Its you’re favorite home sexual deviant!!! , I’m pirate aka Retiredpirate or bootyfulxpirate
Plenty of you guys know me or have seen me around saying something stupid. You also may have seen my blog with accompanied video. YOU SICKKOS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! Just Kidding, yall know I loved every monkey voice, every Ohhhh Nicole! And I wouldn’t be your pirate if this wasn’t that kind of blog, 8D
Sose, Kelli, Crims, Devine, and many of our “unblockanoobs”(credit to crims if I remember right), deal with Lames by cussing them out and embrassing them right off the server. Not I, I play their games, Hey baby you look fine, mhhhmmmm, the whole nine yards.
As a result of my naughty actions, I get 8=====> pictures big ones, small ones, none as big as your head.And this wouldnt be the soses project if I wasn’t exposing them now would it?
BOTTOMLINE (webcam jacked it)
And plenty of others on my original name that I deleted and a couple guys I consider buddies so I wont expose.
I cant get all my pictures to send right now but if you really wanna see. ill msg u them to prove but im telling you. You don’t wanna see!
Update Jamesbond1972 has finally been banned for obvious reasons but he does have many other names. I still talk to him because its too damn funny. Well I guess the other day someone told him that he was a Pedophile and he was in huge trouble so now hes scared to get on home at all because he thinks the mods follow him! He was harassing me hardcore one day so a mod came down in mod uniform and told him to stop. Jamesbond told the mod “ f U”.. like donias story the mod took james to his apartment and talked to him. And I get the emails . thanks for nothing..u got me introuble.. sony says they are going to ban my whole system.. then preceeds to tell me that he is going to turn me in for cussing! Lol that’s all for now folks
Cya Bitches!