The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Jasmin Angel is - Going back into charector
words of Deja, Seacreast OUT!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Your blog is in transition
Your blog's new address is Since it takes time for this new address to be available all over the Internet, you can still get to it at
Your new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.
i am now the WWW.THESOSEPROJECT.COM! w00t!!!!
We also have a new youtube...
The Goonies
Turn the volume up my mic wasn't picking me up
Who the Fuck is these niggas?? i left a video for everyone to see, everyone who witnessed i Did Research on his "address" yea it was fake. He stood around me following me ALL night. I wanna See these "goonies" kings of home, On the mic. Cause text fighting them aint gonna work. He'll follow you around all night dancin on you saying "oh you like my cock" "i bet you sucking your dad right now" "tell you slut bucket mom i said prepare for this dick" then "hahahaha" every sentence. Its Plane enough and tiresome plus boring... find me around the server.... i don't care. 1 took the 1st Youtube punch and it was a SOFT 1. I am not scared of firin again. You don't want it with me kid.
I had alot of other people to blog tonight way more stories but This bitch-made lame erked me so much i rather expose his messages and show the world how lame that shit was...
Completely RANDOM!!!
Yea if i didn't have a heart i probably would of been like MM using these kids cause they seriously walk around home and truely ask bitches out.... like you guys really can't get a girl off home??
Friday, May 29, 2009
Grand Theft Auto 4 New episode
Rockstar Games is proud to announce the fall release of both the second episode of Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony - exclusively for download on Xbox LIVE® online entertainment network, and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, which will include both episode one The Lost and Damned, and episode two The Ballad of Gay Tony together on a single disc exclusively for Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft.
Grand Theft Auto IV's second downloadable episode, The Ballad of Gay Tony injects Liberty City with an overdose of guns, glitz, and grime. As Luis Lopez, part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub impresario Tony Prince (aka "Gay Tony"), players will struggle with the competing loyalties of family and friends, and with the uncertainty about who is real and who is fake in a world in which everyone has a price.
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City delivers two games on one disc - the all-new episode The Ballad of Gay Tony and the first episode, The Lost and Damned - together on disc for the first time - for Xbox 360 for $39.99 and will not require a copy of the original Grand Theft Auto IV to play.
The Ballad of Gay Tony will release on Xbox LIVE this fall for $19.99 or 1600 MS points and requires players to have Grand Theft Auto IV for Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE membership to download.
Much more information and media to come.

Thursday, May 28, 2009
30 Seconds.
1 thing i DID do which was pretty funny because at the time i was sickened by male avatars standing right on girl avatars like 4 to 5 of them (this was when home was fairly new) She would be so flirty and shet talking to guys. I would just laugh and type at 108 wpm and say "4 ft off the fkin PIRATE!" and they would move. Rather amusing for me.
ya love you to.
Nobody Is safe....
happy belated bday ice
Your lucky if you’re reading this because you may be my last blog! You’ll understand in a minute……”noone is safe” I met SoSeductive_Icey. Heehehehe (fyi I can blog without going thru sose that’s how this is sure it will be deleted 5 secs after he reads it!!)
Anywho back to the story, met Sose in like December. I hung out in plaza, doing what I do best, being a homeho. Then I saw Soseductive_Icey “popping her font” telling people to fall off of a cliff and crap like that. Stood around and laughed. Didn’t add bc I thought she was intimidating. But the same scenerio happened 3x that week so I finally added. Then Sose would follow me around, watching me just being a ho and whatever else I did. We said hi and stuff but not many indepth convos.
In January, She starts talking bout her brother, how he loved me pic, and crap I didn’t think much of it. Then she took me to this party and introduced me to Kdizzle and I thought kelli was black haha. I hung out more often at Soses summerhouse met Avian, Crimison and da dee. Cool funny guys. Then I started hanging with them all more then all of a sudden all sose’s “sister” is there and her group of people was alot bigger then I thought. They all keep spouting this “unablockable” nonsense. I think about a month went by then sose and kelli keep saying “recruit her ” and crap like that. I finally said Wtf and like a bunch of u have experienced they took me to the house and explained.
Mine was a little different tho…..that brother I had mentioned earlier was actually the guy who plays sose and he actually was interested in me. So all of y’all who were officially got inducted had it easy , it wasn’t just sose has a dick. it was sose has a dick and wants it inside of u ..Lmao I tweaked the words a little.
Then this lame soseductive_icey would tell everyone to get off the pirate bc the pirate is soses and send me msg saying I miss u and shit hahaha ( those msgs were all in fun but its just funny bc they r the same messages that sose blogs about)
So im okay with the whole talking to a dude on ps3 bc it wont get serious..i got out of a real life relationship and have a crazy ps3 guy in love with me (still to this day). SO YES SOSE and I PS DATED the queen/king of hellno I don’t psdate, psdated! But I guess that it makes me strange bc I psdated a chick that was a dude that was against psdating lol it wasn’t serious tho and I wont go into personal details bc that’s not how I roll . I really wanna say more but ill leave it up to the imagination!
That story was for worldclass! Lol atleast it didn’t happen like that to u, world!
"Hey u wanna cam???"
Speaking of dick, I think I want one. Im always being told about how big/thick/good/great/wonderful/fantastic/enjoyable they are, I think I'll cut one off and keep it around my neck like a lucky rabbits foot or something.
