On 1 note theirs 2 sides. to Each story. I'm in a ball here. so here it goes. I met tonydagr8 threw retired pirate back in feb, He seemed to like to cling on to women. He Did follow me around for a bit trying to fit in i guess.. He is... a computer major and does. Write for the sun Java for the sprint phones... 1 FLAW i see with tonydagr8 is his lack of respect when a women disrespects him. NO MATTER i do not CARE. If a women gets smart, you do not go off and stoop to her level to respect you... period. For tony to be from the South. He should know better. I had a 1 on 1 talk with him he said and i Qoute "You respect woman untill they act like a man, then you treat them like 1" well i don't agree with that not 1 bit. I know me and tony are cool, Now. But i still live by the Rules of "noone is Safe." you get blogged thats it...
In the End i have no problem with this Guy. Publicly i HOPE he can change his ways to how he acts towards women. He's a Good Guy GRANTED but when things hit the fan, he acts like he caresless for human life. Maybe a temper issue i don't i know. What i do know is that he followed kelli around when she didnt want to be bothered to try to appologiez to her. Some women do not like confrontation... He shouldn't have went with the racist... taunts etheir... uncalled for... Not the "nigga lover" "white trash" non of that... i don't care what people say to you. And his debates are Reasonable. To a CERTAIN EXTANT... I mean Im Ranting. This is how i feel. Ladies again... you can give tonydagr8 a try BUT please don't get into an argument with this guy... That sentence alone. is BULLSHIT. I would never treat a women like a man because she's running her mouth.