Ok this is your First UNUSUAL Blog. This one actually has no facts, no evidence, no reason. Actually it does have a Reason. This is Called your first rant post, the reason for this is because i have encountered the most Gayest bunch of losers on playstation home about5 ten minutes ago. They were around my friend Mr rogers (Houdrummer) We we're all trying to win a free bracelet fromthe EA sports complex from a private server. Me not paying attetion, i didnt know what to do. I clicked a table and left the controller. I got a call on the computer from adonia, She was checking up on me and we started to discuss business. Long story short i pay attention back to my ps3 and i see 2 of the most lamiest kids yelling at me. You all know my reaction, I let them have it. It was fine Untill he said "report sose"OHHH EMM GEEE.... snitches that glitch?
1st all i want to start with his name. His name is "MapleStory" i don't know about you guys but, in this world when a guy names himself something "sweet..." he's usually concidered that way.
2nd lets get on how he dresses

uhm yes. I don't have to say much do i?? just look at him. he looks like a lil fruity booty. Kellog should sign this guy as a mascott.
3rd, He's anal about wining that bracelet and insulting people because they don't follow directions. Its fine to get frustrated but do not insult people. Don't do it at all, especially to me.
4th, Why snitch? cause ican verbally bash you so you run and tell sony. Good grief. Shouldnt of started the bashings 1st
5th im ranting i can do that.
6th.... this is another example of a gay man on home:

Sir why are you wearing pink!? Ok im done ranting... i guess if people like my rants i will start doing more rants. I like to bring evidence to the table its much more fun that why. But since im popular now. People have been watching their toes on me.