Last night I went out with some friends cause I havent been out in a while and I must say going out and PSHome seem alot alike. People were dancing for no reason, people were dancing on stuff, a guy even started telling me about how good his junk is. I tried going "AFK" but forgot nothing would appear over my head saying so. So when I told him i wasnt interested he say "U just another stuck-up bitch". I thought to myself "at least he didnt call me a dude".
Well thats it.......Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast Out!!!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Blog away/ Plus Responce to tony
I agree with you Tony but only to a certain extant. The reason i said You should respect women no matter what, Is because they asked you a request and You did not follow threw. You wanted to your way. When a women says "go away i dont want to be bothered" you should do just that or give it a second chance by saying Hold on... let me explain, then state you peace. If she is still not trying to hear it. Then thats when you should respect her wishes. 3rd time is Too may tries. See after That the potty mouth didn't show up untill there was off the wall comments. In kelli's case she said and disrespected you on sight. thats when you should have ignored her but you didn't you stooped to her level and called her a "ni66er lover" (anti RACIST BUTTON WHERE ARE U!!??) Even then when we got into that argument with crims. You said "how dare you pick white trash over me" This is a Two sided blog, Don't trip tony i do blog girls too. I just don't Find as MANY as the guys... The ratio of PSHome is 10 guys to 1 girl. Because Of the bench mob™ sanitarium network the gamer girl ratio for the sose project has gone up. More women are respecting this blog and every hilarious post. Im not saying this is just for women gamers no no no. Its just you GUYs are being such assholes to women thats all im gettin is lame ass guys.
Scenario 2 about the girl hitting guys you're right a man has a right to defend himself... absolutly right but most women don't even go there most are un confrontational UNLESS they are some psycho bitch who wants something from you and won't stop untill they get it or simply just a love sick female. In all , all im saying is if a women says go away... respect her. you keep standing there sayin you want somethin and she keeps goin off on you. STOP trying...
Enough of that rant... now back to the BULLSHIT!! W00t!!
i Seen ty144, This dood was a bitter HATER.... nuff about em Moving On.
Ok Listen... this is none of my business sure, I know this. I don't know if this is real... if he knows her if she knows him if they live close... etc etc. because i asked them. She said she known him for years... he said they lived 30 mins away from each other. I Really don't understand if its like that.... they just couldn't call each other on the phone? i mean... then her names was "rainman" but she did say she was on someone else account...hmm last time i checked PSN was free... she couldn't make her own? i mean she allready had on defualt avatar cloths. It practically made no sense... everyone was watching this and told me to take pix of it. Its Certified PSdating™.
They can both retort if they want. I'm just stating my opinion...
DJ lowboy and SigmaWarninja...
Wow what can i say. Two lame ass niggas Mad because no female wanted to talk to them. They started running their fonts disrespecting women. both look like bitch ass pop stars....pherrel williams from the neptunes. and Trey Songs AKA Gay songs... can't help but be gay... watch for these losers ladies...
words of Deja... Seacreast out!!
A Southern Gentlemen's Retort
I really never planned on actually posting a blog, but what the hell (since its obvious this is what you want me to do.) After all, there are 2 sides to the story but only one truth. It’s true that the CJ encounter was actually me just playing with him. As far as the sose avatar, hats off to godly for a brilliant performance and the ability to stay in character. Here is our debate: Women should be treated as ladies no matter what…
I will take the opposing side of this debate. First let me clear the definition of the southern gentlemen. Back in the yonder years, southern gentlemen believed that a woman couldn’t do a man’s job and had only two places, the kitchen and the bedroom. Also whatever the man said was law and she obeyed. Well, I am part of the modern southern gentlemen. We believe in equal pay for equal work. A woman can do a job as well or better than a man. Chivalry is not dead but today’s women are killing it. The term lady does not automatically apply if you are a female. Just like only giving birth doesn’t make you a mother. Being from “the boot” the only women we exempt from the statutes of being a lady are blood relatives. In other words, my mother, my sisters, and my daughters will always be treated like ladies no matter what. Keep in mine this is only on individual basis. As far as wives or girlfriends, they are not exempt. If your wife or girlfriend conducts herself less than a lady, you dissolve that relationship. Don’t get concern yet. A true lady can be 49% bitch and 51% sweetheart. What a true lady doesn’t do is challenge man in disrespectful manners unless it’s warranted. A true lady never provokes a man into a confrontation. Gentlemen make attempts to decline the confrontation. However, once it’s determined that he is no longer dealing with a lady, the field is leveled. He no longer displays acts of chivalry but resorts to the protection of his inalienable civil rights. No one is worthy of immunity if they are asking for trouble. If you have a little bitch Chihuahua nipping at your heels constantly, no matter how humane you are, you are eventually going to foot it across the room. It is hypocritical to suggest that people are none emotional beings and should just lie down because of some concept. People are all born with the instinct for self preservation. If a female is attempting to kill me with a weapon, I am not going to tell her she is hot. She is no longer a lady, but she is in a man’s place. She will be dealt with accordingly. Being a lady is not a loose term except only where I said it was exempt. If the female is car hopping and being a harlot, then she is a harlot not a lady. The southern gentlemen embrace ladies. I repeat that doesn’t include all women. So, when you have a member of RUBz being a Chihuahua and I constantly asked her to stop, then yes it is time to either kick her ass or take the newspaper to her.
