There is another so called gang on home that calls themselfs the Blue Crew, it wasnt even a gang or crew to begin with. Information i got from my friend C4later stating that she saw a bunch of avatars in ice breaker clothes an wanted to be friends, then formed a clubhouse and everyone she invited at the club so far agreed with the name Blue and True. Over the past day or so she had other ppl with admin controls of the club invite random ppl to the club an found out that they were forming a "gang" behind her back, C4later tried to to host meetings about rules for the club because she didnt want to have a gang. Things just got out of her control and she decided to destroy the clubhouse, even tho the club was deleted the ppl who were in the club still wanted to recruit ppl and stated that they will have domination over evryone and the homelings.
I met one of the members of the "Blue Crew" named CMac410 when the EA space first came out and he kept ranting about how "blue crew has over 50 members, we dont take shit from nobody, BLUECREW!!! BLUECREW!!!!" blah blah, shut the hell up! Then today out of the blue another member was talking about how ganster he was and how he's apart of a gang called the Blue Crew and how theres over 150 members. I was hangin out with the Benchmob(TM) and he just so happend to be tryin to hit on one of my friends named LuCyBaBeY69 and she was tellin him to stfu lol. The other "Blue Crew"members name is Maxlord3 and Kelli was recently recruited to there so called gang to get more information out of them if possible, also my sister SweetVallery was able to getin to the crew as well and she just tells me its lame and pointless.
Well this guy named Ghettokilla1981 is beyond creepy. He is psyco, a stalker, stupid, twisted in the head, and argueing with him is like talking to a brick wall. Jex/xXFemmeFatalexX has been dealing with this guy for months now because he fell in love with her an she didnt want to take it that far, but he doesnt get it an she is fed up with him, The Benchmob(TM) and all of her friends are fed up with him, i am especially fed up with his lame ass. Jex stated on Valentines day things were getting too serious and he wanted to do things that she didnt approve of, basically he told her that he was going to visit her in real life an she didnt want that, got freaked out and didnt want to be friends anymore.
He got vengeful and started attacking her friends for no reason. He kept making different accounts just so he could message Jex. He now targets the Benchmob(TM) and jumps servers mostly just to find them and cause a scene, talks crap about Jexs friends, accuses people of things they didnt do. He even tries to add people he hates on his friends list just to call them and try to talk shit, nobody wants to talk to his ass over the damn virtual phone then he states that all americans are scarred. He also claimed he was a womanizer once, that explains alot about a guy who wont leave a female alone after the fact that she didnt want to be friends anymore. He kept stating that he would prove everyone wrong, travel to her house and send us post cards over her PS3 to prove that he is right.
This guy is Brittish and is from the UK, his avatar is white as powder and his hair is bright red. He looks like a damn paintbrush LOL
Thats all i have for now, if anything more interesting comes up i will blog about it.