Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hello again.. .It's Kellz.... As promised here is the blog I said would bring you Sleaze, Scandal and a down right rude ASSHOLE!! I am leaving out the names of people involved to save face. So please don't ask me who these people are. I will be copying and pasting the information they sent me, but editing them down a bit.

I was introduced to some members from the BenchMob a few months ago. I hit it off with them immediately and everyone was very real, welcoming and nice. One day I came across this!! He seems every interested in talking to me, and at the time I thought it was genuine until I learned more about this dude. A few days later, I saw this person in a heated debate with someone I respected. I was like hmmmm if this person, who is a typically nice, easy going, well liked person. After the argument I receive a message from Yosho stating he was sorry for the drama and it was all a misunderstanding. I brushed it aside and went on with my night.

After a few weeks of getting to know this person I have seen things that I do no approve up. He is manipulative, condescending and rude. He treats everyone around him as if they are just objects, that there isn't really a PERSON behind the avatar they are playing. He will do anything to have all eyes on him. He doesn't care what he says to anyone about anything, because only his opinion matters and his overall agenda is the only one that matters. He is a predator and a deviant.

He is on a site that is frequented by a lot of the BenchMob and he parades around there and on the chats and on other peoples pages and the forums and the blogs and you name it, he thinks he owns it. He thinks only his opinion matters. He has no respect for anyone.

The first person I spoke to about this sent me the following message. Please remember, it has been edited and all names have been replaced and or removed:

Let's start at the beginning. I became friends months ago with _____ . I don't know if you've met her or not, but she's an incredibly sweet girl. We'd hang out and talk quite a bit, and Yosho would always show up. He started off by completely ignoring me, and speaking only with _____ . This is even though I tried being friendly. I figured the guy was a typical douche bag, and ignored it. _____ and I became closer and closer though. I started to notice that Yosho would show up, and watch from a distance. If I was there, he'd just disappear, and start sending _____ messages. One day I asked her about him, and she told me that the guy started off nicely enough, but was starting to get strange. She told me that they were sort of together, so I refrained from saying anything bad about the guy.

So fast forward a couple of weeks. _____ and I were very close friends, and Yosho kept up with not speaking to me, and just general douchery. Then one day he actually sends me a friend request. Kind of out of the blue, and I already was leery about the guy. I knew that _____ knew him, so I asked her opinion of the guy. She said he was funny, and harmless enough. I went ahead and accepted the request based on that. I value _____ opinion, and I figured that maybe I had read the guy wrong. Also I knew _____ was still close with the guy, so I figured I'd make things easier on her.

Then one day I joined on _____ and as I walked up, I heard a heated conversation between her and Yosho. She was dressing him down for degrading women, and basically saying it's ok to beat them. Less than gentlemanly to say the least, but maybe a misinterpreted joke. I just kind of watched the proceedings, and waited. _____ was very upset with him, and I thought she might have been overreacting, quite honestly. Later on I had a chance to talk to her about it, and found out that this was a recurring theme. He knew that it bothered her, yet continued to do it. She finally got to the point where she couldn't stand to be around him, and has subsequently gone from being on Home daily, to rarely ever.

There have been many small instances over the months that I've known yosho that have always bothered me. I have been around him on several occasions where he has refused to acknowledge my speaking directly to him. The only time he has "chummed up" to me is when there is a female friend of mine around that he wants to chat up. I've put up with it for a long time, but it has always been apparent to me that he's using my friends list like a predator uses a watering hole. More than one acquaintance or friend of mine has made comments to the effect of him being "creepy", or just downright rude. The thing that has really bothered me about that is when I've been told by new friends of mine that Yosh has approached them and used me as an ice breaker. I've actually seen him do it on ____, on occasion.

The other thing I started to notice in the weeks leading up to my blowup with Yosho is that he started to copy me in ways that became very creepy to me. He changed his way of speaking / typing to mimic mine, using speech patterns that echoed my own. Heck, he even changed his color to purple after always having been green. These may seem like petty things, but are things that I know were noticed by me, as well as others. All the while continuing to "pounce" on any new female friends I brought around to the bench. He pretty much ignores most guys that I introduce.

The final straw for me came when I was about to leave for my trip to California. _____ and _____ threw together a little surprise going away party for me, and a lot of my friends were there. It was really cool, and caught me by surprise. The one downer was that Yosho was there. Not really any body's fault, as I never talked badly about him to anyone. It's my policy to keep my personal feelings about someone to myself. I don't like to make other people feel like they are obligated to feel the same way, and don't want to allow my opinions to influence other peoples relationships.

Also there was someone who has blossomed into a very special someone for me. She and I hit it off from the moment we met, and it caught me by surprise. I'm not a guy that's looking to "hook up" on Home. So the night of the party, my special someone was there. We went off to the side of the floor, and started to talk. It was obvious to everyone there that there was something happening between us, and I've been told as much by people who are close to me ("wow, that's a shocker, lol", and "Yeah...big secret"). So being that yosho is constantly around, it wasn't surprising to me when he started butting in on our conversation, and pretty much entirely talking to her. Once again trying to use me to get close to her. It was revealed to me later that he was sending her PM's and comments on _____ that could only be construed as hitting on her. I again tried to blow it off. We moved to another area of the club, a semi "private" area, so we could speak alone for a bit. Not one minute later, Yosh comes trotting up, and sits down. End of private time. At the most optimistic, you could say that the guy is socially retarded. My feeling is that he just doesn't care who he screws over, as long as he can add another female to his list. Before I logged off for the night, I asked my special someone if we could speak in private for a few minutes. We said our goodbyes and left to go to her place. I then felt obligated to warn her about Yosho. Without going into too much detail, I told her what his MO was, and to please be aware of it.

