You know you doing something Right when they celebrate a birthday on PS3 for an avatar... may 14 is not my birthday... its may 27th... and i'll be 26 2morrow... not 21
Because im me, You bitch ass niggas are Still not safe from being put on blast, And i first want to start with D fucking No money...
We ran into dude yesterday on home and i told em who i was. Even then this lame ass nigga didn't believe it. He was on shock, He even Left for a while to SOAK it all in. Cause at that moment he had Ant following us for a week, he was trying to talk to my avatar. Pulling it to the side tryin' Chop it up. The whole 9. Dmoney has been in love with my avatar for 3 months. Thats a god DAMN SHAME YOU think about someone like that over a playstation. Mean time i was sitting back just Laughing at this dude while me, kelli , nikki be on the phone. I would constantly ignore him. He would constantly Bitch about "not spending time" LOL! don't u guys Remember this??
and to Ant, I don't care if you gonna read this or not, or never had the internet or a computer don't know how to Type "WWW"or whatever nigga. I'm not the 1 who takes playstation home seriously like you do. Like i said playstation home is to be WHO EVER THE FUCK YOU Want to be. I chose who i chose to be TO EXPOSE! Lame fucks like yourself. You got a fuckin problem i suggest you check your own mentality mr i never used a computer...matter fact that kid is a poser not to mention he was folding up for the "5 seconds" he was trying to get at kelli when she didnt want him.
To no Apz, I was Mad Cool with you till you came at me on some disrespectful shit. I didn't want part of it, So everyone else let you have it. I stayed out. I still wanna say im still cool with no apz i didnt even wanna take it to youtube like that. I was wrong for posting that niggaz pics on youtube. But he was man enough to drop a video. What baffles me was he wanted to cut girls and shoot them with paintball guns... thats where he fucked up...
To Ty144....FUCK U FAGGOT!
It's1 thing when... You want to expose someone but you just can't because You're caught up into a delimma. But because i don't feel that its right at all. And their is no More rated U for me. I don't care. Im dropin t he Bomb on this 1...
-- Da Dee...
I have to say I was AWARE from jump. Chyna Saved you from gettin blogged But im not holding my breath no more. I have to speak my Mind as a man. I held on to all this information for too long and it has to Come to a Close... When I met Dee, Avian already had said he was lame and Wanted to Target Him And because we HAD NO IDEA. That Dee lives with his real GF Chyna, We were all for it. The day We found out Chyna was his girl We was all ready to set up a scenerio for dee. We ended up Drawing back. Why!? because I Slipt up and Chyna heard me on my mic found out who i was (chyna was the 1st to almost break the operation). When we all Sat dee down and chyna we brought them both in to save us from breaking it with Ty144. he had a huge fuckin' mouth. We ended up Not letting Dee have it. But we all know girls talk. And because Dee knew what i do, He stoped doing it over the playstation so i wouldn't put him on blast. He tried to talk to chicks nonchalantly with a chick avatar and stay up with them. I even found out he was beatin his meat on Cam with a chic on playstation. Like WTF!? he posed to be with us but instead of him exposing people. He's being the EXACT LAME that they are. So after we cleared that up and talked about all that. He said he would go back on track. This nigga thought We was STUPID. He drifted off, He thought because We are playstation related that i wouldn't be able to put his azz on blast... and because... he DOES live with his GF and she piratically took him in (she's 32 and he's my age, 25) He took everything for granted and Does what he wants while she pays all the bills. Granted he DOES work now. But Still thats not right. If a women was bi-sexual, take you in and Let you do what you want to do. But then you go and Take that for granted. Me as a man I would be kissin that womens feet and changing her grown ass kids diapers... All to just stay with her and love her? Nigga what the fuck is you thinking?
You thought because you didnt Do it on Home we wouldn't find out tho right? i have plugs on the internet too nigga. yea Windows live messange... yahoo messanger... AIM, all that... I found out about the calls to japan... (WTF!??)contemplating about loving chyna if you even still wanted to be with her. If your still sexually attracted to her. Telling other bytches u love them...THE FUCK Is wrong with you man? You thought since i did it on ps3 that you were going to slip away and do it on the PC. This is my 1st Unhome related onblast moment...I remember getting those calls from Chyna and listenin to her cry tellin me she caught you up at night doing your dirt. I But she Sat up and Told me Not to put u on blast... She begged, pledded she said she will try to fix it. Well i will not hold my breathe no more about it. Its been going on for too long...
I will no longer hold my breathe. I heard about them dating sites too... I heard about the phone calls. I mean thats what you get when... you do shit to women. They rant... to they friends when their being done wrong. Whatever she told sheri... course it got back to me. I was just told not to do nothing about it. Lets not forget how, When we got on pShome he tried to cupcake adonia... and at 1st thats who was going to get more dirt on you. We didnt even have to plug her in with you. YOU PLUGED YOURSELF. But since shit hit the fan, I will not hold my tongue.
To every women who knows "da Dee 85" He has a women and her name on ps3 is... DANGERCHYNA Stop trying to pretend like you only got a girl nigga when you want to invite another girl in ya'lls bed. Thats bullshit.
I am lookin for a new direction with this SoSe Project Shit. Don't think im going to change the concept at all. It works. people love it. They love the videos that get posted... the blog ETC. After all that im glad we dropped the characters because I Rather be myself... Myself is who people love...