I met this guy 1 time for 5 fking Minutes. I realize this is the WORST kids i've ever met on home. He referes to himself in a 3rd person perspective. He thinks he's gods gift to Playstation home or some type of Celebrity. His catchphrases are similar to... THE ROCK
"The sisqois thinks you're cool"
"the sisqois says you're a loser and not worthy to be in my eyesite be gone"
"the sisqois is the cooliest and your peon's are nothing, out of my eye site losers"

lol Look at this kid. he even tries to dress like the rock... hahahaha. You're a fking loserm you're not a Online celebrity, as long as i've been popular on home ive NEVER HEARD of "Sisqois" and if that really is your true first name. I blame ya mom for being a drunk bitch for naming you after a RnB singer with tendencies... i mean sisqo the singer is not gay... he just HAS tendencies... and you my friend equal up to it. Not to mention he's the reason Some of my friends go modded. I think the Sisqois is a SET UP by the mods... cause 5 mods showed up and sisqois goes around provoking people on purpose and the mods where only talking to the people fighints sisqois back.... here's proof...
its a Mods WORLD!.....

the Guy in the Red jacket is the mod... When sisqois appeared THEY started appearing Frequantly afterwards like it was just the thing to do... and booting people LEFT and Right... just for saying subliminal things about someone.... can you say UNBLOCKABLE!??

Curtisy of adonia (thanx babe for takin the pix of the mods) They took her back to their apartments and tried to lecture them about their conduct. I personally think its bullshit and out of hand because not only did that mod Adonia for no reason. They also got Sharkcity, Flystar, My sister maria (well she deserved it she bluntly said curse words) And Get this. Because my cousin Avii was clowning 1 of them (this his name is Alv something its inthe pic above but i can't read it) about lookin like afor samari. He booted Her 5 times. It was the same 1 who booted me for saying he harrased me. I think that mod overdoes what he's supposed to do. I hate the mods and their little red jackets... piece of shhhs. always bootin people for no reason...

Fk yo Table nigga.... says adonia... yea DANCE all over his shhh!
in conclusion i Say fk the Sisqios and fk the mods... and thats the bottem line cuz Lisa T said so!