words of Deja, Seacreast OUT!!!
The SoSe Project Logging Internet interactions within my peers. exposing, encountering, opinionated but never Taping into Reality from Virtual Reality on Playstation home & SL
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Jasmin Angel is - Going back into charector
Apparently This person "heard" about the sose project And "heard" what i did and what i was doing. Now, I don't know what to believe with this Jasmine person. 1st it was paul (PSN: EnZain)
Well after arguing with this lame for a good half hour The vixen account Decides to log in. Let me Fill you on all in on this. Each Psn from this person has different persona's Theirs "Daesin" who was supposedly a damn cousin. JasmineAngel Who is supposedly another cousin staying with "paul" And then theirs the Real account EnZains which is paul. It makes no sense, Funny how When before "jasmine" was setting me up to get close to me. Didn't work i gaged that bitch so bad she was afraid to get on home. I delibratly treated him or HER like SHIT. for 2 months, I even made them say shit in front of people it was damn funny. regaurdless all I asked was the truth. Some reason i got "i told you what you wanted to hear" i didnt Ask "paul" to come out and say he was a guy. I didn't ask paul to talk on jasmine's mic... to fall in love with lisa, I didn't ask non of that. Do i care for jasmine? hell no i dont like asian bitches...besides That account Jasmine, and paul hit on me. And Paul signed on ALL 3. Now that all of a sudden I put myself on blast Jasmine returns??? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i would youtube all these peoples messsages because they are damn funny... but i rather not for the simple fact that. Its lame its boring and We all need the truth. Flip is the only who heard "jas" talk on the mic but who knows if Jas wasnt some girl that paul put on the mic to play as jas. To Me Jas isnt Real untill the Bitch sits infront of the PS3 came with the mic with PAUL sitting next to her and whoever ELSE who lives in that house. AND NO not the Fake bitch, The BITCH IN THE PICS! till then Jasmine is fake...
Stop Trying to Cover it up now that you're on blast, You can't take me down you think you can. You Can't you're not as good as i am. I would have never went down if it wasnt for personal things that happened. I exposed myself.
I let my guard down in that "te amo chat" and didnt record anything because i didnt feel it was nessesory. I thought i got the truth from "paul" he said he pretended to be Jas to talk shit To guys He said Jas was an old friend and he still had her pics, all of a sudden she lives with him as a cousin again... Why? because i Told the truth about him. So heres my thought. WORLD go to paul, Go to Jasmine, Go to Angelo, Ask these accounts to get on cam. get on the mic. Prove something because your story isn't straight. And When they DO get on cam ask them about the expierences you had on home with them and the things they said. Everytime my mom would get on the mic with jasmine angel, Jas wouldn't talk but she has a mic... so its fishy...To be honest i think these people are real and Paul is pretending to be them without their knowledge... etheir WAY JUST PROVE IT. thats all i ask...
words of Deja, Seacreast OUT!!!
words of Deja, Seacreast OUT!!!