I agree with you Tony but only to a certain extant. The reason i said You should respect women no matter what, Is because they asked you a request and You did not follow threw. You wanted to your way. When a women says "go away i dont want to be bothered" you should do just that or give it a second chance by saying Hold on... let me explain, then state you peace. If she is still not trying to hear it. Then thats when you should respect her wishes. 3rd time is Too may tries. See after That the potty mouth didn't show up untill there was off the wall comments. In kelli's case she said and disrespected you on sight. thats when you should have ignored her but you didn't you stooped to her level and called her a "ni66er lover" (anti RACIST BUTTON WHERE ARE U!!??) Even then when we got into that argument with crims. You said "how dare you pick white trash over me" This is a Two sided blog, Don't trip tony i do blog girls too. I just don't Find as MANY as the guys... The ratio of PSHome is 10 guys to 1 girl. Because Of the bench mob™ sanitarium network the gamer girl ratio for the sose project has gone up. More women are respecting this blog and every hilarious post. Im not saying this is just for women gamers no no no. Its just you GUYs are being such assholes to women thats all im gettin is lame ass guys.
Scenario 2 about the girl hitting guys you're right a man has a right to defend himself... absolutly right but most women don't even go there most are un confrontational UNLESS they are some psycho bitch who wants something from you and won't stop untill they get it or simply just a love sick female. In all , all im saying is if a women says go away... respect her. you keep standing there sayin you want somethin and she keeps goin off on you. STOP trying...
Enough of that rant... now back to the BULLSHIT!! W00t!!
i Seen ty144, This dood was a bitter HATER.... nuff about em Moving On.
Ok Listen... this is none of my business sure, I know this. I don't know if this is real... if he knows her if she knows him if they live close... etc etc. because i asked them. She said she known him for years... he said they lived 30 mins away from each other. I Really don't understand if its like that.... they just couldn't call each other on the phone? i mean... then her names was "rainman" but she did say she was on someone else account...hmm last time i checked PSN was free... she couldn't make her own? i mean she allready had on defualt avatar cloths. It practically made no sense... everyone was watching this and told me to take pix of it. Its Certified PSdating™.
They can both retort if they want. I'm just stating my opinion...
DJ lowboy and SigmaWarninja...
Wow what can i say. Two lame ass niggas Mad because no female wanted to talk to them. They started running their fonts disrespecting women. both look like bitch ass pop stars....pherrel williams from the neptunes. and Trey Songs AKA Gay songs... can't help but be gay... watch for these losers ladies...
words of Deja... Seacreast out!!