The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Southern Gentlemen's Retort
I really never planned on actually posting a blog, but what the hell (since its obvious this is what you want me to do.) After all, there are 2 sides to the story but only one truth. It’s true that the CJ encounter was actually me just playing with him. As far as the sose avatar, hats off to godly for a brilliant performance and the ability to stay in character. Here is our debate: Women should be treated as ladies no matter what…
I will take the opposing side of this debate. First let me clear the definition of the southern gentlemen. Back in the yonder years, southern gentlemen believed that a woman couldn’t do a man’s job and had only two places, the kitchen and the bedroom. Also whatever the man said was law and she obeyed. Well, I am part of the modern southern gentlemen. We believe in equal pay for equal work. A woman can do a job as well or better than a man. Chivalry is not dead but today’s women are killing it. The term lady does not automatically apply if you are a female. Just like only giving birth doesn’t make you a mother. Being from “the boot” the only women we exempt from the statutes of being a lady are blood relatives. In other words, my mother, my sisters, and my daughters will always be treated like ladies no matter what. Keep in mine this is only on individual basis. As far as wives or girlfriends, they are not exempt. If your wife or girlfriend conducts herself less than a lady, you dissolve that relationship. Don’t get concern yet. A true lady can be 49% bitch and 51% sweetheart. What a true lady doesn’t do is challenge man in disrespectful manners unless it’s warranted. A true lady never provokes a man into a confrontation. Gentlemen make attempts to decline the confrontation. However, once it’s determined that he is no longer dealing with a lady, the field is leveled. He no longer displays acts of chivalry but resorts to the protection of his inalienable civil rights. No one is worthy of immunity if they are asking for trouble. If you have a little bitch Chihuahua nipping at your heels constantly, no matter how humane you are, you are eventually going to foot it across the room. It is hypocritical to suggest that people are none emotional beings and should just lie down because of some concept. People are all born with the instinct for self preservation. If a female is attempting to kill me with a weapon, I am not going to tell her she is hot. She is no longer a lady, but she is in a man’s place. She will be dealt with accordingly. Being a lady is not a loose term except only where I said it was exempt. If the female is car hopping and being a harlot, then she is a harlot not a lady. The southern gentlemen embrace ladies. I repeat that doesn’t include all women. So, when you have a member of RUBz being a Chihuahua and I constantly asked her to stop, then yes it is time to either kick her ass or take the newspaper to her.
So godly, we all start out equal in this world. We all have to earn respect. The southern gentlemen automatically treat women as ladies. It is the woman who decides when she is no longer to be considered a lady not the gentlemen. Once that woman has fallen from that royalty, she is what she is. That is the way of the southern gentleman. Anyone else who says women should be treated like ladies even in the event they are conducting themselves otherwise is pissing down your back and telling you that it is raining. What I would like to see is more equality in your sose project. There are females out there who are just as guilty as being lames, flaming, and faking. Trust me, if you honestly believe you would adhere to your skewed interpretation of the southern gentlemen then you should really spend more time getting to know yourself better. Maybe you lost yourself in your character Lisa. LOL. I challenge you, what would you do in scenario #1: female attacking you with a knife and she blocks your only exit. Is she a lady? Scenario #2: female punches you in the face. You turned the other cheek. She punches you again. You attempt to grab her hands. She breaks free and punches you again. You try to run but she is tagging your ass like Layla Ali. This scenario in itself warrants gentlemen to find recourse to a solution without striking her. Now people, today a woman can literally fuck you up. Tai Bo and all sort of conditioning exercises make her a worthy opponent. Scenario #3: If a man can never hit a woman, then all of the video games like Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, and countless others are guilty of advocating domestic violence. Hmmm, it is accepted because these women have placed themselves in position that no longer protects them from the “you can’t hit a lady rule.” Now keep in mind, a man should never hit a woman because she is talking noise. A man is allowed to defend himself only on the same level of the attack. If she is talking shit then the man can only talk shit. There is nothing a woman can say to make him hit her. Period! It is time for women who consider themselves ladies to take responsibility for their actions when they act less than one. Under no circumstances is a person subject to humiliation, degradation, and denial of the worthiness of breathing God’s air based on what is between a person’s legs. Be it male or female. This is a message from the legendary, Tony the Great…