So godly, we all start out equal in this world. We all have to earn respect. The southern gentlemen automatically treat women as ladies. It is the woman who decides when she is no longer to be considered a lady not the gentlemen. Once that woman has fallen from that royalty, she is what she is. That is the way of the southern gentleman. Anyone else who says women should be treated like ladies even in the event they are conducting themselves otherwise is pissing down your back and telling you that it is raining. What I would like to see is more equality in your sose project. There are females out there who are just as guilty as being lames, flaming, and faking. Trust me, if you honestly believe you would adhere to your skewed interpretation of the southern gentlemen then you should really spend more time getting to know yourself better. Maybe you lost yourself in your character Lisa. LOL. I challenge you, what would you do in scenario #1: female attacking you with a knife and she blocks your only exit. Is she a lady? Scenario #2: female punches you in the face. You turned the other cheek. She punches you again. You attempt to grab her hands. She breaks free and punches you again. You try to run but she is tagging your ass like Layla Ali. This scenario in itself warrants gentlemen to find recourse to a solution without striking her. Now people, today a woman can literally fuck you up. Tai Bo and all sort of conditioning exercises make her a worthy opponent. Scenario #3: If a man can never hit a woman, then all of the video games like Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, and countless others are guilty of advocating domestic violence. Hmmm, it is accepted because these women have placed themselves in position that no longer protects them from the “you can’t hit a lady rule.” Now keep in mind, a man should never hit a woman because she is talking noise. A man is allowed to defend himself only on the same level of the attack. If she is talking shit then the man can only talk shit. There is nothing a woman can say to make him hit her. Period! It is time for women who consider themselves ladies to take responsibility for their actions when they act less than one. Under no circumstances is a person subject to humiliation, degradation, and denial of the worthiness of breathing God’s air based on what is between a person’s legs. Be it male or female. This is a message from the legendary, Tony the Great…
One Forgotten BIRTHDAY!
Because, of my avatar being so popular and convince that she was so real. We totally separated her persona' from my own and even gave her, her own birthday which was May 14th 1988. That makes lisa 21 years old. My REAL birthday Is may 27th 1983 That makes me 26 today. Yes i know im fking old so what.
The funny thing is. When Her birthday hit It was so many Happy birthday Wishes it was unbelievable. Not to mention Kelli, (omg THANX KELLI!) She threw a home party for my avatar Which was pretty fucking Funny, I could of had someone talk on the mic for lisa and made the story even more funnier but i was very very busy that night with the sose project so i kept going idle. Its Crazy How my avatar ALone influenced ALOT OF PEOPLE. I mean alot. People walk up to myself and crims and they know us. But we don't know them... same with kelli, nikki, sheri, and everyone else in my group. its pretty cool.
Everyone keep Asking me Why am i still on the SoSe avatar. Well because, i told you. Its not over... it will never be over. Lameness will never stop. Longs lameless is in home i will not stop. besides, i dont like Guy Avatars period. I dont want to look@ a Guy avatar on ps3. I like the lil walk the girl avatars do.
No Apologiez
No apz. It doesn't matter what you say man. You can call me gay all you wan't. Noone can take the it away from you That you Playstation Dated a GUY named Jasmine Angel from Dec 2008 to Feburary 2009. YOU DATED A DUDE!
Lameness never stops on home.... now everyone knows who i am... they know who avian is too... but look...
Anyway Happy birthday me all i want to do is cuss people out in a club or a private Area...
And SHOUT out TO My boy SharkCity. You really are a cool ass nigga that we all thought....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
On 1 note theirs 2 sides. to Each story. I'm in a ball here. so here it goes. I met tonydagr8 threw retired pirate back in feb, He seemed to like to cling on to women. He Did follow me around for a bit trying to fit in i guess.. He is... a computer major and does. Write for the sun Java for the sprint phones... 1 FLAW i see with tonydagr8 is his lack of respect when a women disrespects him. NO MATTER i do not CARE. If a women gets smart, you do not go off and stoop to her level to respect you... period. For tony to be from the South. He should know better. I had a 1 on 1 talk with him he said and i Qoute "You respect woman untill they act like a man, then you treat them like 1" well i don't agree with that not 1 bit. I know me and tony are cool, Now. But i still live by the Rules of "noone is Safe." you get blogged thats it...
In the End i have no problem with this Guy. Publicly i HOPE he can change his ways to how he acts towards women. He's a Good Guy GRANTED but when things hit the fan, he acts like he caresless for human life. Maybe a temper issue i don't i know. What i do know is that he followed kelli around when she didnt want to be bothered to try to appologiez to her. Some women do not like confrontation... He shouldn't have went with the racist... taunts etheir... uncalled for... Not the "nigga lover" "white trash" non of that... i don't care what people say to you. And his debates are Reasonable. To a CERTAIN EXTANT... I mean Im Ranting. This is how i feel. Ladies again... you can give tonydagr8 a try BUT please don't get into an argument with this guy... That sentence alone. is BULLSHIT. I would never treat a women like a man because she's running her mouth.
