation:
Well I was sitting at the pier when crimms told me to look up. Saw a girl avatar saying he was a dude and wanted to teach guys a lesson. Or womanizers a lesson. HA!! So we watched. He danced and danced and pranced around like a lil bitch in his lemon bikini bottom and Egyptian top right? No harm no foul. Lots of people bait other people with female avatars. Ohhhhh no Not this guy... for some reason he goes. "Wanna Date?" to the noob guys he's dancing with. Then because myself and crimmy says something about he's baint people the wrong way. The lil turd burger gets upset changes back to his guy avatar...and Goes ballistic on us like we committed a crime. Really you little fucker? You're mad at us for saying what you said in the 1st place? You said "im a guy im teaching guys a lesson" in front of everyone and got upset with us because we repeated it in front of the same people like they didnt see the shit the 1st time...
Lol i eventually ended up just leaving and walking away from him.
The Best part about this story is... I ran into him again the very next day... but this time he was a dude avatar... dancing with another dude who was openly gay... O.o!!!!!
can we say busted homo???
Ha... its you're game. But please be true to yourself i will expose your ass....The original fucking way....
PS. Marni will be blogging after me for the 1st time. I encourage her to take her time. Don't be hard on herself. Let the juices flow. remember Marni. you do not havta follow my format.... but this is how i get down...
SoSe - Out!
PSS..... I'm not going around this dude named "FACE" dont even ask me to expose that dude he exposed himself in guy chatrooms. im cool.... -Salutes-