"Can i fk?"
"Want to fk?"
"Do you like Fking?"
What The FK!?
Uhmmmmm What THE UNCLE FK!!??
I don't need....omg... You know what i need? a virtual circumcise-errr, Just to chop these fkers lil penis's off and possibly microwave it and feed it to them with KETCHUP !!! im sick of this sht...
The Xbox is the Devil on playstation home.
People, Lol just for fun go on PSHome and mention Xbox.... you'll get stuff like this....
I have never Witness a bunch of console bashing in my Life....lol but these are Sony's fans and they are the MOST loyal. They will Buy anything with a sony logo on it.
Well its 5am and i'm just up Ranting.... lol don't forget to join our forums if you would like to tell us about you're experiences on home... feel free to post people there.... i have threads in Categories that describes each type of lame on home. If you see any of those types. POST THEM! just dont bash them. Say what they did and the team at the sose project will get right on it. Mite even feature you in the Exposal itself... LOL YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTUBE!!!