If you all know... Jasmine angel int he Playstation world. I kept my mouth Shut about that avatar...The reason being is because behind the scenes i exposed that avatar as a guy... YES it was a guy. An Asian Guy named paul. Who tried to find chicks on PShome as a chick.... she he SHIM. Was running around home cussing at the guy avatars, But Cup caking the female Avatars...There we plenty of times where...IT would lie about stuff like "house arrest" attempted murder. Constant stuff. Like that. 1 Day when i cussed it out. HE sent me a message with a Heart. Saying he was jealous of Sose.... her friends her life, and he wanted love...he eventually made a chat for himself and sose...(mi amor i love you forver and always chat.) everynight he would chop it up with sos... then stuff just stoped adding up. I decided to Grill his azz... you know... Sosefie his azz... and What eventually happend was he fell "inlove" with sose. It was funny as hell how it all just 1 min he hated Sose then he loved her? huh? i grilled him so bad that he confessed that he was infact a Dude... and that he was bored. I told him the tell the truth because you cannot be in love and be fake. He had too many dude intrest in gamming. So 1 day while at Jess's party, Some girl walks up to my avatar and says "u know jas?" i say yes... she says "its something u need to know about jas" i told her i know EVERYTHING ABOUT JAS. Not to put jas on blast i still kept it like the girl knew it was a girl (if u seeing this now spotlightgamer, i knew jas was a dude since april) She told me that jas was in love with her and she was scared of jas cause jas had things and secrets about her. I told her that i have Jas on gag order for what Jas had told me. SO i brought the chick n the chat and put Jas in a compromissing situation. It was funny as hell... he tried to lie and say he never loved her that he loves, i sat back and laughed my azz off. It was a damn shame... look@ the pic below...
Yea Why you beg to be With her????? HUH HUH HUH cupcaking on ps3... the Fuck...?
what gave him away was the constant... non stop emo shit with him needing sose... he needed sose for what???Plus the constant call of duty he played. From day 1. It was talkin shit to guy avatars... and then trying to be good to chick avatars and telling them he loves them. rediculous and sad...i played jokes on Shim playin along with this "love" thing just to... get information out of him. He let lose... told me just about everything. That Deasin was his cousin... jasmine the pics was an old friend... and he just wanted to find love... why? i dont know. he could of stuck to 1 girl avatar... but he was a home lesbian ho... flipin from chick to chick... lol
Sorry last post got fucked up i had to edit it... but thats my evidence. He talked to me on his vixen account w/mic with myself and Avii... in a ps3 chat, we sat on xbox live laughin at em like... wow...
Lol i even told him to do some gay shit... and he agreed...
Well I had Jasmine on Gag order Since i knew everything and he didnt really want me to put him on blast. But Fuck that... since i put myself on blast... IM AM NOT HOLDING MY TONGUE Everyone on fuckin blast....
Thats not the end of Jasmine angel thats just the most of it... i wont say his real pSn I'll let this dude walk away. since i SHut his ass down for 2 months...
Falling in love with sose = is a Sin...
Kaos Da Goon
Kowack AKA. Kodakcam
awwww nigga what... you thought you was safe?? its pretty pathetic how you argued with me for months that its ok to look for chicks on ps3. Try to say you don't do it, but then Justify it and compare it to or He even told me he wanted to start his own blog... of what he likes... when i sent him lisa's pix he ended up following me around even more and flirting more and more with my avatar. We tried to stir him away from that cause he was a cool guy. But NOPE Even Then he still did it on the low. It was annoying. Even When we made up the story about CJ and lisa going out. HE STILL DID IT... it was annoying... he tried to lie alot by saying he has a gf. But we all knew he didn't specially how he claims he's not a gamer but allways on home following chicks. It was amazing. And nuts...He constantly followed me and Avii around. Everyone would complain about it. Till 1 night we all got on mics and clowned him BAD. he deleted the SoSe Name. Now i see him hanging around Mayflame ALOT. its funny.
Kodak. You can't lie, you wanted that avatar and the lady in those pics. regaurdless its lame to just go on playstation and cupcake chicks. hanging with them is fine....
Shit I'm all about......
red hots candy
Mountain Dew
My Couch
post-it notes
saying "dookie"
civil rights
doing it
the acb news that comes on in the middle of the night
cotton candy
hitting people with stuff
cop shows
fat guys
Eddie(my husband not the guy with 87 girls on home)
kicking shit
conflict of interest
swine flu
In other news.................
The BenchMob(TM) has gotten outta hand. People hatin' each other, hitting on each others friends, not coming around. ITS THE FUCKING INTERWEBZ!!!! How the fuck you gonna let somebody keep u from coming around ur friends??? Its plenty of you assholes I put up with just because your friends with people I like talking dirty t.......err.......I mean hanging around with. Play this shit like you would real life got damnit. Get down like you live..............
Fucking stalker!! This muthaluva is the reason girls don't own cameras/mics and don't post pictures. SHE DON'T LIKE LIKE YOU. NOBODY LIKES YOU. Get that shit straight playboy.
I like Kellz. She's cool and we have a lot in common. But more importantly she comes and talks to me woman to woman. I would sooo go lez for her.
Going back to the subject of stalking..........
