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visit its a great site. Lots of good news on your ps3 and xbox 360. Matter of fact My favorite part is the movies... LOL
heres more proof...
Her latest on my favorite game, GTAIV the lost and damned, Comming to the ps3 August 20th. InFamous and much more. did i mention Movies!!??
Now that im going to be a little more WELL KNOWN... im going to be even MORE deviante on playstation home to bring my fans and NEW fans a taste of what The soseproject is really about. I wasn't going to make blog tonight, But F--k It. Heres a story that I need to share just for TONIGHT. This is a Saniturium Story, like to hear it? here it goes....
Lame alert: MMonroe
The lame alert is back. This time ITS A GIRL!
whatever the bums name is not important. He tried desperately to talk to me and come up With bs that he looks good. That i would be all over him if i seen his pic, Right. Then gave me crap about he don't diss females, after i roasted him and the opponent he tried to roast. I think this kid set me up because when i ate and came back i seen this blond bimbo avatar talking sh*t to my avatar. I quickly jumped on my fkin keyboard and ROASTED this b**** easy. I hurt her feelings so bad She wanted my address to come fight me. So me being ME i gave it to her....
Let me give you an example of what i saiid "b---h your ass is like freeway having 2 way traffic, men can kick soccerballs in your asshole, True meaning of soccer mom slut azz bitch..."
yea after that she started saying "where are you from?"im going to kick your ass. So like i stated before i gave the bitch my address. She know where im at. funny thing is she said "look for a white denali" but did NOT ask for my NAME, or a PIC of me. So... wait comming to kick my ass? not knowing what i look like? huh You going to drive around Compton asking people my PSN?? "hey are you soseductive_icey?" GET HER!! lol the FK? she kept saying. "im done with you wait till tomorrow" yea ok...yet she wouldn't give me no information about what she looks like, he age... wheres shes from, Hell not even what she's going to wear. The fk am i supposed to fight? casper? all i know is im supposed to look for a WHITE Denali.... and angry blond white girl thats butt hurt over Text from her ps3. What a fkin lame...i can just imagine a White girl walking around compton asking people if they have a PS3 and PSN.... WOW
"hey are you soseductive_icey???" LMAO!!! white danali!!!