Fast forward to the night before the blowup. I was in a private space, speaking with my special someone, when she told me that Yosho was PM'ing her. She told me that she couldn't believe what she was seeing from him. She said that she had received several PM's from him, when another came in just then. Basically he had sent her a PM saying to "watch out for _____ ". I'm paraphrasing here, because I don't remember exactly what was said, but it was something like that. This got me steaming, and she was upset as well. She replied, asking him what that was supposed to mean. He obviously sensed that she was upset about the insinuation, and his reply was a "just joking" type response. Needless to say I was upset. His motives were clear, and I wasn't going to put up with it. I decided at that point that I was going to delete him from my list, and be done with it.

The night of the blowup, I joined the BenchMob(TM) as I always do. I saw him standing on the bench, but I decided not to lay into him. He asked me why I had deleted him, and I responded that he had "disappointed me as a friend". He kept pushing me to give more of a reason, and I repeatedly told him I didn't want to get into it. Finally he said something that made me angry. I told him the name of the special someone, and asked him if it rang any bells. His response was "Not really, nice girl, but I've never really spoken with her". I asked him if he had ever sent her a PM. He replied "No". This is when I became unglued. I asked him to think about it very carefully, and asked him to tell me the truth. He lied again. I told him I had proof, and that unless he wanted me to say what was contained within the PM, I wanted him to admit it to me and be done with it. He then said that he had PM'd her, but only to say what a great guy I was. I then read off to him what was said in the PM. This is when I went off on him. I was so mad that this guy would not only do something like this, but then lie about it several times to my face. Then finally he admitted to sending the PM, but claimed that he was drunk. I had heard enough at this point, and basically told him that I knew much more about him, and unless he wanted it publicly spilled, to leave and not be around me again. He left for the night.

Since then, he has been PM'ing me "apologizing" and has been around. I have refused to speak with him, as just the sight of his avatar near me makes me disgusted at this point. A couple of nights ago, he kept PM'ing me, telling me that it's all a misunderstanding, and that he wanted to talk. I finally agreed to break the silence, and tried to be understanding. He then proceeded to apologize, but in a very backhanded way. He claimed that much of what was said that night (the night of the blowup, which you and others witnessed) wasn't actually said. He then said he had "pictures to prove it". WTF? I mean, the guy is now taking pictures of this kind of stuff, and trying to make me believe that what happened didn't really happen? I told him that I do not trust him at all, but I appreciate the apology. I'm really doing my best to be civil. Since then, I have still not spoken to him, nor will I.

The second person I spoke to about this sent me the following message. Please remember, it has been edited and all names have been replaced and or removed:

Well it started when I first met Yosho, he approached me in the Playstation forums saying how we talked and that I made him laugh. I had no idea what he was talking about but just let it go. Later I questioned him about it and it turns out it was all a lie, he never met me he just wanted me.

Anyway we did wind up cybering along with my ex, she doesn't like to be exclusive for sexual things, and during this time he was going on and on about how he thought of us as his girlfriends. He would also say hurtful things then turn around and say he was drunk or that it was a misunderstanding. He also told me how my ex wanted to be his girlfriend and he also asked me a number of times if I would date him in real life. Well you get the picture he decided he wanted us and wanted us broken up so he could have us to himself.

Anyway the cybering got scary he would push my face into a cushion suffocating me, he would slap me and call me a fucking bitch then force me to tell him I love him several times. He asked for a pic of my ripped panties one time because he said it got him off. He also told me that he collects pics of girls so he can masturbate to them, especially when cybering. One time he told me that he used my ex's pic while he was cybering me cause it got him hot. Well between that and the way he treated my friend _____I decided I had enough so I dropped him from my list.

He winds up messaging me some nasty stuff about me, my best friend _____, the BenchMob, and even _____for good measure. I was furious so I ran around telling people, warning women everywhere about this guy, he didn't like that. He decided to set me up. You see he sent an old booty call of mine, one he calls upon, to come seduce me. I was extremely tempted and even considered it seriously but in the end I said no. There's more I just have to put it in another message.

As it turns out Yosho had a friend of his taking pics of certain parts of the convo with my old booty call. The parts that show I was tempted but not the parts where I said no and that I had a girlfriend and that we couldn't do it but cest la vie. Later Yosho tells me that if I ever talk about him behind his back or do anything else to him not only would he use the pics to destroy my relationship with my girlfriend but he would come after me "I'll make sure you regret it" to quote him. He also tried to turn the BenchMob against me and worse he tried to destroy my friendship with _____, my best friend. I was devastated and had all sorts of dark thoughts which I still haven't told anyone including my best friend. But yea that's my Yosho story...I hope this tale helps anyone who reads it.

As you can all plainly see this Yosho character needs to be put in his place. If you know him, watch out for him. If you don't, watch out for him. He needs to be avoided getting ot know you in any personally way for your best interest.

And YOSHO, I know your reading this, because someone told you it was coming. What comes around goes around!! I was told not to do this by a few people because you will come after me.. OH well buddy, come!! Give me all you got! Just keep in mind, you will be alone and I won't be!