Whats the end-goal of it?? "If I follow her and send messages telling her how sexy she is she's gonna give me some pussy!!!!"......I don't think thats how it works. If stalkers started buying us shit then thats totally different. Now your a sugar daddy!!!! You still not getting any vajaja but at least now you have my attention. That's cool right?
I gotta booboo.........Peace^ A-Town Down Seacreast out!!!!
As a new Day you move the fk on
You know you doing something Right when they celebrate a birthday on PS3 for an avatar... may 14 is not my birthday... its may 27th... and i'll be 26 2morrow... not 21
Because im me, You bitch ass niggas are Still not safe from being put on blast, And i first want to start with D fucking No money...
We ran into dude yesterday on home and i told em who i was. Even then this lame ass nigga didn't believe it. He was on shock, He even Left for a while to SOAK it all in. Cause at that moment he had Ant following us for a week, he was trying to talk to my avatar. Pulling it to the side tryin' Chop it up. The whole 9. Dmoney has been in love with my avatar for 3 months. Thats a god DAMN SHAME YOU think about someone like that over a playstation. Mean time i was sitting back just Laughing at this dude while me, kelli , nikki be on the phone. I would constantly ignore him. He would constantly Bitch about "not spending time" LOL! don't u guys Remember this??
and to Ant, I don't care if you gonna read this or not, or never had the internet or a computer don't know how to Type "WWW"or whatever nigga. I'm not the 1 who takes playstation home seriously like you do. Like i said playstation home is to be WHO EVER THE FUCK YOU Want to be. I chose who i chose to be TO EXPOSE! Lame fucks like yourself. You got a fuckin problem i suggest you check your own mentality mr i never used a computer...matter fact that kid is a poser not to mention he was folding up for the "5 seconds" he was trying to get at kelli when she didnt want him.
To no Apz, I was Mad Cool with you till you came at me on some disrespectful shit. I didn't want part of it, So everyone else let you have it. I stayed out. I still wanna say im still cool with no apz i didnt even wanna take it to youtube like that. I was wrong for posting that niggaz pics on youtube. But he was man enough to drop a video. What baffles me was he wanted to cut girls and shoot them with paintball guns... thats where he fucked up...
To Ty144....FUCK U FAGGOT!
It's1 thing when... You want to expose someone but you just can't because You're caught up into a delimma. But because i don't feel that its right at all. And their is no More rated U for me. I don't care. Im dropin t he Bomb on this 1...
-- Da Dee...
I have to say I was AWARE from jump. Chyna Saved you from gettin blogged But im not holding my breath no more. I have to speak my Mind as a man. I held on to all this information for too long and it has to Come to a Close... When I met Dee, Avian already had said he was lame and Wanted to Target Him And because we HAD NO IDEA. That Dee lives with his real GF Chyna, We were all for it. The day We found out Chyna was his girl We was all ready to set up a scenerio for dee. We ended up Drawing back. Why!? because I Slipt up and Chyna heard me on my mic found out who i was (chyna was the 1st to almost break the operation). When we all Sat dee down and chyna we brought them both in to save us from breaking it with Ty144. he had a huge fuckin' mouth. We ended up Not letting Dee have it. But we all know girls talk. And because Dee knew what i do, He stoped doing it over the playstation so i wouldn't put him on blast. He tried to talk to chicks nonchalantly with a chick avatar and stay up with them. I even found out he was beatin his meat on Cam with a chic on playstation. Like WTF!? he posed to be with us but instead of him exposing people. He's being the EXACT LAME that they are. So after we cleared that up and talked about all that. He said he would go back on track. This nigga thought We was STUPID. He drifted off, He thought because We are playstation related that i wouldn't be able to put his azz on blast... and because... he DOES live with his GF and she piratically took him in (she's 32 and he's my age, 25) He took everything for granted and Does what he wants while she pays all the bills. Granted he DOES work now. But Still thats not right. If a women was bi-sexual, take you in and Let you do what you want to do. But then you go and Take that for granted. Me as a man I would be kissin that womens feet and changing her grown ass kids diapers... All to just stay with her and love her? Nigga what the fuck is you thinking?
You thought because you didnt Do it on Home we wouldn't find out tho right? i have plugs on the internet too nigga. yea Windows live messange... yahoo messanger... AIM, all that... I found out about the calls to japan... (WTF!??)contemplating about loving chyna if you even still wanted to be with her. If your still sexually attracted to her. Telling other bytches u love them...THE FUCK Is wrong with you man? You thought since i did it on ps3 that you were going to slip away and do it on the PC. This is my 1st Unhome related onblast moment...I remember getting those calls from Chyna and listenin to her cry tellin me she caught you up at night doing your dirt. I But she Sat up and Told me Not to put u on blast... She begged, pledded she said she will try to fix it. Well i will not hold my breathe no more about it. Its been going on for too long...
I will no longer hold my breathe. I heard about them dating sites too... I heard about the phone calls. I mean thats what you get when... you do shit to women. They rant... to they friends when their being done wrong. Whatever she told sheri... course it got back to me. I was just told not to do nothing about it. Lets not forget how, When we got on pShome he tried to cupcake adonia... and at 1st thats who was going to get more dirt on you. We didnt even have to plug her in with you. YOU PLUGED YOURSELF. But since shit hit the fan, I will not hold my tongue.
