If you all know... Jasmine angel int he Playstation world. I kept my mouth Shut about that avatar...The reason being is because behind the scenes i exposed that avatar as a guy... YES it was a guy. An Asian Guy named paul. Who tried to find chicks on PShome as a chick.... she he SHIM. Was running around home cussing at the guy avatars, But Cup caking the female Avatars...There we plenty of times where...IT would lie about stuff like "house arrest" attempted murder. Constant stuff. Like that. 1 Day when i cussed it out. HE sent me a message with a Heart. Saying he was jealous of Sose.... her friends her life, and he wanted love...he eventually made a chat for himself and sose...(mi amor i love you forver and always chat.) everynight he would chop it up with sos... then stuff just stoped adding up. I decided to Grill his azz... you know... Sosefie his azz... and What eventually happend was he fell "inlove" with sose. It was funny as hell how it all just 1 min he hated Sose then he loved her? huh? i grilled him so bad that he confessed that he was infact a Dude... and that he was bored. I told him the tell the truth because you cannot be in love and be fake. He had too many dude intrest in gamming. So 1 day while at Jess's party, Some girl walks up to my avatar and says "u know jas?" i say yes... she says "its something u need to know about jas" i told her i know EVERYTHING ABOUT JAS. Not to put jas on blast i still kept it like the girl knew it was a girl (if u seeing this now spotlightgamer, i knew jas was a dude since april) She told me that jas was in love with her and she was scared of jas cause jas had things and secrets about her. I told her that i have Jas on gag order for what Jas had told me. SO i brought the chick n the chat and put Jas in a compromissing situation. It was funny as hell... he tried to lie and say he never loved her that he loves sose...lol, i sat back and laughed my azz off. It was a damn shame... look@ the pic below...
Yea Why you beg to be With her????? HUH HUH HUH cupcaking on ps3... the Fuck...?
what gave him away was the constant... non stop emo shit with him needing sose... he needed sose for what???Plus the constant call of duty he played. From day 1. It was talkin shit to guy avatars... and then trying to be good to chick avatars and telling them he loves them. rediculous and sad...i played jokes on Shim playin along with this "love" thing just to... get information out of him. He let lose... told me just about everything. That Deasin was his cousin... jasmine the pics was an old friend... and he just wanted to find love... why? i dont know. he could of stuck to 1 girl avatar... but he was a home lesbian ho... flipin from chick to chick... lol
Sorry last post got fucked up i had to edit it... but thats my evidence. He talked to me on his vixen account w/mic with myself and Avii... in a ps3 chat, we sat on xbox live laughin at em like... wow...
Lol i even told him to do some gay shit... and he agreed...
Well I had Jasmine on Gag order Since i knew everything and he didnt really want me to put him on blast. But Fuck that... since i put myself on blast... IM AM NOT HOLDING MY TONGUE Everyone on fuckin blast....
Thats not the end of Jasmine angel thats just the most of it... i wont say his real pSn I'll let this dude walk away. since i SHut his ass down for 2 months...
Falling in love with sose = is a Sin...
Kaos Da Goon
Kowack AKA. Kodakcam
awwww nigga what... you thought you was safe?? its pretty pathetic how you argued with me for months that its ok to look for chicks on ps3. Try to say you don't do it, but then Justify it and compare it to lovemeet.com or Match.com. He even told me he wanted to start his own blog... of what he likes... when i sent him lisa's pix he ended up following me around even more and flirting more and more with my avatar. We tried to stir him away from that cause he was a cool guy. But NOPE Even Then he still did it on the low. It was annoying. Even When we made up the story about CJ and lisa going out. HE STILL DID IT... it was annoying... he tried to lie alot by saying he has a gf. But we all knew he didn't specially how he claims he's not a gamer but allways on home following chicks. It was amazing. And nuts...He constantly followed me and Avii around. Everyone would complain about it. Till 1 night we all got on mics and clowned him BAD. he deleted the SoSe Name. Now i see him hanging around Mayflame ALOT. its funny.
Kodak. You can't lie, you wanted that avatar and the lady in those pics. regaurdless its lame to just go on playstation and cupcake chicks. hanging with them is fine....