To every women who knows "da Dee 85" He has a women and her name on ps3 is... DANGERCHYNA Stop trying to pretend like you only got a girl nigga when you want to invite another girl in ya'lls bed. Thats bullshit.
I am lookin for a new direction with this SoSe Project Shit. Don't think im going to change the concept at all. It works. people love it. They love the videos that get posted... the blog ETC. After all that im glad we dropped the characters because I Rather be myself... Myself is who people love...
Monday, May 25, 2009
A Public Apology To EVERYONE involved
The bible says what goes around comes around, When i asked him to take the video down. He said No, i contemplated all day. I was told by my mother to respond BUT because .He posted that video and said what he said...about the girls... myself and everything Else. They Wanted to respond and speak their minds...
I left those video's raw... i never MENTIONED not 1 time... about chris's grandmother in each video. Everyone else had something to say about that. I do live with my mother but the difference is, i pay mortagage. They took that and ran with it. Mentioned it in Each video...
I personally apologize on Behave of EACH and every person who had something to say about him living with his grandmother it was not called for... I will be the better man and Walk away from this... This was for no reason except the fact that he put it upon himself to personally attack the Situation with Rated U. He could of attacked me alone OR not posted anything at all. But he brought it upon himself and thought noone would say anything. That was never going to happen. Rated U xbox will have the last word. Im personally REMOVING myself from Rated U. I don't want it anymore. Im personally Removing Rubs and changing the name. Rated U is no longer playstation 3. I don't know about Xbox if they want to keep it. They said it was Dead, i don't care...
All i have to say is I don't read Subliminal Messages. When you want something to be Done chris you say it bluntly and not nonchalantly... to that i am Apologizing to Chris to Rated U to everyone else who was involved in this stupid mess. I'm walking away from it.
1 Big mess i don't care about.
The Juggernaut Bitch!
Aladdin And the Search for Crack
Allow me to reintroduce my self, my name is..............
(Deja is vixenQ on the bench, also Snow, Lucy, Avian, Solo wing, WorldClass)
Tyrant says What's Up.....
I'm sure you've seen this guy running around talking about being a crip popping bottles, smoking a ton of weed, and pimping out girls (drgreenthumb404) the hardcore gangster from Atlanta, but he has came out of the closet. Today drgreenthumb404 the so called "gangster" broke down in the middle of the plaza on ps home, and showed everyone what a prime example of what an online gangster is, He started crying out for help " i need some attention from a woman" "i need to get laid". Well anyway, drgreenthumb404 goes to the clubhouse, gets on the mic, and starts crying about how pathetic his life really is, seriously crying about not being able to get laid, and the fact that he is a lonely nerd stoner that hits on pixelated women. Don't get me wrong doc i admire your courage to finally admit that you're just a bytch, but guess what!?? he stops crying then says "forget it i didn't mean any of that imma pop a bottle" haha! well which is it doc are you the punk azz nerd like you said or are you a real gangster? I think everyone knows the answer to that, and doc you've already admitted to everyone about how you're a phony you can't back out now it's too late son, you shouldn't have broke down crying like a baby without a nipple to suck on. You say you work all day STACKING PAPER HAHA (only in your mind) but in reality you're on another account all day "drgreenthumbs" stacking pixelated women, and when your friends sign on you switch account's, and pretend you've been hustling all day, What a joke. I would've exposed his girlfriend to, or lover whatever the hell she is to him, But i can be somewhat "nice". If any of you see this guy running around the plaza (a white guy acting gangster pretty common) tell him "tyrant says WHATS UP G DAWG" HAHAHA...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I was introduced to some members from the BenchMob a few months ago. I hit it off with them immediately and everyone was very real, welcoming and nice. One day I came across this!! He seems every interested in talking to me, and at the time I thought it was genuine until I learned more about this dude. A few days later, I saw this person in a heated debate with someone I respected. I was like hmmmm if this person, who is a typically nice, easy going, well liked person. After the argument I receive a message from Yosho stating he was sorry for the drama and it was all a misunderstanding. I brushed it aside and went on with my night.
After a few weeks of getting to know this person I have seen things that I do no approve up. He is manipulative, condescending and rude. He treats everyone around him as if they are just objects, that there isn't really a PERSON behind the avatar they are playing. He will do anything to have all eyes on him. He doesn't care what he says to anyone about anything, because only his opinion matters and his overall agenda is the only one that matters. He is a predator and a deviant.
He is on a site that is frequented by a lot of the BenchMob and he parades around there and on the chats and on other peoples pages and the forums and the blogs and you name it, he thinks he owns it. He thinks only his opinion matters. He has no respect for anyone.
The first person I spoke to about this sent me the following message. Please remember, it has been edited and all names have been replaced and or removed:
Let's start at the beginning. I became friends months ago with _____ . I don't know if you've met her or not, but she's an incredibly sweet girl. We'd hang out and talk quite a bit, and Yosho would always show up. He started off by completely ignoring me, and speaking only with _____ . This is even though I tried being friendly. I figured the guy was a typical douche bag, and ignored it. _____ and I became closer and closer though. I started to notice that Yosho would show up, and watch from a distance. If I was there, he'd just disappear, and start sending _____ messages. One day I asked her about him, and she told me that the guy started off nicely enough, but was starting to get strange. She told me that they were sort of together, so I refrained from saying anything bad about the guy.
So fast forward a couple of weeks. _____ and I were very close friends, and Yosho kept up with not speaking to me, and just general douchery. Then one day he actually sends me a friend request. Kind of out of the blue, and I already was leery about the guy. I knew that _____ knew him, so I asked her opinion of the guy. She said he was funny, and harmless enough. I went ahead and accepted the request based on that. I value _____ opinion, and I figured that maybe I had read the guy wrong. Also I knew _____ was still close with the guy, so I figured I'd make things easier on her.
Then one day I joined on _____ and as I walked up, I heard a heated conversation between her and Yosho. She was dressing him down for degrading women, and basically saying it's ok to beat them. Less than gentlemanly to say the least, but maybe a misinterpreted joke. I just kind of watched the proceedings, and waited. _____ was very upset with him, and I thought she might have been overreacting, quite honestly. Later on I had a chance to talk to her about it, and found out that this was a recurring theme. He knew that it bothered her, yet continued to do it. She finally got to the point where she couldn't stand to be around him, and has subsequently gone from being on Home daily, to rarely ever.
There have been many small instances over the months that I've known yosho that have always bothered me. I have been around him on several occasions where he has refused to acknowledge my speaking directly to him. The only time he has "chummed up" to me is when there is a female friend of mine around that he wants to chat up. I've put up with it for a long time, but it has always been apparent to me that he's using my friends list like a predator uses a watering hole. More than one acquaintance or friend of mine has made comments to the effect of him being "creepy", or just downright rude. The thing that has really bothered me about that is when I've been told by new friends of mine that Yosh has approached them and used me as an ice breaker. I've actually seen him do it on ____, on occasion.
The other thing I started to notice in the weeks leading up to my blowup with Yosho is that he started to copy me in ways that became very creepy to me. He changed his way of speaking / typing to mimic mine, using speech patterns that echoed my own. Heck, he even changed his color to purple after always having been green. These may seem like petty things, but are things that I know were noticed by me, as well as others. All the while continuing to "pounce" on any new female friends I brought around to the bench. He pretty much ignores most guys that I introduce.
The final straw for me came when I was about to leave for my trip to California. _____ and _____ threw together a little surprise going away party for me, and a lot of my friends were there. It was really cool, and caught me by surprise. The one downer was that Yosho was there. Not really any body's fault, as I never talked badly about him to anyone. It's my policy to keep my personal feelings about someone to myself. I don't like to make other people feel like they are obligated to feel the same way, and don't want to allow my opinions to influence other peoples relationships.
Also there was someone who has blossomed into a very special someone for me. She and I hit it off from the moment we met, and it caught me by surprise. I'm not a guy that's looking to "hook up" on Home. So the night of the party, my special someone was there. We went off to the side of the floor, and started to talk. It was obvious to everyone there that there was something happening between us, and I've been told as much by people who are close to me ("wow, that's a shocker, lol", and "Yeah...big secret"). So being that yosho is constantly around, it wasn't surprising to me when he started butting in on our conversation, and pretty much entirely talking to her. Once again trying to use me to get close to her. It was revealed to me later that he was sending her PM's and comments on _____ that could only be construed as hitting on her. I again tried to blow it off. We moved to another area of the club, a semi "private" area, so we could speak alone for a bit. Not one minute later, Yosh comes trotting up, and sits down. End of private time. At the most optimistic, you could say that the guy is socially retarded. My feeling is that he just doesn't care who he screws over, as long as he can add another female to his list. Before I logged off for the night, I asked my special someone if we could speak in private for a few minutes. We said our goodbyes and left to go to her place. I then felt obligated to warn her about Yosho. Without going into too much detail, I told her what his MO was, and to please be aware of it.
Fast forward to the night before the blowup. I was in a private space, speaking with my special someone, when she told me that Yosho was PM'ing her. She told me that she couldn't believe what she was seeing from him. She said that she had received several PM's from him, when another came in just then. Basically he had sent her a PM saying to "watch out for _____ ". I'm paraphrasing here, because I don't remember exactly what was said, but it was something like that. This got me steaming, and she was upset as well. She replied, asking him what that was supposed to mean. He obviously sensed that she was upset about the insinuation, and his reply was a "just joking" type response. Needless to say I was upset. His motives were clear, and I wasn't going to put up with it. I decided at that point that I was going to delete him from my list, and be done with it.
The night of the blowup, I joined the BenchMob(TM) as I always do. I saw him standing on the bench, but I decided not to lay into him. He asked me why I had deleted him, and I responded that he had "disappointed me as a friend". He kept pushing me to give more of a reason, and I repeatedly told him I didn't want to get into it. Finally he said something that made me angry. I told him the name of the special someone, and asked him if it rang any bells. His response was "Not really, nice girl, but I've never really spoken with her". I asked him if he had ever sent her a PM. He replied "No". This is when I became unglued. I asked him to think about it very carefully, and asked him to tell me the truth. He lied again. I told him I had proof, and that unless he wanted me to say what was contained within the PM, I wanted him to admit it to me and be done with it. He then said that he had PM'd her, but only to say what a great guy I was. I then read off to him what was said in the PM. This is when I went off on him. I was so mad that this guy would not only do something like this, but then lie about it several times to my face. Then finally he admitted to sending the PM, but claimed that he was drunk. I had heard enough at this point, and basically told him that I knew much more about him, and unless he wanted it publicly spilled, to leave and not be around me again. He left for the night.
Since then, he has been PM'ing me "apologizing" and has been around. I have refused to speak with him, as just the sight of his avatar near me makes me disgusted at this point. A couple of nights ago, he kept PM'ing me, telling me that it's all a misunderstanding, and that he wanted to talk. I finally agreed to break the silence, and tried to be understanding. He then proceeded to apologize, but in a very backhanded way. He claimed that much of what was said that night (the night of the blowup, which you and others witnessed) wasn't actually said. He then said he had "pictures to prove it". WTF? I mean, the guy is now taking pictures of this kind of stuff, and trying to make me believe that what happened didn't really happen? I told him that I do not trust him at all, but I appreciate the apology. I'm really doing my best to be civil. Since then, I have still not spoken to him, nor will I.
The second person I spoke to about this sent me the following message. Please remember, it has been edited and all names have been replaced and or removed:
Well it started when I first met Yosho, he approached me in the Playstation forums saying how we talked and that I made him laugh. I had no idea what he was talking about but just let it go. Later I questioned him about it and it turns out it was all a lie, he never met me he just wanted me.
Anyway we did wind up cybering along with my ex, she doesn't like to be exclusive for sexual things, and during this time he was going on and on about how he thought of us as his girlfriends. He would also say hurtful things then turn around and say he was drunk or that it was a misunderstanding. He also told me how my ex wanted to be his girlfriend and he also asked me a number of times if I would date him in real life. Well you get the picture he decided he wanted us and wanted us broken up so he could have us to himself.
Anyway the cybering got scary he would push my face into a cushion suffocating me, he would slap me and call me a fucking bitch then force me to tell him I love him several times. He asked for a pic of my ripped panties one time because he said it got him off. He also told me that he collects pics of girls so he can masturbate to them, especially when cybering. One time he told me that he used my ex's pic while he was cybering me cause it got him hot. Well between that and the way he treated my friend _____I decided I had enough so I dropped him from my list.
He winds up messaging me some nasty stuff about me, my best friend _____, the BenchMob, and even _____for good measure. I was furious so I ran around telling people, warning women everywhere about this guy, he didn't like that. He decided to set me up. You see he sent an old booty call of mine, one he calls upon, to come seduce me. I was extremely tempted and even considered it seriously but in the end I said no. There's more I just have to put it in another message.
As it turns out Yosho had a friend of his taking pics of certain parts of the convo with my old booty call. The parts that show I was tempted but not the parts where I said no and that I had a girlfriend and that we couldn't do it but cest la vie. Later Yosho tells me that if I ever talk about him behind his back or do anything else to him not only would he use the pics to destroy my relationship with my girlfriend but he would come after me "I'll make sure you regret it" to quote him. He also tried to turn the BenchMob against me and worse he tried to destroy my friendship with _____, my best friend. I was devastated and had all sorts of dark thoughts which I still haven't told anyone including my best friend. But yea that's my Yosho story...I hope this tale helps anyone who reads it.
As you can all plainly see this Yosho character needs to be put in his place. If you know him, watch out for him. If you don't, watch out for him. He needs to be avoided getting ot know you in any personally way for your best interest.
And YOSHO, I know your reading this, because someone told you it was coming. What comes around goes around!! I was told not to do this by a few people because you will come after me.. OH well buddy, come!! Give me all you got! Just keep in mind, you will be alone and I won't be!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Oh and another thing
immm bacccckkkk

Its you’re favorite home sexual deviant!!! , I’m pirate aka Retiredpirate or bootyfulxpirate
Plenty of you guys know me or have seen me around saying something stupid. You also may have seen my blog with accompanied video. YOU SICKKOS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! Just Kidding, yall know I loved every monkey voice, every Ohhhh Nicole! And I wouldn’t be your pirate if this wasn’t that kind of blog, 8D
Sose, Kelli, Crims, Devine, and many of our “unblockanoobs”(credit to crims if I remember right), deal with Lames by cussing them out and embrassing them right off the server. Not I, I play their games, Hey baby you look fine, mhhhmmmm, the whole nine yards.
As a result of my naughty actions, I get 8=====> pictures big ones, small ones, none as big as your head.And this wouldnt be the soses project if I wasn’t exposing them now would it?
BOTTOMLINE (webcam jacked it)
And plenty of others on my original name that I deleted and a couple guys I consider buddies so I wont expose.
I cant get all my pictures to send right now but if you really wanna see. ill msg u them to prove but im telling you. You don’t wanna see!
Update Jamesbond1972 has finally been banned for obvious reasons but he does have many other names. I still talk to him because its too damn funny. Well I guess the other day someone told him that he was a Pedophile and he was in huge trouble so now hes scared to get on home at all because he thinks the mods follow him! He was harassing me hardcore one day so a mod came down in mod uniform and told him to stop. Jamesbond told the mod “ f U”.. like donias story the mod took james to his apartment and talked to him. And I get the emails . thanks for nothing..u got me introuble.. sony says they are going to ban my whole system.. then preceeds to tell me that he is going to turn me in for cussing! Lol that’s all for now folks
Cya Bitches!